Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Bardone Tujorh

Bardone Tujorh

NAME: Bardone Tujorh
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Massassi
AGE: 30
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 280 lbs
EYES: Black
HAIR: Non-Existent
SKIN: Crimson


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Physically powerful. If one thing should be noted about this behemoth, it's that his blows are formidable enough to break bone, and break wills.
As a result of his physical condition, his endurance makes most of his attacks do next to nothing when it comes to draining him. He is only taxed when a battle is drawn on for quite a while.

There are notable draw backs though, one of which is his vulnerability to force based attacks. Not knowing a proper way to guard against them, he succumbs again and again.
He is also extremely wrathful, one wrong word, one word gesture, and he is ready to draw blood. This is another one of his faults as it constantly places him in situations he should never be in the first place.

Cascading layers of muscles encompass his crimson frame. His obsidian eyes are framed by various tentacles which drop from his face giving him a more sinister appearance.

Raised on the planet Kalee, to a slave band. Bardone rose from his shackles when he was just a boy. His captors noticed the boy's sensitivity to the force when he was in his teens. They used him as an enforcer, he would keep his so called kin in line, or so they thought. He promptly turned the sword on the slavers. After which he'd make the survivors feast on the corpses he had killed after which they too fell. Soon after the creation of the golden sun sith cult was founded. His primary task was to destroy as many Kaleesh as possible. Which he did. His followers would always encircle him, for his ferocity attracted them and they would help him in partaking of the destruction of many Kaleesh which they enjoyed.

After which some time he migrated to Korriban but promptly left after the Jedi had taken over the planet. Now he lives in exactly the same place of his birth.



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