Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ban: Nanotechnology Conclusion

The Cartographer said:

Well, so much for the A.I.s that were partially created that way. Not all of us tried to use it to make our characters invincible, you know...
I don't want to presume, but I suspect that any and all submissions that involve nanotechnology that were created prior to this ruling would be grandfathered in and kept.

[member="The Cartographer"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"]
So, why is there this ban? Are they THAT much of an issue?

I would just assume that any thing that would be problematic or OP would just be Denied in application...

And any EMP, ION, Sith Lightning, Destroy droid / ionize would probably just kill the person who had them.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
On that scale, most nanomachines aren't like tiny little robots like we think. They're more likely made of various proteins assembled in such a way that they behave in a predictable, useful manner.

Sanya Val Lerium

Neutral, Queen of Her people, Neko
[member="Romeo Sin"] yes that dose also mean Canon

[member="Durza the Zealous"] we are aware of previous nano tech and a species that utlises this,([member="Darth Vornskr"]) anything prior to this I am going to confidentially say they are free to keep it as it is.
But Canon Tech is Canon! It already exists!!!!

If previously existing characters and objects made with nanotechnology are going to be permitted, then that would include the Canon tech, too!
[member="Sanya Val Lerium"]
I'm actually wondering what the reasons for the ban are as well.

Not all nanotech is the spawn of satan. Some do have practical uses for healing and surgical applications - as current medical research is pushing towards. Very niche stuff, but so nanotech is to begin with. Now it's uses in a lot of sci-fi have been over the top. But again not every use is to make one invincible.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
... What about micromanaging tech? Bots, that aren't nano, but affect someone on the cellular level, for example?

i.e. Darth Punchyou has a robotic arm that he used to replace his sliced-off one, and this arm has been secretly manipulated with Sith magic to make his flesh slowly necrotic, and when it falls off, to replace the organic material with a little more metal.

On the cellular level.

Yes? no?
Just avoid the word "nano" in your submissions and you'll be fine. It's a cliche and overused concept in the science fiction field that hardly qualifies as "canon".

Just look at that entry and how much it does not encompass. Nanotech is going the way of the dragon - it's just too advanced for Star Wars. Avoid it. You'll be fine, I promise.

All previous submissions will be grandfathered unless they're reported.
Tefka cleared it, apologies for it being so blunt and my absence in the thread. Was driving home from work. Like Tef said, avoid the cliché word nano and you're good. I understand that everything isn't the devil when it comes to it. There's not enough on the wookiepedia to base anything "canon" on or to use as a base reference.

It's not the end of the world guys, the entry is vague and you're still capable of building the things you want. Think outside the sandbox of the Factory.

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