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Barr Narr


Barr Narr
"It’s not stolen officer, honest. I mean, technically it’s a steal for you at these prices?"

[SIZE=11pt]Age: 29 years old
Gender: Male[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Species: Rodian[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Height: 5' 9"[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Weight: 191lbs [/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Hair Color: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Eye Color: Blue[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Homeworld: Unknown (Coruscant)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Residence: Narr-Trading Warehouse Coruscant[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Force Sensitivity: No[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Trained: N/A[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Faction: Indie[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Rank: Merchant[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]"Rodia is a dive, Coruscant is a dive, I mean, let’s face it - pretty much everywhere is a dive.."[/SIZE]​
Like many Rodians, Barr was born on his [SIZE=11pt]homeworld,[/SIZE] and required the permission of the ‘Grand-Protector’ of ‘All-Rodia’ to leave the planet. Locked within the domes of his people, which formed a protective shield over the cities and people who dwelt within them, the formative years of Barrs life was dominated by the desires and expectations of his father, also known as Barr Narr (Senior), or Narr the Elder. A members of the Rodian Hunter Caste, Narr the Elder was a demanding parent, one who expected his son to follow him in the trade, and do his clan proud, indeed the very idea of his son doing anything other than becoming a Hunter for the Clan, was abhorrent to Narr the Elder.

As such, Barr [SIZE=11pt]Narrs[/SIZE] future was set in stone when he made the choice to follow his own plans, and become a Merchant. Securing himself a job on one of the Merchant Houses ships, the Wealth of Rodia, under the famous Rodian Guild-Captain, Orn Fal Tarr, he was immediately disowned by his father, for joining ranks with a ‘Traitor to the Clans’ and turning his back on the way of the Hunter Caste. Barr hid on board the ship, a large cargo hauler, until it had broken out of the system - and he was therefore safe for him to pursue his own ends.

Over his late teens, Barr managed to work his way through the ranks of the ship's crew, working a variety of jobs and roles across the vessel before one day being promoted to the rank of ‘First Mate’ - the right hand Rodian to the Captain himself. For nearly five years he worked and became friends with the Captain, until an unexpected pirate raid [SIZE=11pt]savaged[/SIZE] the ship, raiding it for its supplies and killing the Captain as an example to the other members of the crew.

Barr, who took up the captain's chair, was left devastated by the loss, and for nearly a year the Crew went from deal to deal, being ripped off at every turn as their captain failed to negotiate or hold true to a deal - the grief of the loss of a man who had been like a father to him, clouding his judgement at every turn. After almost a year of being constantly ripped [SIZE=11pt]off[/SIZE] however, Barr and his crew had had enough.

Refocusing their attentions on profit and better deals, Barr and the team turned their focus inward, to the rich core worlds. Setting up a warehouse on Coruscant, they became the go-to trader of choice, dropping off [SIZE=11pt]world[/SIZE] by world on month long trips around multiple planets, flooding in goods and luxuries to the Core, from the distant worlds of the Rim.
[SIZE=11pt]"Business is good, so that means...keep your blaster ready."[/SIZE]
[SIZE=11pt]Barr, ever the pragmatist, as an acute eye for detail, and spots a bargain with ease. However, within his trade risk is a natural part of daily life, and as such Barr Narr is known to have an aggressive streak, and is not above reacting to a confrontation with violence should the occasion call for it. [/SIZE]

Barr has a keen intuition for loyalty within friends, and trust does not come easily to him - he prefers to have something to hold over those he associates with, either a contract, payment or some other form of collateral.

[SIZE=11pt]"Sometimes I add quotes and forget to fill them out."[/SIZE]​
Chapter One - Coreward Bound

With his ship and his crew, Barr was intent on sourcing his wealth and fame in the merchant life of the Core, glutted with wealth and influence as a nexus of the Sith Empires power, Coruscant was the prime location for a budding trader. With Rodia still locked down by its Protector (effective dictator), Barr was ideally placed to become one of the best traders to the planet, and established contracts with traders across the world of Rodia and beyond. Mostly trading down the Corellian Run, his crew of adventurous young Rodians soon found itself supplemented with some of the natives recruited from the worlds on their trade route, including Gamorreans and Twi’leks.

Poised on the edge of greatness, Barr began his adventures; taking off and heading into the nearby systems around Rodia, he started off as a simple courier, his ship and crew getting by on the fruits of these labours alone as they built up a web of trading contacts in and around the mid and outer rim. Soon they found themselves moving heavier and hardier cargo - livestock and much more besides. This heartier income lead them to a position wherein Barr Narr could refurbish his trading vessel, which in turn stood him in good stead to become a much more successful free-trader.

Ever watchful of the traditions of his homeworld, Barr ensured to have some of the most beloved and valuable goods of each of his ventures stored in a special 'deal room' at the heart of his ship, in which he would meet, flatter and dine clients in the hope of securing great income from his this. This long standing tradition is something that he has carried over from his time on Rodia into the present day and into his business, and he always ensures that there is a hearty stock of goods on board at any time should a potential buyer come knocking.

''She's a stout vessel make no mistake, but she'll treat you good.''
Designed for the long haul, Barr Narrs trading vessel is a stout merchantman, replete with a large magnetic cargo bay and a modest home for the small crew of the vessel; as well as charging ports for droids. In terms of weaponry, it has a mere three rapid firing blasters on swivel mounts, one on each side of the cockpit and one on the nose of the ship for defence mostly against space debris. Within the vessel, the trading room is the most well-appointed area with a sizable table overlooking the cargo storage area.

[SIZE=11pt] [/SIZE]

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