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Bane Rade, The Animal

Arjant Clevenger

Name: Bane Rade

Faction: New Order

Rank: N/A

Species: Human

Age: 22

Sex: Male

Height: six feet

Weight: 205 pounds

Eyes: Amber

Hair color: Dark Brown

Skin color: Caucasian

Force sensitive: yep

Strengths and weaknesses

+ Knowledge of unarmed combat and and warfare

+ Strong from his training with graug

+ Fearless to anything...even to Krag

+ Handsome and...well, not really a strength unless he wants to hook up with a girl

- Anger Management problems: he gets ticked off that easily and has an uncontrollable rage. That's how he earned the title "The Animal".

Moderate Intelligence: he is not that smart unlike his brother

- Traumas: you can thank the graugs who experimented on him and his sucky childhood.


Muscle built from training with graugs and working out in his cell. On his chest are signs of graug. Markings done by a sharp dagger all the way down to his hips. On his arms he has tattoos (the tattoos looks like Batista's). And on his back there's another marking made by the Graug that says " Animal" in Graug due to his violence that is worse than a Graug.

Son to a Sith officer and a Jedi Knight, Bane has two siblings. He came out weak but he still remained happy. Until, his father said something stupid about Krag who was the leader at the time.

The Sith was executed while his mother fled to the caverns of the planet. From that point the children would be raised as Graug warriors. This is where Bane's rage and anger kicks in as he tried his best to protect himself and his sibling from torture but only received punishments that were too painful. But day by day his rage and violence grew and soon he could no longer be controlled unless he was drugged. To the Graug they noticed he would become a violent warrior that would be worse than them.

At the age of eight he was separated from his siblings and placed in a cell to be experimented. They taught him intelligence but they didnt really focused that. They focused on increasing his violence that he became a monster and made him stronger and put him up against Graug veterans who he beat up some with his rage that keeps him going in a fight. They noted him and taught him the ways of warfare and close quarter combat.

At the same time the priests kept on experimenting on him, replaced his mind with a new one and carved markings of the dark side on his flesh. They continued teaching him how to be Graug and on carved out two words on his back that translates to "The Animal".

After experimenting on him Bane suddenly killed the priest for carving marks on his body and got away with it. In his mind his only family was his siblings and his parents.

As of right now, he lives in a cell kept in secret. Its also good for him cause he can put dents in walls to release his anger or he would kill anyone in his way. He promised that he would show the galaxy the Animal and kill the person who made his life a horrible one.

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