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Battasinjove, the Jedi-Sith




Battasinjove during his time in the Jedi Order

NAME: Battasinjove (Batta and Jove)
FACTION: I am honestly not sure who would take me.

RANK: Jedi-Sith Knight


AGE: 26

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: Average Troig Height

WEIGHT: Median Troig weight

EYES: Blue(Batta), Green(Jove)

HAIR: Blue(Batta), Green (Jove)

SKIN: Green



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Enhanced Peripherals: Both heads are aware of each other's surroundings, making Battasinjove very perceptive.
-Assuming Direct Control: The Force believes in the spirit of fairness, and as such while Batta and Jove are two individuals they share not only a body, but also their connection to the Force. Rather than share the Force the two fight for control internally, only one being able to use the Force at a time. For every post Battasinjove makes a d20 is rolled, and on a 19 or 20 control of the Force is lost to the other head.

Battasinjove was considered the most handsome Troig at both the Jedi academy and the Sith prison where he attended/was imprisoned. However, he was the only one.

Battasinjove was brought into the Jedi order at a later age, but did fairly well, working in unison to be the best Jedi they could be. A citizen of the Galactic Alliance, both Batta and Jove felt not only obligated but honored to fight against the One Sith when the rallying cry came. However, while Jove was ready for battle, Batta was not prepared mentally for the carnage of war. When the time came Batta hesitated, costing both Batta and Jove the battle, and prompting their capture.

While not truly ready for war Batta was a true believer in the Jedi way, eager to contribute to the safety, comfort and stability of the Galaxy at large. Jove however was ready to take the fight to the Sith, and was hurt by Batta’s hesitation. This meant that during the next few months of their capture Batta was able to hold onto his Jedi ideals, but Jove turned to the dark side. This created a rift between them, rendering them incapable of using the Force in unison as they once could, instead causing them to fight for control.

The Sith, while happy with Jove's progress, sensed the division, and would not induct Jove into their order until Batta was turned or his will subjugated. This meant Battasinjove's Sith 're-education’ continued on for several more months, until he was rescued by the Jedi Order. The Jedi welcomed them back, but put them under supervision as they tried to heal Jove, and bring him back to the Light. After three months and a variety of incidents Batta believed themselves to be a danger to the Jedi, and fled in the middle of the night, escaping without putting anyone at risk. Since then they have both done things the other wasn't proud of, but neither has managed to maintain control.

A beater

The culture of exclusion rampant in both the Jedi and Sith Orders.



Well-Known Member
I was skeptical of the title at first, but this is actually a believable and interesting concept! It may be difficult getting anywhere though until/if one of them turns fully.

I have a feeling however that over time in order to coexist they will eventually "grey out" and meet in the middle, while still holding their preference for one side of the other, albeit more mildly than their current situation.

I'm interested in seeing where this goes :)

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