Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Battle for Beskar (Invite Only)

ON BOARD: Jaster's Delight (in sig)
2x Makashi Class Light Cruisers
1x Deliverance Class Star Destroyer
1x Longneck Hanger Ship

Beskar. One of the most expensive and limited resources in the Galaxy. It's popularity, especially to the Mandalorians, was due to the unique properties that it held. It was desired by many soldiers from across the spectrum, as well as by those looking to make a significant profit.

MandalArms' founder held a few reserves of the precious beskar. And once Lori had accepted her role as the new owner and CEO, she knew that those reserves had to eventually be moved for security reasons. Of course it made no sense to move them all at once. Nor did it make sense to transport the beskar on one vessel and move it without escort. There was far too much risk involved and she didn't want to make this little operation a failure.

Lori used to be a well known Rebel fighting against the tyranical Eternal Empire. However Empires and people change. Now she was married into the Elysium Empire, a political scheme brought on by her aunt Rowena Arenais for reasons yet unknown. But Lori's craving for adventures and the opportunities to set up booby traps against her foes old and new had yet to wane. And so she was adamant in being a part of this mission.

Crates dotted her cargohold, unmarked and covered by tarps. So too were the crates hidden inside the escort vessels as well. Some were decoys, some were not. Some held traps awaiting unsuspecting thieves.

Lori sat in the co-pilot's chair, while Arla manned the controls. On board with them was her new friend Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk , the apparent muscle.

She opened up a channel to their small escort fleet.
~Alright everyone, this is the Jaster's Delight. Time to move. The route to our destination will be sent to you in a second. Now I know that it'll seem a little wonky, but in this case the most direct route isn't possible or prefered. The hyperspace jumps will be small and yes, I know that the hyperlane map that I've given you is old, but trust me, it's reliable. Call out anything suspicious. Good journies.~

She ended her transmission and crossed her fingers, nodding to Arla to start once their escorts had sent in their acknowledgements. Then her eyes turned to the transparasteel in front of her, looking to the stars for movement. She hoped that they wouldn't run into any trouble. But with beskar on board, trouble was guaranteed.

OOC thread here. Please adhere to the rules and have fun!
Witch-Captain of the Naefar
Lined up by the boarding torpedoes, the Edikar routine check their blades and equipment. One by one, they put on the thick, blood-red powerarmour, marked with the unmistakable sigil of the Hemstagon Hegenika; The Athysian League's most renown raiders. The light emitted by the small lamps flickers. A mere sign, the warship exits Hyperspace.... A mere sign; They have reached their destination...!

There is silence...

"One can have many reasons to fear the Hemstagons..." Kirki Alcademon Kirki Alcademon 's words sounded calm as she gazed out the void from the transparesteel gold-decorated window. "Their ways are treacherous; They respect no deals that they see unprofitable. No pact with those they consider -easy prey-"

The large Trandoshan rushes through the narrow, ill-lit gun deck of the ship. "AIGHT, YE DOGS! GET TE BARRELS LOADED! CAP'N'S ORDERS!" The numerous corsairs that stood around the rusty deck of the gunship quickly rush on alert. Hardly anyone wore an actual battle armour. Most had work pants, with a patchwork of pauldrons and chains worn here and there on their sweat-covered heavily tattooed bodies. Most were aliens, with few humans; These few were pale; By far more than the norm... The large Trandoshan turns his gaze to the small window slit that stood over the cannon barrel, currently being loaded by the corsairs. Behind them the chains grind against the rusty cog, as the crew lifts the heavy ammunition crates. "We 'unt; For Beskar!"

The Baron-Class Gunship suddenly emerges from Hyperspace in a blaze of light. Seconds later, yet another does so... And another; And another...

"One can have many reasons to fear the Hemstagons... For they only respect one virtue; That, of the bleeding sword. And only when it is their blood, on the sharpest edge..."

Four Gunships sail towards the escort fleet, while the larger shadows of the twin Athysian Warships follow the formation.

"This will be a sight..." Anmetei M'lo Anmetei M'lo says, as he observes the large gun deck before him. He stood against the thick ivory walking stick, while he brought by his lips the lit cigar. He smirks, as he observes the bosun screaming orders back and forth, coordinating the crew as they rush to battle stations. The several corsair crew members rush left and right from bow to stern, carrying ammunition and preparing the Soudforz for the coming conflict... So certain, were they, this could not go unbloodied... "I want'all guns'by the boarding torpedoes" Nayr barks to the crew. "Get all fighters in the void, gun's'at'e ready!"

"Let te' midgets break the dance"
Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon says in a playful twisted tone, as she watched the holoprojection of the nearby void on her bridge. Her hair braided, let down behind and ahead of her torso, weaving like hanging chains due to her body's extreme motion during her speech. "Raise shields and prepare the forecastle cannons! We scare them now; Collect the plunder later!"

"I am not bound by word or pact. I shall be there, if need be. Only if you are, for me..."

Cathryn Stellaris

Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun

Ember Team
In Escort Fleet- Center Left Posistion
NIV- Shadowspear

COMPNOR and NIO SOC had redeployed them again. This time they found themselves among the escort fleet of a rather prominent young lady, helping the cause of Mandalorians. Cathyrn had to admit she respected the warrior culture perhaps more than any other culture out there. They'd borne the brunt of the Sith in the core, and had even joined under the Empire as a subsidiary to their forces.

From their position in the bridge they watched as Captain Ralkar gave order to the crew. Blue screens flashed and flickered, comms chattered. They were suited up, minus the helmets and at their customary little station dubbed the "Team Room." Really it was just a little cubicle they'd set up with coffee and captured sith propaganda posters to piss of the Captain.

But you could do that when you were elite.

Cathryn pulled a smoke free from her pack in a pouch and struck flame to it. Regulations be damned, she drew a deep drag and let the blue puff escape her nostrils. The bridge alarms blared in a sudden cacophony. She watched as blue lights turned to red and the Weapons officer looked up the main platform on the bridge.

"Tangos, incoming. Counting five or more bearing down on us sir."

Captain Ralkar snapped his eyes to the center console.

"My station now."

Then his beady little eyes met her deep brown ones and he nodded.

"Ember, you know what to do."

Cathryn grinned and snubbed the smoke on her boot heel, tossing it into a recycler.

"Yes Sir...."
Vulcan had just finished patching a piece of inner hull, it had come loose at the edge so he needed to nip that before it became a bigger problem down the line. A whole lot of panels needed to be welded shut. However, his attention abruptly shifted upwards as the announcement was made, they were hunting for Beskar.

Said metal is rare, valuable and, strong. It could help with repairs as a few plates needed replacing rather sharpish. But the fate of said metal is in the Captain's hand once they get their hands on it.

The call to arms had been called and the decks ignited into action, Vulcan headed to the guns, getting better at not being stepped on. He took extra few minutes tying up a tether, this way he'll escape the void of space if the hull is breached. He could get to his fighter if he was ordered to, that's probably why he brought it with him. He never misses, well once or twice he missed a target.

Anyway, for now, he was needed here until instructed otherwise.

It looks like there is going to be a real rumble, great, there were so few of those lately. He had stared at the Trandoshan strangely but decided to let it go. No time to wrap his head around that one. Besides he can ill afford to be inattentive.

A few other Corsairs had taken positions on the other guns nearby. So they were all manned and ready and waiting to fire. It's the waiting that makes the air heavy with pent up frustration, silence often precedes a firestorm and the tension is being pulled until snapping point.

He found himself being just as tense as his comrades, he was itching for a fight also. His fingers twitched ready.
Aboard the Jaster's Delight, Val Tessalisk sat at a table with his T-21 blaster disassembled in front of him. Around him were various tools used for maintaining blasters, as well as an oil can for lubricating the moving parts of the weapon. He'd finally gotten around to lubricating the stubborn butt stock of the weapon that would often refuse to collapse at times. Val collapsed and extended the stock of the weapon to ensure that his efforts to remedy the issue had paid off. To his delight, the stock slid forward and backward without issue. He smiled at his success, and began the process of re-assembling his weapon with the speed and skill of an expert. Within less than a minute, Val had re-assembled his blaster and shouldered the weapon, aiming down it's custom holographic sight to ensure that the weapon was zeroed to his liking.

Everything seemed to check out, and he holstered the massive weapon on his back and got up from the table, thumping towards the cockpit of the Jaster's Delight.

"So, Beskar, huh? I heard the stuff is nearly invulnerable. Where'd ya manage to snag a stockpile from anyway?" Val inquired to Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun as he braced himself against the walls of the cockpit.



"The Iron Sun won't be eclipsed. It'll do I say: Drained of Power"

He was tiring of these things. Before him were gathered the greatest military minds of the Final Dawn, excluding the genius of Admiral Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick and General Hayden Stahl. Where the Supreme War Command were insightful, they could be boring. Beyond comparison.

"Yes, My Lordship" Perked up the number one Yes Man, an Echani Vice-Admiral whom had saw fit to make himself indispensable, or he thought he did. "But the Grand Overseer's plan to collect Beskar are far too dangerous. It'd be impossible for us to reinforce him- even if we did have the resources to spare"

"I don't care" Smoke billowed from the tightly packed lips of the Cultist High Regent. "And neither do any of you. You're warmongers. I welcome that...but do be aware our power extends beyond this world, beyond this godforsaken Region: If the need arises, I will personally deploy outside forces to dispose of any threat to our operations"

Whatever resistance to his plans that would have formulated quickly dissipated. With his authority over the Supreme War Command, and by extension the Supreme Council, only eclipsed by the Dark Lord, there could be none.

"Contact Sularen. Inform him I expect zero discrepancies" He paused, gesturing to the door of the Great Room. "Now leave"

The cultist rose from the golden dais seated in front of the grand table and activated the Holo before him.

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Open to Interaction​

Beskar Convoy Escort Force (Elysium division)

Fighter classes are as follows

2 Makashi class light cruisers

1 Longneck hangar ship
  • Even split between the following fighters (12 squadrons)
    • Moon-class interceptors
    • X-class elysium Starfighters
    • Ferrum class light bombers
  • 8 freestar transports

1 Deliverance class star destroyer
  • 1 squadron of Ferrum class light bombers
  • 1 squadron X-class elysium Starfighters
  • 4ish freestar transports

Force Commander Burtch heard the reports and maintained a calm demeanour. Inside his heart was racing and his mind was working several parsecs a minute. His brother had assigned him this mission despite his limited experience in naval combat. He had some experience as a channel pilot dealing with pirates, and had one battle where he had gotten captured, but when he had brought his concerns to his brother Keatoch, Keatoch had explained that the entire task force was almost completely green and Burtch’s own crew had the most experience overall. I guess it’s better to have a commander that has learned from his mistakes than a commander with no experience at all.

The Elysium Empire was building its navy. A navy that needed field experience. Today was the day.

Burtch keyed his holoprojector and a display of the whole area came up. Just outside of firing range was an approaching group of pirate gunships and a couple light cruisers. Nobody attacks unless they think they can maintain the initiative he reminded himself. The pirates were outnumbered, but they didn’t know much else about their ships.

Besides the main bulk of the forces that were provided by the Elysium Empire there were other ships in their force too with an interest in the Beskar. Naturally, there was Loreena’s ship, the Jasters Delight. He would rather one of such importance such as Loreena Arenais wasn’t conning a warship under his command, but he knew better than to give an order that would never be obeyed. If she wanted to fight, he’d use her like any other officer in his fleet.

There was Shadowspear too. A massive 500 meter long close range screening vessel. Burtch was happy about this as his main fighting ships, the two Makashis, were primarily navy snipers. Just the addition of that one ship was enough to turn this entire fleet configuration into a proper escort force. Burtch couldn’t wait until they could start deploying Elysium Covettes of their own. Rumour was, they were nearing completion. But more on that was kept mum.

Lieutenant Silverstrike, the bridge talker, soon announced that the whole ship, and all other ships in the elysium division of his task force were at “General Quarters” status.

Very good, lieutenant,” Burtch replied, using Silverstrike’s new rank.

Burtch couldn’t help but glance towards the starboard bridge wing and see Commander Treyfa at the main weapons command pit. He kriffing hated her. But she was undisputedly amazing at her job. This would be her first real chance to use the Shi-Cho’s highly advanced long range gun director systems in real combat. A small part of him was anticipating seeing her work with the system which she so cherished. The other part of him… well he just didn’t like her. He’d sort that out later…

Lieutenant Silverstrike, inform all ships that have fighters to launch their full compliment. There is no reason to keep them cooped up inside ships that will be targeted soon.

Burtch then turned to the forward viewport and watched all of his own fighters and light bombers pour out of the bow hangar entrance of his ship a very short moment later. He admired their efficiency with pride.
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Objective: Protect the Beskar
Links: Armor, Gun, and Sword in Sig | Beskad Elite | Beskad Warriors | AT-AD |
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk


When it came to beskar, one could never be too safe. Adenn knew that well, had known it for years. Once, it had been far easier for Mandalorians to get new beskar. Now though, with most natural areas having been captured, and Mandalore itself having been strip mined, beskar was rare, very rare. That meant it was valuable and to be protected at all costs. So when he heard an old friend was transporting some beskar about, Adenn came to assist, suspecting that someone would no doubt try to steal the valuable ore.

To that end, two Beskad Elite and ten Beskad Warriors accompanied Adenn on this mission, and as heavy support came two AT-ADs. The Beskad Elite accompanied Adenn wherever he went, while the Beskad Warriors remained near the primary beskar hold. The two AT-ADs were also located there, a final defense and armed to the teeth, all to protect the valuable beskar. As for their ship, it flew with this motley fleet even now, adding its own weight to the force.

All in all, Adenn felt confident that they would be able to hold off most attacks, though for how long was another matter. Then again, many more had come to protect this beskar shipment, and Adenn's vode weren't the only ones present. But of those who had come, Adenn had yet to recognize anyone, though Loreena remained closely familiar to him. Thus, he made his way towards the cockpit, stalking forward to the even thump steps of his bodyguard, even as his own matched them. Once they reached the cockpit, his Beskad Elite left him and took up position outside, heavy steps coming to a halt next to any other guard forces, but remaining silent giants otherwise.

Adenn himself entered the cockpit/bridge, striding into the area and glancing about. For a moment his gaze landed upon the giant Val, even as Adenn's eyes narrowed slightly behind his helm. He had no idea who this being was and thus didn't trust him. But he shook those thoughts off as he turned his attention to Loreena, eyes softening at the familiar face. Stepping forward and away from the door, Adenn brought a hand up and against his chestplate, even as he spoke up in Mando'a
"Su cuy'gar, ner'vod, Bic b jate at ret' tug'yc." (So you're alive, it's good to see you again.) His arm dropped as he returned to Galactic Basic. "We're ready, anything that dares to take Mando'a beskar will face our vodes wrath."

There was steel to his voice, born from the fires of war and tempered with the knowledge of all he'd seen and done. More than most, he knew well just how valuable that beskar was, and how much it would bring to the table. Time would tell if others knew the same, and whether they would hold true to whatever they had sworn to do. Adenn's word would hold true, and no one would take that beskar. It belonged to the Mandalorians, and only they would have it, that he had sworn before embarking on this venture.
ON BOARD: Jaster's Delight (in sig)
2x Makashi Class Light Cruisers
1x Deliverance Class Star Destroyer
1x Longneck Hanger Ship

Lori heard the familiar voice of Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk inquiring about the beskar. She turned her head and adjusted herself in her seat so that she could look at him without straining herself. "Kaine had some of it for use of his company and vod. I'm not sure if everyone working for MandalArms trusts me or wants me as the new owner. So I figure it's best to move some of the beskar to a new location for safe keeping." And without a lot of them knowing just where that is too. Lori had taken a lot of steps to ensure the success of her little operation. And that included her escort fleet.

And then another entered the cockpit....

She hurried a glance to Arla, to which her co-pilot merely gave her a sly smirk. No doubt this was all a part of Arla's own mission from Kaine; to have Lori protected. And with transporting something as valuable as beskar, she'd need it.

"Su cuy'gar, ner'vod, Bic b jate at ret' tug'yc," Lori repeated, her own spoken with a widening smile as she climbed out of her chair and hurried over to Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud , embracing him as well as two people in armour could do. He was her last link to her time training with her Mandalorian family and she wasn't about to pretend to have moved on from that, especially as she inherited MandalArms. "This is such a great surprise! Hopefully our journey will be uneventful. Gosh how I've missed you. We'll have to catch up after!"

Oh there was plenty to catch up on...

She spotted K König Kryze and gave him a respectful nod, just as Arla sounded the alarm. "Multiple ships have dropped out of hyperspace, Captain. They look to be heading to intercept in offensive formation."

Lori clenched her jaw and headed back to her chair, looking at both the sensor readings as well as through the transparasteel viewport. This all came sooner than expected, which meant that either their communications were hacked OR there was a traitor within MandalArms. Both were equally viable in regards to possibilities.

She activated her comms to open a channel to Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch . "Looks like we may have to fight our way through. I think that it's safe to say that it's us they are after. Keep a hailing channel open in case they want to make speeches before they open fire. We'll give them that chance to back out before they are made to limp home to lick their wounds.So prepare for battle."

Lori had a few strategies in mind, yet she had hoped that the battle would be short.

Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon Cathryn Stellaris Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen E Eric Vales
OBJECTIVE: Plunder and Wonder
TAGS: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon | Cathryn Stellaris | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | E Eric Vales | K König Kryze | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk
PERSONAL EQUIPMENT: Sith Swords (Fiend & Solar) | Sith Armor | Battle Skirt | Sith Mask | Green Midnight Duster with Hood | x2 DL-44 | Daggers | Rebreather | Magboots
x3 CR90 CR90 corvette
x9 Nssis-class Clawcraft

I figure stood just in front of the command chair of the The Jolly Roger ii, it was in much better shape than original Jolly Roger the first ship Cord served on as a pirate. Though the first Jolly roger was more heavily modified then it’s stock progeny in name. Cord had started her journey as a Pirate a very long time ago she had grown disillusioned with the force Orders of the Galaxy having served as both a Jedi and Sith. Their Politics were exactly the same the only thing that truly separated the orders was different interpretations of the same ideology. Yet none of that really mattered out here in the sea of stars, it was ancient history almost literally in a sense.

Cord’s eyes stared out the view port into the hyperspace enveloping the ship. Upon her face was a sith mask silver and purple with gold etching of ancient sith runes across it that depicted her sins over a thousand. She wore a long green coat with a hood open in the front to reveal her ancient sith armor and attached to her belt were two ancient sith swords. Her eyes glowed a fierce orange out from the slits in her mask, the outwards marks of the darkness that permanently scarred her soul. Yet despite the darkness that surrounded her and emanated from her and the monster buried deep inside her, she was far from the unstoppable rage beast she once was. Yet not exactly the calm defender of the light she had also once been.

In fact, she was pretty sure once again she was swearing off anything that had to do with orders of the Force. They never seemed to live up to what they claimed, yet they sure as hell liked to brag about it. She was going back to the one thing that ever felt right in her life piracy even if it wasn’t exactly the same with out her old crew and best friends nah her family that was what the old Jolly Roger Crew was family. They were always there for each other thick and thin even against their better judgement and the pirate code they never left each other behind.

Granted the old crew never really had a cause outside themselves unlike now, now Cord had a cause. She was going to steal from those Empires, Orders, and Governments of the Galaxy to build a merchant and pirate fleet, to pay the best damn mercenaries in the Galaxy to go after those that attacked Csilla. The CIS whom she had worked with last in their Knights Obsidian choose to turn a blind eye to the Galaxy, but Cord wouldn’t. They were going to hit this convoy of the Elysium Empire and take the Beskar intel said they were carrying and whatever else was of Value. Then they would put it to good use instead of it getting buried in some greedy aristocrats’ vaults.

The Jolly Roger, along side Cord’s fathers old ship the Pearl, and a Third called the Pumping Pony came blasting out of Hyperspace. Cord’s comms were open to the other Two CR90’s something of a staple for her pirate crew old reliable Corellian ships not even the new fancy stuff seemed to compete with them. Cord spoke across the comms to the other two. “We Hold Back at a distance until our Slicers get into their systems, then we give em hell.” They were vastly outnumbered but that wouldn’t matter if their slicer could hack their systems.

Other blips began to show up on Radar too though. “Who the Hell is that?” she looked to one of her crew on comms that just shrugged. “F-ing hell, I hope another damn pirate crew didn’t try to stake a claim on my plunder.” Cord gritted her teeth and clinched her teeth they were still a distance away keeping them selves just slightly out of reach.
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Beskar Convoy Escort Force (Elysium division)

Fighter classes are as follows

2 Makashi class light cruisers

1 Longneck hangar ship
  • Even split between the following fighters (12 squadrons)
    • Moon-class interceptors
    • X-class elysium Starfighters
    • Ferrum class light bombers
  • 8 freestar transports

1 Deliverance class star destroyer
  • 1 squadron of Ferrum class light bombers
  • 1 squadron X-class elysium Starfighters
  • 4ish freestar transports

Force Commander Burtch dipped his head respectfully at the holographic image of Lady Arenais before him in response and simply replied, “With all due respect, I think they will have to come to us. I will be issuing orders to the fleet immediately, my Lady. Stand by.

Force Commander Burtch addressed his comms officer directly, “Get all of the other captains and Starfighter control on the main fleet circuit, and put them right up on the central holoprojector, Lieutenant Commander.” He ordered in his calm Chiss accent with a slight edge of intensity that offset his usual soft tones. The comms officer acknowledged and moments later, one-by-one, all of the other captains’ faces were shimmering around the edges of the massive holoprojector in the middle of the bridgespace.

Once he saw that they were all there, he began to speak, “We have all met before when we discussed our defensive tactics for moving this convoy of beskar. It seems that what we have discussed will have to be put into practice as we have encountered pirates. Form up into the fleet arrangement that we discussed for scenario 3. To make this clear, the whole fleet will attempt to orbit clockwise around the enemy force as one unit. The intention will be to keep our starboard sides pointed at the enemy at all times. If they change course, we accommodate them so that our orientation to them doesn’t change. The Longneck Hangar Ship will set the pace as it is the slowest.

“My two Makashis will situate themselves in between the convoy and the enemy and just ahead of the formation. They will make a smokescreen right next to our fleet to block out the enemy targeting systems and scanners and remain close. The Longneck Hangar Ship and the Deliverance Star Destroyer will hide in the shadow of the smokescreen on the other side of the enemy with the rest of the convoy. While we all orbit around the enemy formation, Jasters Delight will move to perform interception pickets as a diversion.

“If the commanders of Shadowspear and Aegis Eternum will be so kind, the two Makashi class light cruisers would appreciate some screening support to maintain the smokescreen cover. Be sure to stay out of the Makashis line of fire, as they have long range guns and will be firing on the enemy cruisers very shortly. But stay close to the Makashis so that you can exchange support with them as needed. Keep enemy strikecraft from feeling comfortable near our Makashi Cruisers

“Jasters Delight is being assigned one squadron of Moon-class interceptors, two squadrons of X-class Starfighters, and two squadrons of Ferrum class light bombers. These fighters are for Lady Arenais to command as her own while she runs picket strikes against the enemy.

Two squadrons of the same Starfighters and bombers and one squadron of interceptors will accompany the Makashi cruisers to help protect the smoke generators. The rest of the fighters will remain as a reserve with the Longneck, the Deliverance, and the convoy behind the smokescreen cover. Those are your orders.” He was about to turn off the holoprojector when a thought occurred to him and he smiled. He then pointed at Loreena Arenais and said, “oh, and Loreena? Smash!
Another Corsair had relayed the message that all Corsairs with fighters must head to the hangar to launch immediately. Vulcan had a fighter, so he got Pincushion the Duros to man his gun post as he headed to the hangar. The passages were like a labyrinth, but he did get there after having to squeeze by a wall of people blocking the passage to the hangar.

Reaching his ship and getting in, he booted up the console, reactivated R2 and did the standard checks to see if everything is in working order, after it was deemed fit for combat, he flew out and into space, the fighter's wings unfolding into the attack position at a flip of a switch. R2 began to feed data into the console as he flew. Outside it looked like an angry hive full of equally angry insects ready to clash in a maelstrom of fighting. It is a very different scene from the noisy, sweaty and stifling ship interior that's for sure.

He got into formation with the rest of the mixed squadron, taking up the far left, this could either go smoothly with him getting inside the carrier or in a very high octane dogfight. Any one of those would suit him fine. Now he has to look out for fighters coming for him.

The cortisol made his body tingle and it wasn't an unwelcomed sensation either.

Cathryn Stellaris

Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon

Ember Team
In Escort Fleet- Screening Makashi Cruisers
NIV- Shadowspear

Armored black boots clicked a steady tempo across the deck as Ember raced to the hangar. Inside her helmet she could hear Captain Ralkar issuing order over the open battle lines. The Spear was making her maneuver, weaving down low, providing a supporting fire base for the HMS Makashi. Already point defense cannons thundered and rocked the frame of the vessel as they fired. The high pitch whine of capacitors shuttling energy across the ships systems waxed and waned at different pitches.

"Looks like were in it now!," Ember 24 said, moving up his ladder like a bolt of lightning.

Cathryn dropped into her seat, and reached back to yank her crash harness forward. It clicked with a satisfying snap. Next her fingers roved the switchboard like water flowing through an intricate maze. Red and green systems dots flashed and danced to life.

"Ember 21 is a go. Looks like were flying Delta 2 config. Keep close formation, launch on me me."

Delta two gave them Lasers, Ion Cannon and Cluster missile capability. While they would be weaker taking down larger vessels, their anti starfighter weaponry would quickly level the battle field.

"Copy all Ember 21."

"Spear actual, Ember 21, requesting permission to launch, over."


"That's affirmative 21, happy hunting, Spear Actual out."

"All right boys and girls, hold on to your under suits!"

This was her favorite part. The thrill of the fight, the G forces pinning her body back into the seat. She dialed back the inertial dampeners so she could feel every turn, every bump and every scrape of blaster fire. This was how she flew, by feeling as well as ice cold reflexes.

From the Shadowspear positioned hugging the belly of the HMS Makashi a small unassuming squadron of TIE Defender / D ripped forth. They flew almost wing to wing, two across, two down like a can of sardines.

"Pitch up, arm cluster missiles. We're going to cut through the fighter ball center field then make a pass to clear the hulls of the fleet."

"Copy all, Ember standing bye!"

"On my Mark."

She hovered her feet over the pedals and hands over the stick. Blood surged through her veins, her heart beat like artillery cannons on the battlefield.

Then she grabbed the stick and yanked upward, thumbing various switches as she rose.


They nosed up, and spread like the wings of a moth. A devastating volley of cluster missiles spewed forth from the tubes of their wings into the fray of fighters, detonating against shields, hulls and bouncing to the next airframe. The space became riddled with shrapnel, which made it exceedingly dangerous for non shielded vessels.

They raced in shields arced forward in a wedge, ready to pick off individual stragglers like coyotes hunting the weak and the sickly...
Objective: Protect the Beskar
Links: Armor, Gun, and Sword in Sig | Beskad Elite | Beskad Warriors | AT-AD |
Tags: Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk | K König Kryze | E Eric Vales | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Cathryn Stellaris | Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon


Though there were others on the bridge of the Jaster's Delight, Adenn chose to focus on those he knew, such as Loreena and Arla. The hulking Val TEssalisk and fellow Mandalorian König Kryze were unknowns, and thus to be kept an eye on, but Adenn still knew to trust his friends and allies. In this case, he had to trust Arla as she had called him here to watch over Loreena, and the beskar of course. But right now, Loreena was more important, and he chose to focus on the good of the moment.

And then she came forward and hugged him, startling him somewhat. For a moment he was still, then he returned her hug with a sad grin on his face. It felt good, to shortly catch up with family, but as with so much in recent times, duty came first. It always did, unfortunately. At least something's hadn't changed, such as Lori's optimism, though Adenn himself was far more pessimistic. Still, as the hug came to an end, Adenn looked down at her and giving her a genuine smile beneath his helm before quietly speaking in Mando'a to her.
"<And we will catch up adiik, once this op is done. Don't worry either, you'll be safe, so will the beskar.>"

He spoke quietly 'a so none could overhear, and he spoke Mando'a to further keep it private. But it was also prove a point, to make a promise that they would catch up, when they had the time. The fact that they had no time now was proven by Arla's call. That call prompted Adenn's genuine smile to shift back to the sad smile, showing how annoyed Adenn was with it all. Such raids on beskar were so common that it merely annoyed Adenn. Still, he was at least glad that his vode and he were there now. The pirates near his home planet had come to fear any ship bearing Clan Mortui markings, and it was time to show the pirate scum here why that was.

Thus, as Lori moved to begin her planning with LCDR Burtch, Adenn turned away and activated his own private comms to his vode. Both his personal ship and the vode already aboard.
"<Vode, pirates come as we knew they would. Prepare to repel boarders and show them the error of crossing us. Aegis Eternum, help this meager fleet however they think would be best. However, you know your orders. Fulfill them if these allies cannot properly protect the beskar. Oya vode, they will break against us!>"

That cry was echoed by his vode, even as they complied with his command. Aegis Eternum moved to support the Makashi light cruisers, giving support where it could. At the same time, the Beskad Elite and Warriors checked themselves once final time. Any in visible distance of Clan Mortui's forces would see them seem to shake themselves, clearly easing out of the calm mindset and into the warrior fold. Each of them unholstered weapons and readied them. This ranged from repeating blasters and CQC weapons for the Elite, to repeating blasters and shields for the Warriors.

Any in visible distance of Clan Mortui's forces would see them seem to shake themselves, getting into the proper mindset, before ensuring that they had their weapons in hand. They had their weapons holstered before, as a show of good will, but all were armed now, bearing their weapons with the ease of those who had used them countless times before. With his vode set, Adenn himself turned back towards Lori and the communication as it wrapped up. In doing so he unholstered E'care from his back, giving it a once over before holding it before himself. He was ready and waiting to go, prepped for combat the way he always had been and always would be. It was time for battle, small though it may be.
ON BOARD: Jaster's Delight (in sig)
2x Makashi Class Light Cruisers
1x Deliverance Class Star Destroyer
1x Longneck Hanger Ship

Lori gave Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud a small smile and nod, knowing that they would catch up eventually. Like other Mandalorians that she knew, his word was his bond and there was no shortage of stories for them to swap. But such was life in the Galaxy at this time. There was hardly a moment without conflict on either side of the map. She had just been fortunate enough to be out of the thick of it.

Until now.

Her attention turned to K König Kryze as he asked to run a security scan. Although Arla tended to be on top of those things, at the moment her co-pilot was focused on the enemy ships getting into position. "Permission granted." Hopefully nothing would be found. And yet the voice of E Eric Vales was broadcasted, causing her to furrow her brows. It was hard to determine whether he was warning her about himself or others.

However, all of that was pushed aside as Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch 's voice and holoimage came into view. Lori had put him in charge of the fleet and he was quick to take up his command as soon as trouble arose.

Earlier they had all gone over tactics and strategies through simulations a number of times, so they knew just what each scenario consisted of, depending on what enemy ships they'd be confronting. Scenario 3 was the one chosen for the moment, and Lori couldn't be more excited if she tried, for this scenario allowed her to use one of the finest weapons that Kaine had ever made for her Mom. And that was the Plasma Lash. Jaster's Delight was outfitted with it.

And now she had gotten the clear to use it.

"Understood!" Lori quickly made her way back to her seat and buckled herself in. "Strap in everybody and hang on to your butts!" Gleefully she took the control of the helm from Arla and left the formation with the squadrons moving into flank positions.

Arla opened the channel for her to the squadrons, while flipping a number of switches to get the plasma weapon charged and targets picked. "Those gunships are slow, but powerful, Captain. It'd be a good idea to hit them first."

"You heard the lady, we're going for the gunships. Keep the enemy fighters away from us as we get closer. I want to get in real close so that there's no room for error and I'll need to remain steady! The first hit will surprise them, but the second won't, so prepare for the retaliation!"

The best thing about space was that they could attack any target from any angle. Most chose to go dead on. But Lori wasn't like most people. She dove the Jaster's Delight low, doing barrel rolls to avoid enemy fire that came their way. Yet once she managed to close the distance between her ship and her target, she kept the Jaster's Delight steady.

"Weapon's charged and ready, Captain."

"Wicked!" Lori let Arla retake the controls while her hand hovered over the button that would launch the Plasma Lash. She held onto the anticipation for a moment longer before slamming her hand on the button as her eyes remained glued to the transparasteel viewport. In an almost hypnotic rotation, the streams of plasma grew as it forged on ahead of them in a deadly path. Moments later it struck through the gunship, cutting through it like a hot knife would through butter. Lori's jaw dropped in awe as she saw the one ship become two.

And then came the volley of expected retaliation with Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt among them.

Image of The Battlefield


Beskar Convoy Escort Force (Elysium division)

Fighter classes are as follows

2 Makashi class light cruisers

1 Longneck hangar ship
  • Even split between the following fighters (12 squadrons)
    • Moon-class interceptors
    • X-class elysium Starfighters
    • Ferrum class light bombers
  • 8 freestar transports

1 Deliverance class star destroyer
  • 1 squadron of Ferrum class light bombers
  • 1 squadron X-class elysium Starfighters
  • 4ish freestar transports

Burtch watched the tactical display as the fleet settled into formation and his Makashi class light cruisers began trailing a massive billowing cloud of black smoke. He heard his comms officer softly murmur into his headset for a minute and the hair stood up on the back of Burtch’s neck. He kept his gaze glued to his display until the comms officer spoke.

Sir a Freestar transport ( E Eric Vales ) is hailing us!”

Burtch furrowed his brow in confusion and irritation and looked at his comms officer. It was weird the way he said that, “one of the Freestars from the Shi-Cho?” He asked. Freestars typically report to the ship they launched from as standard procedure.

No sir. This one didn’t come from any of our ships in the fleet.” The comms officer replied firmly.

Which ship did it come from Lieutenant Commander?” Birtch asked, irritation growing.

None sir. Sensor records show that it did not come from our fleet. It is attempting to meet our fleet of reserves and the rest of the convoy to our port side. But they have legitimate codes.

Burtch noticed that his gunnery officer, Commander Treyfa was listening so he looked at her. Her posture showed just the slightest bit of antsyness, “Commander Treyfa, none of our Freestars in the Elysium navy have their own hyperdrives.” It wasn’t a question.

Yes sir,” she answered dutifully.

This one is appearing just as a group of pirates shows up,” he also stated, questionlessly.

Yes sir,” she answered again.

Your conclusion?” He actually asked her this time.

It’s not one of our Freestars, sir.” She stated simply. There was just the slightest pitch in her tone that betrayed excitement.

That’s right. And according to my knowledge, the Elysium Empire only has a couple dozen Freestars right now. I would know if we were starting to put hyperdrives in any them. That Freestar got here somehow, and it didn’t come from any of our hangars.” Burtch almost smiled at her, “you already have them targeted, don’t you?” He hated her, but she was smarter than him, he knew. She probably already knew all of this and more before he did.

She didn’t even wait for orders, but she did smile back at him and then turned to her staff, “all portside guns from HMS Shi-Cho and HMS Makashi, fire on the target! Rapid independent fire! If the Freestar attempts an Ackbar slash maneuver, cease fire and use tractor beams!

One squadron of Moon-class interceptors, break off from the reserve force and contain the target in case they dodge our guns.” Burtch added as a redundant measure, addressing his flight control officer. “If our guns have to cease fire for any reason, interceptors are to seek and destroy the stolen Freestar.

“Interceptors are ready and standing by, sir“

All of the Makashi class light cruiser guns on the port side opened up on the tiny shieldless transport. Each turret had 2 barrels and each ship had 8 guns pointed at the small vessel. The Makashis are known for their legendary fire control systems and fast tracking. And all 32 turbolazer barrels pounded round after round into the space on and around the enemy ship.

Burtch suddenly thought about how one might use a nuke to destroy an insect nest, but considered that wasn’t quite as ridiculous as this…

However, it was time to do something with his starboard guns, since they weren’t doing anything, “Have all starboard guns fire on the enemy capital ships once they come into range. Let Shadowspear and Aegis Eternum handle the close range combat.”

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk | K König Kryze | E Eric Vales | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Cathryn Stellaris | Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon
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With that, the mixed squadron scattered mostly to avoid that swirling ribbon of destruction and to pick off enemy fighters. Vulcan tailed and shot down two enemy fighters. This was much better than being on the ship. He watched as many of his squad get shot at and killed. He really needs to keep an eye on his surroundings as R2 peeped several warnings about the likelihood of being tailed himself in his ear with increasing volume and urgency.

<"Keep that coolant in check R2."> He answers back as he nailed another enemy fighter, the freedom of actual combat excited him. Being a gunner is good and all but you are stationary and easy pickings if enemies decide to go the broadside bombardment route or use that thing again on the fighters themselves.

<"Get those loose wires repaired, they are important."> Vulcan amended as warnings flashed briefly before R2 got to work on them, fortunately, the repairs were minor. Which is very lucky as if it was anything major he would be in quite a lot of trouble which would be very bad for his health and longevity.

He hoped his crewmates were okay, that thing did extensive damage that will take years to undo. He wasn't sure if he has been spotted yet either.
Beskar Convoy Escort Force (Elysium division)

Fighter classes are as follows

2 Makashi class light cruisers

1 Longneck hangar ship
  • Even split between the following fighters (12 squadrons)
    • Moon-class interceptors
    • X-class elysium Starfighters
    • Ferrum class light bombers
  • 8 freestar transports

1 Deliverance class star destroyer
  • 1 squadron of Ferrum class light bombers
  • 1 squadron X-class elysium Starfighters
  • 4ish freestar transports

Force Commander Burtch was quite pleased with how things were going. The pirates seem content to let their fighters perform the task of creating an opening for the cruisers. His own forces seemed to be doing an excellent job of keeping the enemy from breaking through. He admired the professionalism of NIV Shadowspear and Aegis Eternum as they diligently held the screening line. He was even beginning to speculate that the pirates had been counting entirely on the success of whatever the little stolen Freestar had been up to.

Burtch watched as the tiny craft jumped across the tactical display and smiled. His suspicions that this was a modified Freestar transport were confirmed and he was glad he’d called the bluff. At least now he wouldn’t have to worry about a court martial. Not that he’d get convicted, his case would’ve been likely strong enough, but his chances of getting charged had been significant until now.

He turned from his holographic display and addressed his flight control officer, “call off the interceptors that are chasing the stolen Freestar ( E Eric Vales ) and have them return to the reserve force with the convoy. Call up a squadron of Ferrum class light bombers from the reserve and have them seek and destroy the stolen Freestar ( E Eric Vales ) transport since they are the only fighters we have with hyperdrives. If the Freestar jumps, they jump, but don’t let it lead our fighters out of the system or into a trap. Stagger their jumps in groups of four and a couple seconds apart. This way, if the Freestar lures them into any kind of trap, they won’t be totally destroyed. They are authorized and encouraged to use their anti-fighter missiles.

“Also, that Freestar has just proven to us that the enemy force has not used any sort of gravity well weapons yet. I think it is time that we have the convoy jump to our next rally point that Loreena has given us. Have the Deliverance recall all fighters except the Ferrum Bombers. Have them supplement their own missing Ferrum squadron with another X-class fighter squadron from the reserve. The convoy is to jump along with the Deliverance and the rest of our Ferrums from the reserve.”

Burtch did some quick math in his head. Three interceptor units and two fighter units left in the reserve, plus what was already engaged. Good.

The rest of our forces that are not in reserve will keep the enemy engaged and protect the smokescreen to cover the convoy as they jump in an orderly fashion. If any of our fighter pilots out there, including our friends from Shadowspear want to earn some honor, they have until then to do it.” He began to turn to the hologram and watch the battle but stopped himself as a thought occurred to him, “and inform the commanders of NIV Shadowspear and Aegis Eternum that drinks are on the Elysium Empire when we get to Commenor.

Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk | K König Kryze | E Eric Vales E Eric Vales | Cord Starfall Cord Starfall | Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Cathryn Stellaris | Hyara Hemstagon Hyara Hemstagon
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I, Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch , on behalf of Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun Loreena Arenais-Valhoun , am hereby removing E Eric Vales E Eric Vales and and his alternate account [IMG alt="ARS VAMI"][/IMG] ARS VAMI and any other subsequent accounts from the “Battle for Beskar” role play for severe inconsistencies, violating the posting order, using unauthorized content, and disobeying direct orders from the DM. Any further participation by E Eric Vales E Eric Vales and his alternate accounts in this RP will result in reporting to the administration on Chaos.

OOC is linked here (X)

I’m sorry we couldn’t work this out.
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ON BOARD: Jaster's Delight (in sig)

More fighters came into view after the gunship was torn in half due to the Plasma Lash. Already the Elysium Empire's own took them on, with both sides picking eachother off one by one. But the odds weren't in the pirates' favour.

"Keep them off me. I'm going in for another shot!"

"Plasma Lash needs a few more minutes to recharge, Captain."

"Fiiiiine. Let me know the SECOND that it's ready."

"Yes, Captain. You're looking at 145 seconds remaining."

Lori huffed a little with impatience, yet she needed to line up her shot anyways. The second gunship seemed to know what she was up to, causing Lori to dive the Jaster's Delight out of the way, taking advantage of it's maneuverability.

"Fifteen seconds, Captain..."

Once more Lori lined up her shot, wanting to go through the underbelly of the gunship this time. And as her hand hovered mere millimeters over the button to release the Plasma Lash, an outburst of enemy fire from Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt 's fighter shook the Jaster's Delight, causing her to hit the button early. The Plasma Lash was fired, yet it sputtered in it's spin like a faulty firecracker. "No!! Son of a nerfherder!!" Lori narrowed her eyes as Vulcan's fighter shot past. She tightened her grip on the controls and sent the Jaster's Delight after him. "Disable his hyperdrives, Arla! I'm gonna clip his wings!"

"Understood, Captain."

In scenarios of war, Lori probably would have blown him to bits, yet this was a surprise raid on her convoy that very little people knew about. So how did these pirates know? She needed to have one in her custody to find out, and this fighter pilot just volunteered for that purpose. Lori was happy to oblige to his request.

Grand Shepherd Burtch Grand Shepherd Burtch Val Tessalisk Val Tessalisk Adenn Kyramud Adenn Kyramud K König Kryze

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