Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Battle of Coruscant MVP Nominations

827 posts, wow!

Better late than never, and inspired by Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner ’s own thread for the TSO-EOTL nominations, let’s give the counterpart faction their flowers!

1) Nominate only characters of your opposing faction
2) Did not directly interact with in the invasion (optional, but strongly encouraged)

2. MVP GA Allies

2. MVP DE Allies (unsure we had any tbh)

3. Most iconic line of dialogue

I’ll go first:

1. MVP GA: Ariana Du Couteau Ariana Du Couteau
2. MVP GA Allies: Bernard Bernard from the Lightsworn
3. most iconic line of dialogue:
"There is only law, my dear, that I respect."

"And that… is supply and demand." - Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
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MVP DE: Isar Isar for his unique use of white current and the psychological damage it did to Cora and surrounding PCs/NPCs, regardless of affiliation.
MVP DE Ally: Vazz Vazz for almost ripping my boyfriend's throat out.
Most iconic dialogue: This might be a weird reasoning and maybe I just want to shout out this particular writer, but this post of Tulan Kor's death ends like this:

And after a few moments, Tulan watched a flash of light from the Alliance ships. He watched, blue eyes staring at the incoming beam of light coming right for the unshielded bri-

That's how it ends. Tulan's life ends, cut-off mid sentence and that just struck me. No fanfare, no cool edgy last words. It's not about what was said, it's what wasn't said. Tulan is a tough old bastard, but with his impending death he felt some very human emotions – fear, discomfort, and regret. And I think that his post, and his life, ended on a perfectly imperfect note.
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1. MVP GA: I just can’t pick one since Wedge Draav Wedge Draav & Reima Vitalis Reima Vitalis really built on one another and wrote an absolute banger as a pair. I can’t stress enough that I really admire people who can write their pilots and dogfights eloquently, having an exciting fight while moving their characters’ stories ahead, and the two did just that and more.

2. MVP GA Allies: Stennis Fel Stennis Fel such a strong characterisation through an excellent duel. I’m a fan.

Honourable Mentions: Efret Farr Efret Farr , Astri Elyse Astri Elyse , Lodd Grimmin Lodd Grimmin , Darth Defias Darth Defias , Amena Kader Amena Kader , Thomas Barran Thomas Barran

3. Most iconic line:


"I'm not..."

It was almost a whimper.

She wasn't one. Not inherently. She'd always been loyal to one.

combine the build-up, the doubt in her heart, with the delivery, chef’s kiss, you can FEEL it. Ave’s classic.
MVP DE: Sinestra Sinestra - You killed Romi Jade Romi Jade .
MVP DE Ally: ???

Most Iconic Line of Dialogue:

"I've been waiting for you, Romi. We meet again, at last. The circle is now complete." she ignited her crimson blade and levied it in Romi's direction, its hiss cracking through the humdrum of war surrounding them. "When I left you, I was but the learner; now I am the master."

Based. Based. Based.

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