
- Intent: Codify the Battlegroup led by
- Image Credit: [ Provide credit to the original artist of the images in your submission. Link to the web page where it can be found and state the name of the original artist if possible. Each image used must be credited. Use TinyEye, Google Image Search, or the Image Credit FAQ to help.]
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Fleet Name: Battlegroup Antilles
- Classification: Battlegroup
- Affiliation:
- The Galactic Alliance
- Fleet Symbol:
- Description: [ Give a general description of this fleet. Is it a very professional Navy? A roving band of diaspora ships? ]
- Headquarters: [ Where is this fleet based? Link to either the planet or location if applicable. ]
- Ports of Call:
- Kuat
- Corellia
- Hapes
- Anaxes
- Fondor
- Goals: [ What are the goals of this Fleet? If it has an official mission, what is it? ]
- Reputation: [ Is this fleet known by people outside of itself and how do they view it? With pride? With concern? Wary or neutral? Describe your fleet's reputation here if it has one. This can include multiple views, from enemies and allies, depending on the type of fleet. ]

- Fleet Size: Large
- Lead Ship: ANS X
- Composition:
- ANS X - Alliance-class Starhawk - Flagship
- X Division
- ANS X - Thyferra-class Star Defender - Command Vessel
- ANS X - Tython-class Fleet Carrier
- ANS X - Republic-class Star Destroyer
- ANS X - Cuirassier-class Countermeasures Ship
- ANS X - Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Madine-class Patrol Frigate
- ANS X - Madine-class Patrol Frigate
- X Division
- ANS X - Thyferra-class Star Defender - Command Vessel
- ANS X - Tython-class Fleet Carrier
- ANS X - Tython-class Fleet Carrier
- ANS X - Republic-class Star Destroyer
- ANS X - Cuirassier-class Countermeasures Ship
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Caamas-class Escort Frigate
- ANS X - Caamas-class Escort Frigate
- X Division
- ANS X - Hosnian-class Star Cruiser - Command Vessel
- ANS X - Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
- ANS X - Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
- ANS X- Blissex-class Assault Frigate Mk III
- ANS X - Cuirassier-class Countermeasures Ship
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Corona-class Frigate
- ANS X - Madine-class Patrol Frigate
- ANS X - Madine-class Patrol Frigate
- X Division


[ List any PCs or NPCs who play a role in your fleet, as well as their ranks or functions. Designate the leader of your fleet. Link any relevant characters or NPC subs. If desired, you may include a blurb including name, rank and a brief explanation of this character if there is no bio or sub to link - alternatively link to a blog post with this information if you would like to keep an active player roster. You may also request sub mods to add/remove members. ]
[ Include a description of the fleet's history. Who started it, how and why it was formed, modus operandi, any events tied into its creation and existence, prior allegiances, notable battles, etc. ]