Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Baran Do Sages

What's happened to them in the chaos canon? Have they been relatively left alone, or did some Sith Lord purge the entire order in an obscure threads three years ago? Are there any active Baran Do characters on the board?
[member="Corin Tal'verda"],

[member="Jaxton Ravos"] was in process of teaching me Baran Do techniques a while back, I'm not sure about the actual Kel Dor characters who are Baran Do, but depending on which faction holds it I think it would be alright to just say they're still around and have them teach you as NPCs
Werah was trained by a Baran-Do NPC, and I could find any mention of them being wiped out or anything like that. Being trained by them, Werah does know many of the Baran-Do teachings, but his main experience with the force happened later under a different group of FU's.

[member="Corin Tal'verda"]
Thanks for the information guys! I was considering making a dedicated Baran Do, or at the very least having Corin visit them to get some cultural interchange or somesuch.

[member="Roon Ganar"], [member="Werah Unon"]

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