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Approved Starship Bastion Class Light Star Destroyer

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Image Source:
Affiliation: The Galactic Republic | Allies
Manufacturer: Nubia Star Drives
Model: Bastion Class

Modularity: Modular weapons and shield systems available for future upgrades.
Production: Unique
Material: Neutronium , Laminanium
Classification: Light Star Destroyer

Length: 1,425 meters
Width: 425 meters
Height: 350 meters

Minimum Crew: 7,600
Optimal Crew: 15,200

  • (14) Heavy Turbolaser Cannon
  • (14) Heavy Ion Cannons
  • (8) Hypervelocity Cannon
  • (14) Long Range Ion Cannon
  • (2) Heavy Long Range Ion Battery
  • (20) Turbolaser Cannon Battery
  • (20) Ion Cannon Battery
  • (6) Electromagnetic Plasma Cannon
  • (10) Anti-Missile Octet
  • (20) Flak Cannon
  • (20) Point-Defense Cannon
Hangar: Four Squadrons (36 fighters, 12 bombers)

Special Features:
Maneuverability Rating: 13
Speed Rating: 18
Hyperdrive Class: 1, Backup 10

  • Heavy Armaments
  • Exceptional Defenses
  • AI-Enabled Warship
  • Primary shields must be lowered before firing, and must be recharged before re-activating
  • Reduced speed
  • No warheads
Passenger Capacity: 2,550
Cargo Capacity: 3500 tons
Consumables: 24 Months

Description: The Glactic Republic, in desperate need of newer model ships to combat against aging technology vessels, began to source design ideas and concepts to corporations still loyal to its' cause. The idea behind the Bastion class was one of superior blockade reinforcement. Quite literally the vessel's intent is that of a wall. A ship which is designed to formulate the centerpiece to either planetary defense and determent. The ship has been equipped with sophisticated thermal shields, backed by a secondary generator to provide interim, reinforced defenses for when the thermal shielding is lowered to ensure the vessel has the ability to then fire its' armaments, and while recharging. Included in this defensive package are not only flares but an anti-missile octet as a deterrent to long range missile strikes.

The ship, though considered a defensive ship, due to its nature of being designed as a relatively stationary vessel, is fitted with a large assortment of armaments intended for delivering substantial, catastrophic damage to ships that would venture into its' path. The hangar is equipped with a larger ratio of fighters than bombers to assist with anti-fighter and anti-bomber enforcement, while maintaining a pair of bomber squads in the event that they are needed. The hull is comprised primarily of Laminanium, and combined with similar material to that found on the Acclamator, which serves to further protect the ship from volleys of enemy ordnance if both primary and secondary shields fail.

Finally, the ship had been constructed for use with the integration of Seraphina's Sentinel AI. This advanced quantum computer has the capability of being in direct control of all ship functions, including but not limited to: Weaponry, Shields, Navigation, Doorways and Hatches, Hyperdrive and Generators, Power Sources, Communications, Wired and Wireless Networks, and Circuitry.

Intent: To create a new light star destroyer design for an aging Republic fleet.
Who Can Use This: The Republic, Allies
Development Thread:
Seraphina Shel'tah said:
(2) Heavy Long Range Battery
What kind of battery? Turbolasers? Ion?

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
Reduced speed

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
Speed Rating: 16
I would like to see this lowered further, to what is up to you. Alternatively you may lower your armaments to a degree appropriate.

Seraphina Shel'tah said:
Hangar: Six Squadrons (52 fighters, 20 bombers)
I would like to see this lowered to a maximum of four squadrons.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Remember this ship can not suddenly recover massive gaping holes in the side of it, it can not recover its entire hull magically. If i see this abused or get a report on it it will be pulled.

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