Barris "Chubs" Hadley
NAME: Barris Raymond Hadley | FN-4355
FACTION: The First Order.
RANK: Private First Class, First Order Stormtrooper Corps.
AGE: 19.
SEX: Male.
HEIGHT: 6'2.
WEIGHT: 86 kilograms
EYES: Brown.
HAIR: Ginger.
SKIN: Caucasian.
+Well of Optimism: Despite the growing dangers that life may throw at him, Chubs is always the optimist, often trying to look on the bright side of life.
-Country Bumpkin: Chubs grew up on a rural farm. He isn't some city slicker. He's a country boy at heart.
-Untested: Chubs has so far been untested in the realm of combat.
Chubs is a larger male. Although his fat has been shed, he is stoutly built. Unlike many of his comrades, Chubs doesn't hold any scars or the like. He suffers what some mockingly call 'Baby-face syndrome', where if he was without the helmet, he'd be mocked and derided. Freckles are scattered around his face, and his eyes radiate a deep brown. His skin is pale, and his hair as red as a firey blaze.
Barris Raymond Hadley was born on the rural planet of Thakwaa. His father Maurice and mother Zenya were farmers, who worked the land and grew crops. Hadley was born the last of five siblings, and because of that, was doted upon by his parents and older sister Gail. However, thanks to his siblings jealousy and penchant for beating their brother upside the head, this special attention never impacted him adversely to mae him either acutely narcissistic or properly spoiled. Barris was something of a chubby child. He always ate a little much, and constantly went back for extra helpings of desert.
Hadley received a rather insulated upbringing. He socialised with kids his own age from the local town, along with his siblings. Barris was not exceptionally bright as a student, and because of that, up until his late teens, he only considered his parents farm as the only career choice he had. However things would change.
It's difficult to explain how big of an impact Gail had on his life. She would be there for him, and during his younger years babied him, and played with him. The two were inseparable, until one day, Gail ran. Barris felt scared, and feared his sister dead, until a letter was returned home. Gail had run to Dosuun, rather than run the farm as she had been groomed, she sought a career off world in the First Order's navy. Barris felt hurt and betrayed by this revelation. He thought he and his sister shared everything, and part of him selfishly wanted her back so he could talk to her. It was like he had lost a close friend.
When Gail returned home from military exercises, Barris was cold to her. He did not outright refuse to talk to her, but her attempts to reproach him fell onto deaf ears. She had left him, and for that, she was worse than scum in his eyes. She did try to explain it to him. This notion of there being a larger Galaxy out there. That he needn't be stuck home, but he poo-poo'd it. That was the last Barris ever saw of his sister. After Gail left, Barris became more rebellious, and began to hang around in the local town, becoming smitten with a young woman named Dori.
Her visit home was the last bit of rest leave she had before she was deployed on her first assignment. A loadmaster for fancy star destroyer, the FIV Wrath. The Wrath went down over Kaeshana, a small planet the First Order was attempting to terraform into a new ecological paradise. Pulled down by Galactic Alliance allied Sith. Barris only found out about his sisters fate two weeks later, when two stormtroopers arrived at the family arrived at the family home, with a box of Gail's effects and a hologram. The first was from some commodore who wore a cape. The second was from some other man.
The other man said he served as Gail's immediate commander, and told them of her final moments. How she had spent her last minutes freeing him and two others from beneath a broken durasteel shelving unit. That there wasn't enough time for her to get out. Barris felt shattered, and guilty. How had he done this? Betrayed his sister, and managed to let her die with him hating her? Over the next weeks, he mulled over his future. The consensus in his mind was that there was no life for him on .
Decidedly, Barris left his home, and the town, his love Dori, and enlisted in the First Imperial Stormtrooper Corps. Barris had no idea of the hell, or the pain which would grip him. Thanks to his husky nature, Hadley painted a target on his back. he drill sergeant called him "Chubby" or "Chubs". The moniker stuck, as Barris, sweated and toiled through his training. By the end of it, he was as fit as a fiddle, but the name stuck. Although he had been tormented by his peers initially, Chubs found camaraderie with them. They weren't all that bad, and some felt something of admiration for the young stormtrooper for having lost so much weight. However, by the time Chubs' training had finished, his window to avenge his sister was over. The war had finished.
Nonetheless, Chubs craved the friendships and enjoyed the environment of the Corps, and stayed on. Helped that the pay was good too. With this in mind, he continued to work as a stormtrooper, at the most junior level of private.