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Approved Starship Balun's Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter

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Manufacturer: Balun Vale
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Length: Average
Width: High
Height: Average
Size: Average

Original Art by Angelos Karderinis.
  • Hyperdrive.
  • Standard Comms system.
  • Sublight engines.
  • Sensors.
  • Hornet: This modified S-91x Pegasus is designed to be fast and maneuverable, making it the perfect craft for guerilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics. While it cannot compete against larger spacecraft like Star Destroyers, this vessel can match standard Interceptors in Starfighter combat.
  • Custom Modifications: The S-91x Pegasus is a significantly modified vessel fitted with technologies taken from Locke & Key Mechanics during the theft of a larger Freighter. Due to these modifications, Balun's starfighter is equipped with advanced Electronic Countermeasures, a solid defensive shield, and an encrypted communications suite, making this Fighter an exceptional craft among its class.
  • Moth to a Flame: The modified S-91x cannot be expected to withstand the assault of Starships larger than Cruiser-Class vessels. Immensely ill-equipped to overcome such threats, this Starfighter is instead honed and utilized for dogfighting or air-to-land surgical strikes.
  • Hunk of Junk: The S-91x Pegasus is an older model of Starfighter originally found by Balun Vale, appearing to have crash-landed in the wilds of Corellia. Though Balun had some help in the form of his Master Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire , much of the patch-up work was done by the boy, one lacking the skills of a professional. Due to this, the S-91x is prone to suffer power imbalances, faults within its primary systems, or outright shutting down mid-flight.
The S-91x Pegasus Starfighter, commonly called a Tri-Wing, was an older model craft manufactured around the time of the old Republic. This particular vessel was found by Balun Vale upon the world of Corellia during his stay at the Green Devil Inn. It was by mere luck that Balun had stumbled upon the downed craft when roaming the countryside; a lone pilot was lying dead in the cockpit, decomposed and evidently been there for quite some time.

Seeing great value in the idle hulk of the Tri-Wing, Balun contacted his master, Julius Sedaire, in the hope of committing to repair the small craft.

Having recently acquired a Clifford-Class Freighter for Clan Terentatek, the Freighter held some valuable cargo in Locke & Key Technologies. These pilfered assets would undoubtedly become crucial in cleaning and repairing the S-91x Pegasus. With a little help from Julius Sedaire Julius Sedaire and his crew at the Green Devil Inn, Balun got the fighter transported to their shop and spent many an hour out back, tinkering and toying with the newfound prize. Like a child with a new toy, the refurbishing of the Starfighter quickly became an obsession that Balun would never be satisfied with until it was the very best of its class.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a unique Starfighter for Balun Vale
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Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus Starfighter

Technical Information

Affiliation: Balun Vale
Model: Tri-Wing S-91x Pegasus
Starship Class: Small Craft (1-50m)
Starship Role: Fighter
Modular: Yes
Material: Durasteel, Starship Components
Armaments: 2x Laser Cannons, 2x Proton Torpedo Launchers
Defense Rating: Average
Speed Rating: High
Maneuverability Rating:: High
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Passenger Capacity: 2
Cargo Capacity: None
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