Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ban: Nanotechnology

From the current discussions something was brought to my desk. The thought of nanotechnology, is something that is in Star Wars among other things it's common in most Sci-Fi genre. I fully understand this. It has a range of possibilities and applications. Some has already been in effect on the board as of current. (Pretty sure it's a species). Though, the wonderful nature of nanotechnology and the fact that it functions on a microscopic level opens doors to make it a possible super weapon and/or to create immortality. These are things that function outside of the rules of norm and in turn creates unfair advantages on a player vs player scenario.

To create a better playing field something that is more even, I will be banning all Nanotechnology that functions on creating an immortal state for technology, NPC, and PC characters. The topic of Nanotechnology in general will be judged case to case, but any nanotechnology that is applied to the concept of “immortality” will be denied outright.

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