Basic Information
Name: Baniss Luk
Alias: Luck
Force Alignment: None
Force Rank: None
Species: Duros
Race Designation: Reptilian
Age: 37
Gender: Male
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 220 lbs
Build: Slender
Eye Color: Red
Hair Color: None
Skin Pigmentation: Blue
Force Sensitive: No
Faction Information:
Faction Name: Red Nebula Fleet
Faction Rank: Captain
Profession Rank: Captain
Employer(s): Terminus System
Master(s): None
Mentor(s): Vaudin Miir
Apprentice(s): None
Successful Student(s):
Significant Other: Single
Parents: Quelban and Areta Luk
Siblings: 6
Offspring: None
Extended Family: None
(+) Spacer
(+) Fleet Tactics
(+) Military Training
(+) Deep Space Veteran
(-) Stubborn
(-) Not a fighter
(-) No force
Notable Possessions
Armor: Armorweave jumpsuit
Weaponry: MT-14 blaster pistol
Primary Transport: Dominance-Class Battle cruiser
Property: None
Notable Vessels: RNF Holdlaw
Force Powers: None
Born in the Terminus system to a family of smugglers, Baniss grew up in and around starships his whole life. He worked for years as everything from deck hand to maintenance aboard various starships and when the Outer Rim Coalition took vague shap he joined as a member of the Terminus system defense force. Upon the decline of the loose aliances that made up the Coalition, Baniss along with other like minded members of the defense force used credits and bits gained from various disreputable ventures to purchase and crew a fleet named after the Red Nebula in the Terminus System.
Acting much like a vigilante anti-hero the RNF patrols the Terminus system capturing pirates and other unwanted kinds of scum and keeps the general peace in the many space lanes that intersect in and around Terminus.