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To codify the main Galactic Alliance Battlegroup that Amelia von Sorenn commanded at Tython


Fleet NameBattlegroup Mothma
Affiliation Amelia von Sorenn Amelia von Sorenn
Galactic Alliance

Fleet Symbol

Battlegroup Mothma was a naval formation of the Galactic Alliance that served as the core naval force of the Galactic Alliance Supreme Commander, Amelia von Sorenn. Formed during the ongoing Caldera Crisis, the Battlegroup was led by the Alliance-class Starhawk Endurance, which was typically supported by Star Defenders and Fleet Carriers as well as Frigates and at least one other Battlecruiser. Additional Alliance squadrons could be attached to the Battlegroup as required of its current mission or role.



Battlegroup Mothma was formed during the ongoing Caldera Crisis to counter the aggression of the State of the Sith Order following the attacks on Celanon and Yavin IV. With various elements of the overall formation staged on the fringes of Alliance space, it was called back to aid in the defense of the Deep Core following a surprise Invasion by a resurgent Brotherhood of the Maw called the 'Dark Empire'. Battlegroup Mothma was redeployed to Coruscant in preparation for the defense of the planet that is often called 'The Queen of the Coreworlds'.

The reputation of Battlegroup Mothma has been growing slowly following its formation during the Caldera Crisis. Though elements of the formation have their own established reputations, the overall core of the battlegroup has only recently made a name for itself as it held its ground at Tython before covering an orderly withdrawal from the System. The Battlegroup seeks to establish itself as it prepares for the defense of Coruscant.


Fleet SizeLarge
Lead ShipANS Endurance - Alliance-class Starhawk




  • Vice Admiral Chana Thalu - Subcommander of Battlegroup Mothma
    • Chana Thalu is a native of Mon Cala and boasts a long lineage of naval service that can be traced back to the Alliance to Restore the Republic. Chana left her homeworld of Mon Cala before the nascent Empire of the Lost established itself in the Tion Cluster, seeing the threat that it would one day pose. After joining the Galactic Alliance, she managed to rapidly rise to the rank of Captain and settled in for what was supposed to have been an uneventful career. With the Battlegroup being formed during the Caldera Crisis, the then Captain Thalu was quickly promoted up the chain of command and was only recently promoted to Vice Admiral and given command of the ANS Endurance days before the Deep Core was invaded.

  • Commodore Hosk Sei'Lya - Commander of Vanguard Division
    • Hosk Sei'Lya was a man who had worn many hats in his youth, having dabbled in all things, including piracy and smuggling before settling down on Bothuwi; intending on retiring with his ill-gotten wealth. When the Sith Order struck down the Rimward Trade League, those plans changed, and Hosk found himself heading towards the Galactic Alliance; whom he viewed as the only galactic force powerful enough to stand in opposition to the Sith Order. His skills gained in his youth were overlooked due to the need for competent and skilled commanders. Commodore Sei'Lya was only recently promoted to his position and given command of the ANS Chronos when the Vanguard Division had been recalled to protect the Deep Core.

  • Commodore Sien Neb - Commander of Citadel Division
    • Sien Neb is a recent addition to the Galactic Alliance Defense Force, having served in the naval forces of the Rimward Trade League, he was present at the Invasion of Susevfi by the Sith Order and played a minor part in covering the evacuation of civilians. Sien Neb's efforts had been witnessed by Amelia von Sorenn as she led the Theselon Squadron to assist the Rimward Trade League and it was her recommendation that saw the Sullustan promoted to Commodore and given command of the ANS Eternity; the command ship of Citadel Division.

  • Commodore Ra'vida - Commander of Star Shield Strike Group
    • Ra'vida was a child when the Capital of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Naboo, was attacked by an unknown entity originating from the Netherworld of the Force. Though her family survived, her childhood was marked by poverty and hard living, with her parents barely able to scrape together enough Credits to relocate the family to Coruscant. When she was old enough, Ra'vida jumped at the chance to join the Galactic Alliance Defense Force as a means to help her family become financially stable; her time in the academy revealed an individual of strong will and even stronger determination. Ra'vida's career was coming to a close when the Caldera Crisis erupted, her determination to continue serving the Galactic Alliance and refusal to retire saw her promoted to Commodore and given command of the ANS Star Shield; the command ship of the Star Shield Strike Group.

Battlegroup Mothma was established at the height of the ongoing Caldera Crisis and was deployed along the border systems of the Galactic Alliance to counter the continued aggression of the State of the Sith Order; and was formed around the Alliance-class Starhawk, the ANS Endurance. Poised to strike against the Sith Order in a bid to halt their aggressive expansion, elements of the Battlegroup were recalled and redeployed into the Deep Core when the resurgent Brotherhood of the Maw called the 'Dark Empire' managed to invade the Heart of the Galactic Alliance. Following the orderly withdrawal from the Tython System, the Battlegroup was redirected to the planet of Coruscant where it has been reinforced and now prepares for the inevitable invasion of the Jewel of the Core Worlds.

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