The Hellhound
The neon lights flickered in the damp, smog-filled alley as Saverok stood in the shadows, taking it all in. Coruscant. The beating heart of the galaxy. He had seen it rise and fall, shift and change, yet somehow, it always stayed the same. No matter how many wars raged above, how many empires crumbled, how many Republics rebranded themselves, the city-planet endured. And the Underworld? That never changed.
Down here, beneath the towering spires and blinding skylanes, the same kind of people still lurked—the desperate, the dangerous, and the ones who didn't belong anywhere else. It was a world Saverok knew well. He had lived in these depths before, hidden among the forgotten and the forsaken, biding his time until the galaxy shifted to offer better opportunities. That was how it worked. You waited, you survived, and when the moment was right, you took what you needed.
Thats why he was here on Coruscant.
But things were different now. No one knew his name anymore. Not down here. Once, years ago—hell, lifetimes ago—his name had weight. So did his son's. People feared them. They spoke their names in hushed tones, either in reverence or terror. But now? Now, Saverok was just another ghost of the past clad in a Neo-Crusader armor that belonged in a museum, the world moved on without him. Instead, another name echoed through the alleys, passed between merchants, fighters, and low-life scum like some kind of legend. Saverok listened as it was muttered in gambling dens, painted on the walls in crude graffiti, whispered like a warning. A name he had trouble believing. A name that didn't feel real.
The name of a Jedi by reputation. And it was a shame the jedi had delved into the underworld. As if purity could clean the muck from these sinful allyways and corridors. And yet it felt like it could of. Arriving outside a nightclub, Saveroks large armored frame shoved a bouncer aside and entered into the establishment. His internal HUD scanning the club and its patrons. Patrons that screams at the contestants sparring and throwing blows to the body.
Underworld fight clubs. Aint nothing like em...
Valery Noble
Down here, beneath the towering spires and blinding skylanes, the same kind of people still lurked—the desperate, the dangerous, and the ones who didn't belong anywhere else. It was a world Saverok knew well. He had lived in these depths before, hidden among the forgotten and the forsaken, biding his time until the galaxy shifted to offer better opportunities. That was how it worked. You waited, you survived, and when the moment was right, you took what you needed.
Thats why he was here on Coruscant.
But things were different now. No one knew his name anymore. Not down here. Once, years ago—hell, lifetimes ago—his name had weight. So did his son's. People feared them. They spoke their names in hushed tones, either in reverence or terror. But now? Now, Saverok was just another ghost of the past clad in a Neo-Crusader armor that belonged in a museum, the world moved on without him. Instead, another name echoed through the alleys, passed between merchants, fighters, and low-life scum like some kind of legend. Saverok listened as it was muttered in gambling dens, painted on the walls in crude graffiti, whispered like a warning. A name he had trouble believing. A name that didn't feel real.
The name of a Jedi by reputation. And it was a shame the jedi had delved into the underworld. As if purity could clean the muck from these sinful allyways and corridors. And yet it felt like it could of. Arriving outside a nightclub, Saveroks large armored frame shoved a bouncer aside and entered into the establishment. His internal HUD scanning the club and its patrons. Patrons that screams at the contestants sparring and throwing blows to the body.
Underworld fight clubs. Aint nothing like em...