Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battlefront Pre-load

Connor Harrison

[member="Darth Kentarch"] Can you elaborate? What makes it "suck" - how does it play?
[member="Connor Harrison"]. TLDR version: Its a Watered down version of Battlefield with a Star Wars theme bolted onto it. Yeah it looks pretty and nothing is broke. But its a last gen game with, with last gen problems sold as a next gen release. And I can understand why stormtroopers can't hit shit. Cause the shooting mechanics are bad. Just played to matched in the past hour. Its devolved to already Blaster Pistol Dancing contests around objectives.

Cristina Zeitlin

Of everything that you've mentioned, I've not found a single one of those to be the case in the multiple games and hours that I've put into the Beta so far.
Many of the games I got into, I saw small groups trying to maneuver and succeeding in pulling off simple tactics.
The last game I played was the first time I saw the Rebels win by taking out the AT-ATs and that's because the Rebel players actually started to concentrate their firepower on the AT-ATs, while only a small percentage focused on the Snowtroopers.
The only problem that I've run into has been about 5-6 game drops, and even then it was so easy to jump into another game that it wasn't even a glaring problem, more like a small annoyance.
[member="Darth Kentarch"]​
Isamu Baelor said:
Actually, forget about having no problems hitting anything. Been playing more Walker Asault, and there's definitely still the classic awful DICE hit detection at times.
This is not surprising Isamu.
If your not having trouble hitting anything, your not playing the current battlefront. And you've never played a BAttlefield game either. DICE has always used hit detection as opposed to scan and shoot used by CoD. Believe it or not I prefer the DICE method over Call of Duty one. Yet there have always been balance issues with DICE games because of it. This not me going on a rant either. I've looked over several major reviewers and noted that even positive reviews have garnered criticism about the game balance and accuracy of the weapons at times.
skin, bone, and arrogance
I haven't encountered any issues with detection, but as with all DICE games, I get some rubberbanding, and any time I play Walker Assault I get the "This session is no longer available" error. It's annoying as fuck.
I had zero issues the handful of games I played last night. When I played earlier that day on my friends XBox we had some rubber banding issues but they eventually went away so eh. Beta means forgiveness.

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