Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bant - The Exile Sith


Name: Ezio Talfough,
Adopted Name: Bant,
Preferred Name: Bant,
Age: 20
Eyes: Yellow,
Height: 1 meter 65 inches
Weight: 75 kilograms
Skin: Pale White
Species: Human
Force Senetive: Yes
Medichlorian Count: 10,225
Force Rank: Sith Apprentice
Faction: None
Rank: Freelancer
+) He can deflect mind tricks,
+) He has a very strong will,
-) He cannot deflect advanced mind tricks,
-) Even though it is not easily done, his will can be broken,
Ship: None,
One red single bladed lightsabre,
One standard Viroblade,
One standard blaster pistol,

20 years ago on an Outer Rim mining planet Ezio was born. His family owed a large dept to the planet's government and were forced to work in the mines for a pay rate of 3 credits a week, all of which was used to pay the depots they owed. So Ezio was left home alone most of the time. Each night his mother had to scavenge decent scraps from the Nobilities.

Soon his mother developed lung cancer, every breath she took was a painful one. She died a harsh, slow death. His mother was buried in the small peice of land they owned. His father didn't care about him as much and died of exhaustion down in the mines.

Ezio didn't take his fathers body and he was given a 1000 credit grant, he decided to go to a cantina. A game of Sabaac, he decided to try his hand against the Republic officers that were playing, after a long match he won Sarbacc and a fortune.

When Ezio was walking home he was attacked by the Republic officers, he managed to kill them and panicked, if they didn't' return to their ship it would be suspicious...

Ezio knew of a Sith Ship nearby, he went to it and soon was discovered to be Force Sensitive. But the Sith way was wrong to Ezio, who had adopted the name Bant. He decided to set out to change the Sith. He exiled himself from the Sith.

Bounties Collected:

Coming Soon.

The Traveling Wanderer

Oh my Tardis is so buetiful and sexy... *walks up to the Tardis and strokes it*

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