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Bartender I Really Did it This Time [Bar Thread - Open to All!!]


The lights flicker above the bar, casting a dull glow over the smoke-filled room of the Last Chance Cantina. The hum of chatter and clinking of glasses is constant, though the air is thick with tension. An old Twi'lek barkeep with a permanent scowl serves drinks like it's his personal vendetta against customers, pouring shots of Corellian whiskey with precision. The space is cluttered with mismatched furniture, and the walls are adorned with faded holo-ads, their colors long faded. A brawl breaks out in the back room, loud crashes and grunts echoing through the establishment as someone yells for the bouncers. But that's the usual here on Nar Shaddaa.

In the game room on the far side, the sound of darts hitting the dartboard mingles with the laughs of those hoping for an easy score in the sabacc tables. There's always someone willing to risk it all for a quick win—or a quick loss. Every corner has a story, every patron a history, and tonight, it's no different. Just keep your credits close, your wits sharper, and your fists ready if you're brave enough to join the brawl.


Objective 1: Drink, play darts, challenge someone to an arm wrestling match, and just generally enjoy the dive bar atmosphere!

In the dimly lit corner of the Last Chance Cantina, the sharp thwack of darts striking the board rings out, blending with the constant murmur of conversation and laughter. Gamblers and smugglers alike lean in, their eyes narrowed in focus as they throw their darts with practiced precision, wagering small credits on each throw, while their hands wrap around glass after glass of glowing, fiery liquor. The drinks flow like water—cheap, potent, and plentiful—served in battered mugs or cracked glasses, never questioned, always refilled. The air is thick with the heady scent of alcohol, sweat, and competition, as the dartboards become a battleground where both skill and luck determine who walks away with their pockets a little heavier—and who'll find themselves buying the next round.


Objective 2: We drink and fight! Join the bar brawl and have some good old fashioned drunken fun!

You're in the thick of it now. The faint sound of a fist meeting flesh echoes down from the back, where a proper brawl is in full swing, throwing both thugs and scoundrels in a haze of dust and violence. The bar was a powder keg waiting to blow, and tonight, it finally did. The first punch came from a drunk Chagrian, too many credits down in a game of sabacc, throwing a wild swing at a smuggler who had, unfortunately, made the mistake of laughing at him. The hit sent the smuggler crashing into a stack of crates by the bar, and in an instant, the room erupted. Twi'leks, Biths, and Humans alike were caught in the chaos, shoving and throwing blows with reckless abandon. A Nautolan found himself slammed into a booth, sending drinks splashing across the floor, while a Wookiee roared, tossing a zabrak into the jukebox with a growl that made everyone in the cantina flinch. Blasters went off, but nobody was shooting to kill—yet. Chairs flew, tables overturned, and the air was thick with the scent of sweat, smoke, and spilled Corellian ale. A droid serving droid tried to intervene, but with its programming overwhelmed by the sheer anarchy, it merely beeped frantically before being tossed aside like an empty bottle. The bouncers, overwhelmed and clearly outmatched, struggled to maintain control, but it was clear: the only thing that could stop this was the blaring sirens of Nar Shaddaa's law enforcement—if they even bothered to show up.

Just have fun!​

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You've been hit by... you've been struck by...


Kinley was walking through the back room with a frothy beer in a cold mug. The smugglers moon was an oasis for criminal scum and The Last Chance Cantina had the dive atmosphere she was craving. Usually she was running some scam for Black Sun but tonight she was just laying low. Eventually her smarmy boss would come calling and she would have to deal with that but right now the woman was content to just get drunk and forget her troubles. There was nothing like a nice game of pool to forget either.

She made her way over to the pool tables where a group of Swoop bikers were playing. She stuck one of her hands in her leather jacket, and leaned against a support beam, drinking her beer and watching the game. Finally a large human male with a large gauged ring in his ear noticed her watching and walked over, the pool cue still in his hand.

"Something I can help you with sweets?"

"Yea I got next."
She nodded towards the pool table and frowned as the man started to laugh.

"Sorry girly this is boys night! Chicks can only stay for one thing."

Kinley raised her eyebrow at him and sat her beer down, then walked up close and rubbed his cheek. He grinned at her but that grin soon became a howl of pain as she reached up and ripped the large gauged hoop right out of his ear. He fell backward and then came running at her.

"Oh you want some of this??!!!"

It was on. Boys night be damned!


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Jo'Han had heard some of the other Jedi were going to this dive - the Last Chance Cantina, and had hoped to make amends after, well, whatever the kriff happened between him and Aadihr Lidos Aadihr Lidos - but he only caught a hint of conversation before a roar of pain and the beginnings of a fight occuring behind him.

He turned just in time to see a bruised Nautolan collide with his table spilling the drinks across the notes he had been writing on a napkin - words he had hoped to fall back on when the others showed up.

Now it was a mushy pile of ink stained, beer soaked garbage. The Nautolan groaned, still laying across his table.

" You good pal?"
"Youuub should shheeee the other guy" the drunken Nautolan said.

Jo'Han looked. The other guy was a towering, scarred Gammorrean who looked barely injured.

"Have you seen the other guy?"
The Nautolan leaned up to look, then turned to Jo'Han.
"Which one?"

Jo'Han sighed and slowly pushed the nautolan's head back, urging him to remain down for the count before standing and putting himself between the Gammorrean and the Nautolan.

"You've proved your point."

The Gammorean grinned and cracked the knuckles of his massive hands.

A bottle then shattered against the back of Jo'Han's head, thrown from across the room.

Moving back and forth behind the bar, my hands red hot from dunking the glasses in hot water soapy water, cold rinsing water, and then left on the pad to dry. Going round for round with glasses of all shapes and sizes. Once done, I turned around and faced a customer. The rag being yanked from my shorts and drying my hands. An older looking being who was waiting patiently for me. He ordered some mix drink and I nodded my head to him. Looking to the lass beside him, she asked for a simple drink that I could do right away. So I turned around, poured the drink, added the club soda to top it off, threw a straw in and then popped it up onto the counter.

Taking the credits she had, and threw them into the till. counting quickly to return the remaining balance to her. I grabbed my shakers and set to make the guys drink. Throwing in this, and that. Not doing any theatrics just getting it done. Pouring it into the glass, over ice, spun the glass to "stir" it and then popped some garnish of an slice of fruit in the drink before placing it in front of him. Once more, taking credits, returning what was owed before moving down the bar to some empty glasses. Grabbing them and setting them over by the sink to be cleaned later.

The music in the bar was loud enough to be bumping the walls and vibrating some of the items not bolted down. But not quite loud enough that I couldn't speak to customers. Mostly because the speakers were on the other side of the bar so then I could do my job. As one individual attempted to reach over the counter, I grabbed the knife that was normally used for slicing fruit, and threw it at him. The knife smacking down into the wood of the bar right between his fingers.

I mean, it looked sick as hell to do that, but that was completely unintentional. I just wanted to throw something at the dude to stop him from reaching over.

"Watch your hands. Or I will take them and double your tab tonight."

He pulled back his hand well before I spoke to him, but his shocked face reminded me of some kind of image from a game kids liked to play. My smile bright at him as he dropped some credits on the counter and walked away. I walked over and grabbed them then pocketed it.

"Fracking inbreeds sticking their hands over my counter."

I didn't know if he was one, but he was stupid enough to do it when I am bouncing around everywhere trying to tend to my customers.


Objective 2

Location: Last Chance Cantina | Nar Shaddaa
Tags: OPEN

Nar Shaddaa.. he hated Nar Shaddaa, the chaos of the smugglers moon was anathema to everything Reign held dear. Yet duty had called him here, recent conflict with the Hutt Cartel had caused him to return to the moon.

The current business concluded, he had snuck away from his personal guards to find a dive to drink in. Having stashed his lightsaber and more formal attire in exchange for black and gold casual wear.

Walking into “The Last Chance” worked exactly as he’d hoped. The Smokey and dim interior hid the face of the man who’d been on the holo news far too much lately. Here he could just stop and have a drink.

“Corellian Whiskey. Neat. And make it a double”

He said to the bartender. A disgruntled looking Twi’lek that didn’t so much as nod his way before sliding the glass over.

Sipping his drink he eyed the rest of the cantina. Pool over there, darts and Sabaac on the other side. Some commotion near the pool table drew a brief smile. He could blend here for now, without feeling like public enemy number 1.

That was until a hulking gamorrean smashed into his back side knocking his drink over.

<Watch it Pretty Boy>
Said the brute.

Standing, the man rose to his full height, tightly muscled from years of combat he struck an imposing figure, yet he was still dwarfed by the figure before him.

“You owe me for that drink piggy”

He said with a sneer. Causing the large alien to approach.

He would not use the force today, a good old fashioned fight was what he had in mind.

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Laphisto had originally come to Nar Shaddaa to reestablish contact with some of his former Hutt associates. Years ago, they had agreed to supply cargo to the Order, yet he had never received his end of the bargain. He should have followed up sooner—should have made sure the deal was honored. Now, with the trail cold and no leads to go on, frustration simmered beneath the surface. A low growl rolled from his throat as he stepped into the Last Chance Cantina, seeking a moment to clear his head.

Slumping onto a barstool, he let out a slow sigh, his drink held loosely in his clawed fingers. Head bowed, he tried to let bygones be bygones—tried to, but the weight of failure gnawed at him. It wasn't just about the lost cargo; it was the principle of it. He had let himself be cheated, and he didn't take kindly to being made a fool of. Then, over the murmur of voices and the clatter of drinks, a sharp remark rang out across the bar:

You owe me for that drink piggy

The voice was familiar—too familiar. Laphisto's ear flicked, his grip on the glass tightening slightly as his head lifted. With a quiet rumble, he let the Force wash over his sight, allowing its currents to reveal the figures in the cantina. His suspicions were confirmed when he felt the unmistakable presence of Diarch Reign Diarch Reign , though he quickly realized he wasn't alone.

There were others—three more Force sensitives lingering within the bar. Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse . Jo'Han Felcado Jo'Han Felcado . Rin Aikawa Rin Aikawa .His brow furrowed slightly. Why is it that whenever trouble brews, Force sensitives always seem to be at the center of it?

As his Force Sight swept over them, his presence brushed against theirs—not intentional, but noticeable. Like an unseen hand pressing against their consciousness, the sensation would feel like a slight prod at their alignment—nothing intrusive, but certainly felt. Those attuned enough would recognize the source of the sensation: Laphisto.

Standing, he quickly crossed the room, closing the distance toward Reign and the Gamorrean. His arms folded over his chest, his gaze locked onto the brute with cool confidence. With a slow exhale, he let the Force flow through him once more, invoking Comprehend Speech to address the pig-faced thug in his own tongue.

"I don't usually enjoy breaking skulls… but when I do, I make it count. You'd best have friends, swine—otherwise, you're ending up in the nearest trash heap where you belong."

His voice was calm, but there was no mistaking the weight behind it. This was a warning. But deep down, Laphisto wasn't sure he cared whether the brute took it or not. His patience was thin, and the day had offered him nothing but dead ends. If this Gamorrean and his friends were foolish enough to push the issue, then so be it. Maybe a good fight was exactly what he needed.
You've been hit by... you've been struck by...


Why Kinley had chosen to pick a fight with a man holding a pool cue Force only knew. He swung at her like she was a baseball and just like a baseball she went flying out of the park. She flew right in the middle of a large piggy alien and a long haired Viking looking man ( Diarch Reign Diarch Reign )

She got to her feet and winced. She was gonna feel that in the morning! As soon as she got to her feet she pushed the nearest person, the Viking looking man.

“Get the frak out of my way bantha brains!”


The Gammorean bouncer had his hands full. He had originally meant to kick out the hooligan who reached over the bar and disrupted Rin Aikawa Rin Aikawa working, but she handled it quickly with a deft knife throw.

A howl of pain from Kinley Pryse Kinley Pryse pulling some human's earrings out redirected the pig-man's focus, only to bump into a Nautolan harassing other patrons. A quick slam of the nautolan's face settled the matter, but the drunk tripped over themselves getting back up, tripping and crashing into the table of some pretty looking human ( Jo'Han Felcado Jo'Han Felcado ), who stood in the Nautolan's defence.

Not getting wrapped up in that mess, he backed up and spilled another human's ( Diarch Reign Diarch Reign ) drink. He turned around to see what happened, and the human already had an attitude.

<Watch it, pretty boy>

The bouncer said to the human before they started something the Gammorean would have to finish. Another bird-dragon man thing ( Laphisto Laphisto ) showed up backing up, speaking in force-faked Gammorean.

<I can understand Basic you pretentious chit>

The bouncer had been patient, but one more thing would be the final straw. Just one more karking thing.

“Get the frak out of my way bantha brains!”

The rude-mouthed troublemaker who pulled the man's earring out landed between them all.



The Bouncer flipped the table, grabbing a chair and swinging it at the three of them indescriminately



One dart. Two. Three.

Bullseye. Bullseye. Bullseye.

No—bullseye would be an understatement.

Each dart split the one before it, embedding itself into the exact same point on the board.

The crowd watching erupted in disbelief.

Not just at the precision, but at how effortless it looked.

Drystan barely paid attention, his focus instead on downing a tall mug of beer—gulping it down mid-throw, not once missing his mark.

By the time the final dart landed—once again splitting the one before it—he raised his arms, letting the cheers and astonished murmurs wash over him.

To him, it had been nothing. Replication. Pure and simple.

The same throwing motion, executed with flawless repetition.

As the crowd eventually dispersed, Drystan made his way back to his table—one meant for four, though he sat alone for now.

He propped his feet up, pulled a cigarette from his pocket, lit it, and took a slow drag.

There had been a time when Drystan would never have been here—not unless it was for a mission.

But things had changed.

Since returning from his self-imposed exile, he had made an effort to take moments like this—to rest, to recover, to engage.

Once, he had been obsessed with always having an assignment, always staying in motion.

Now? That obsession had softened into something more balanced.

And with his newfound friends, there were people in his life who would be there for him. Who he could lean on, if it ever came to that.

He had come a long way from the man who walked alone. And he welcomed the change.


Braze didn't know why Drystan Creed Drystan Creed picked such a dive of a place to... 'hang out' at. He was seriously questioning the Shadow's tastes. He had to side-step or outright hop over puddles of what he presumed to be some kind of creature's bodily fluids out front, and inside, he had to weave past rowdy patrons, some already half-conscious and others a little too conscious for his liking.

He passed by Drystan and punched him in the arm—hard—before moving to take a seat up at the counter. He had to hop up onto the barstool since his feet didn't quite reach the ground. He shot a sour look Drystan's way.

"I think you suck at pickinghang outs."

Braze flagged the bartender down with a raised hand. "Tall glass of chocolate milk." He tipped the man once he had his drink, then nudged the slumped Nautolan beside him with the toe of his boot, rolling them off the bar and onto their back with a dull thud.

He scrutinized the glass, tilting it back and forth, looking for anything off about the drink before turning and staring at Jo'Han Felcado Jo'Han Felcado briefly with a frown and a wince.

"You're gonna feel that in the morning, I bet..."

He frowned and tentatively took a few sniffs of the milk, testing if it smelled off.

The dimly lit bar was a stark contrast to the bright halls of the Jedi Temple that Mak normally knew, but he felt more at ease here, despite the fact that he was surrounded by a hive of scum and villainy. His skin glowed faintly under the flickering neon lights along with his beard twitching as he leaned heavily against the sticky counter, glaring at the bartender through bleary eyes.

"More Corellian scotch!" he bellowed, his voice a gravelly echo of the wisdom he usually dispensed. One of the bartenders, a scruffy-looking Rodian named Grissk, wiped a glass with a rag, shaking his head.

"Easy there, Master," Grissk replied, throwing a wary glance at the rowdy patrons who had quieted down to catch a glimpse of the Jedi. "You might want to slow down a bit. This isn't exactly the Temple."

Mak slammed a fist onto the counter, sending a few empty glasses clattering. "I'm not here to meditate, you green-skinned bastard! I'm here to drink! Pour me another!"

As the Rodian sighed and pulled out a new bottle, Mak lit up his pipe, allowing a steady stream of smoke to escape his mouth as he looked to his side at the fight that was continuing.


Jo'Han noticed the other Jedi arrive, but a budding brawl innear the table threatened to spill everyone's drinks once more. The Gammorrean was swinging furniture now, thankfully at another group.

Jo'Han gentle nudged the Gamorrean further from the table to redirect the brawl a few feet away from his table. He didn't want to have to clean the chocolate milk Braze Braze ordered off his robes.

"I'll be right back" Jo'Han muttered, lifting the tipsy Nautolan (who had thrown the bottle) to carry them out of the bar and try to get them into a cab before they got themselves hurt further.

Shame that Drystan Creed Drystan Creed and Braze just arrived, but frankly it was hard enough to get a table, they didn't need a punch-drunk stranger passed out on it.

OPEN (bounty hunters also welcome)

Braze offered a curt nod to Jo'han and settled back, sipping his drink through a straw. His green gaze drifted across the occupants one by one before returning to Drystan, trying to make sense of why—of all places—a bar here was where he'd want to meet. Maybe there was some sort of training element to it. Maybe this was just... how guys liek dto spend their time when they got older. Braze couldn't really appreciate or understand this but he was trying to.

The thought still tumbled through his mind. He didn't like this planet... Every time he'd been here, it had only ever brought him trouble.

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