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Species Review Barythian - The Baleful Ones

S u p e r i o r



The Baleful Ones

Drakyn Barythian


Eidolkyn Barythian

  • | Intent | To create a playable species to populate a non-canon planet.
  • | Image Credit |
  • | Canon | N/A
  • | Permissions | N/A
  • | Links |
  • | Name | Barythian
  • | Designation | Sentient
  • | Origins | Ballus Prime
  • | Average Lifespan | ~500 Years
  • | Estimated Population | Scattered, Nomadic
  • | Description |
    • Barythians are a species of near-human aliens that are distinguished by their partially draconic features, namely the horns and scale-like growth that they possess on their bodies as well as fully scaled tails. Their horns grow in a number of distinct ways. Barythian scales grow tougher as they grow older, reaching a hardness comparable to that of diamonds or near impervious metals when they reach adult maturity, without hindrance to flexibility.
This scale-like growth covers portions of their faces, necks, upper arms,​
forearms, torso, and legs, similar in position to where most armors would​
cover. The scales are capable of deflecting most vibroblades and standard​
blaster bolts whereas their tails are capable of slicing and piercing most​
organics or light armor. The rest of their body however is much like that of​
a normal human, and their scales do not hold up against the likes of lightsabers.​
  • | Breathes | Type I-III, Comfortably breathes Type II
  • | Average Height of Adults |
    • | Male | 1.9 Meters
    • | Female | 1.5 Meters
  • | Average Length of Adults | N/A
  • | Skin Color | Varies
  • | Hair Color | Varies
  • | Distinctions |
    • Male Barythians are distinguished as being much taller and larger than the female populace of their species. Barythians are also divided into one of two races, the Drakyn and Eidolkyn. While a Barythian can be born under a specific tribe, they may possess the qualities or distinction of the latter depending on their ancestry. They are more specifically aligned with the tribe that they are born and raised under. regardless of any physiological discrepancies.
  • | Races |
    • | Drakyn | Drakyn are typically characterized by their darker skin tones, ranging from browns, grays, and dark blues. They are also known to be more commonly attuned with the Dark Side of the Force for those that are gifted with Force Sensitivity. Drakyn Barythians are also known to be more aggressive/intolerant to those outside their species with a heavier involvement with combat and war.
    • | Eidolkyn | Eidolkyn are typically characterized by their paler skin tones, ranging from snow white to light reds. Among the Barythians, they typically are often more attuned to the Light Side of the Force compared to Drakyn. Those of the Eidolkyn are typically more docile in nature and often are more known for their agricultural, commerce, and interspecies relations.
  • | Force Sensitivity |
    • | Rare | Force Sensitivity among Barythians is rare, rare enough that they are revered and treated with respect among both Drakyn and Eidolkyn tribes, regardless of their background or status. It is said that they are able to hear the voices of the Temporus Dragons that they are descended from, able to harness a small fraction of their wisdom and strength.
  • | Draconic Ancestry | Though they bear far inferior traits compared to the Temporus Dragons that they are descended from, Barythians still possess qualities that make them extremely durable and capable of having immense amounts of harm inflicted upon them. Enhanced bone and muscle density due to the high gravity of Ballus Prime as well as genetics make them extremely tough and durable as well as noticeably more agile and acrobatic in lower gravity environments. This paired with their extremely durable scales makes them more akin to walking tanks than organics.
  • | Environment | Depending on the tribe that a Barythian was raised in, they may find certain environments less suitable for them. Darykn tribes typically thrive in harsher climates where they are trained to resist the harsh temperatures of the deserts of their home, whereas one from an Eidolkyn tribe may struggle in the same climate.
  • | Soft Spots | Outside of their scaled body parts, Barythians possess an anatomy similar to that of most near humans, and their exposed flesh is about as resistant to bodily harm as any other near-human species in the Galaxy.

  • | Diet | Omnivorous
  • | Communication |
    • | Verbal | Barythians speak in a shared common tongue, though there may be some distinctions in dialect depending on the tribe and region they come from. Barythians have also learned to speak Galactic Basic, growing in its use on Ballus Prime.
  • | Technology Level |
    • Barythian technological standards are up to par with the Galaxy, though their usage of such technology could be considered primitive as their weapons are of more archaic design. While they are capable of producing technology at the specifications that the rest of the Galaxy uses, their own designs are still advanced enough to be serviced in any civilian or militant capacity.
  • | Religion/Beliefs |
    • Barythian religion revolves around the Weave an entity comparable to that of the Force and its so-called 'chosen', though rather than establishing the Light and Dark aspects of the Force as being at odds with one another they view them as two threads intertwined within the Weave as a whole. Those gifted by the Force among their species are titled as 'Chosen' - those gifted with the boons granted by the Weave. The Chosen are often revered as leaders, or prophets among their species, and are often given appropriate respect amongst the scattered nomadic tribes.
    • There are a total of eight different 'signs' that a Barythian can be born under, the sign shifting every year. It is believed to have some bearing on how the Chosen's abilities are based around the sign that they are born under, as well as the personality traits of the species, though it is based purely on superstition and speculation. These signs are named after the eight Temporus Dragons -
      • Bathaum - The Creator
        • Solitary, Passionate, Vain
      • Atami - The Lifegiver
        • Esoteric, Kind, Dignified
      • Maugus - The Warrior
        • Bold, Ambitious, Arrogant
      • Vrael - The Peacekeeper
        • Firm, Just, Fair
      • Krotasa - The Stalwart
        • Reliable, Dutiful, Vigilant
      • Dazaja - The Matron
        • Nurturing, Softspoken, Docile
      • Trava - The Wanderer
        • Free-Spirited, Unbound, Curious
      • Ghodin - The Scholar
        • Knowledgable, Analytical, Wise
  • | General Behavior |
    • The general behavior of a Barythian tends to depend entirely on which tribe they belong to, where Drakyn tend to be more aggressive and prone to violence compared to the Eidolkyns who are more open to hospitable terms. Though not set in stone based on their race, individuals from either of the two can behave as any sentient would and act/behave on their own accord and experiences with those of their own species or of alien ones.
It has been noted that the male Barythian populace tends to be bolder and upfront with their thoughts and feelings whereas the female Barythian populace tends to be a bit more docile. While Eidolkyn have seemed to embrace and welcome foreign influence and wealth, both Drakyn and Eidolkyn seem to prefer to keep largely to their own system rather than venturing out beyond its borders​

Barythians are said to be the descendants of the mighty dragons that once roamed the Ballus System freely, tracing their ancestry back to the first of their brood - the Temporus Dragons Bathaum and Atami from which all Temporus were born and from which the Barythians were descended. There once was a time where Barythians lived and thrived as a singular civilization in the Ballus System during its Golden Age that dates back to the age of the Old Republic living as an independent and free species.​
Early records and research into Barythian history allude to a more unified and sedentary civilization, indicating a great dynasty and era of unity where great cities once dominated the desertscapes of Ballus Prime, architecture of similar design to that of Atrisia. However, after what was recorded as the Great Schism, dating to the end days of the Old Republic, the Barythians have been split into the early versions of Drakyn and Eidolkyn tribes that are seen today. A great number of conflicts that spanned dynasties have been recorded, sundering the population of Ballus Prime and dividing it into what is now known as Drakyn and Eidolkyn tribes that are now scattered across the surface of Ballus Prime and the neighboring planets within the Ballus System.​
Over the centuries Barythian culture has shifted to become more nomadic, scattered and distinctly divided. Drakyn tribes typically stick to one spot unless forced from it, fighting for locations rich in resources, while the Eidolkyn tribes typically are often on the move with temporary cities that can be moved from one location to the next, trading for what they need.​
Drakyn tribes typically seem to produce more warriors and resources dedicated to maintaining a strong grip of the military sphere, whereas Eidolkyn tribes are more likely to produce more artisans, traders and intellectuals over the more economic sphere. Both have managed to retain a somewhat healthy balance one another when it comes to the prosperity of the Ballus System, though their history typically leans into eras of peace and wartime rather frequently.​

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