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B'Arin Graad

B'Arin Graad

Shield of Mandalore
B'Arin Graad


NAME: B'Arin Graad
FACTION: Mandalorian
RANK: Initiate
SPECIES: Human (Mandalorian)
AGE: 43

HEIGHT: 1.9 meters
WEIGHT: 100 kilograms
EYES: Green
HAIR: Brown



Mandalorian: As a born and raised Mando, B'Arin was infused with strong military training, versed in a wide variety of weapons and tactics
Unyielding: B'Arin refuses to give up, even in the face of overwhelming odds and physical harm against him. Pain does little to stop him.

Honorable: Though it sometimes has no place in a fight, B'Arin is a firm believer in honor in combat, and will let his opponents live if they yield, even if it would be better for them to die.
Short-Sighted: More of a physical disability than others, the injury that gave B'Arin his signature scar also left him with reduced vision in both eyes.

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Like many other Mandalorians, B'Arin grew up on tales of Mandalore the Resolute (Emberli). It was through his efforts that the Mandalorian people survived. With such tales, it was hardly surprising that B'Arin aspired to be as mighty as the man who held the Mandalorian people together through the Gulag plague and the following darkness.

As soon as he was old enough, B'Arin began to train in the warrior culture. Blasters, explosives, squad tactics; the basics of what it was to fight as a Mandalorian were beaten into him, sometimes quite literally. There was no challenge too great, no task too challenging that B'Arin would not take on.

After his sixteenth birthday, B'Arin began the traditional rites of a young Mandalorian and sold himself as a mercenary. He had no interest in petty revenge or raids on farmers. From the beginning, B'Arin sought the most difficult opponents he could. This lead him to clash numerous times with pirates and slavers across the Outer Rim territories.

In time, he made a name for himself as a stalwart man of strong repute and uncompromising morals. Slavers were a particularly favorite target for the aspiring Mandalorian, one that made him many enemies and earned him the scar across on his face. Wearing it as a badge of honor, B'Arin returned home and joined the main Mandalorian military as a proud Mando.

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