Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Battleminds think alike (Open)

The sounds of the machinery in the walls of the room were like a dull buzz when you were listening to them for long periods of time. The jedi healer [member="Cathbodua"] had built the room to build muscle in her padawans and herself. Holding the record as it were along with the jedi knight while she remained there in the center of the circle. Keeping herself focused. Battlemind was a technique for any jedi to enter and use to keep themselves going and with body techniques you could augment yourself. Maintaining that station for the time as she stayed in the heavy gravity feeling the real pressure of the fifteen times normal and she was holding the saber batons.
Training in the heavy gravity room was not something many of the jedi did.. well the ones who did usually were those who wanted to make sure their skills remained sharp. others relied on their natural abilities and the force... both of which were not a bad way to go about it all but sometimes having that advantage of being someone to train at back breaking levels of gravity could give you just what you needed in a duel or situation. it also helped you learn how to really channel and use the force subconsciously so you barely had to think about it. your body would just do it in the situations. "Welcome to my parlor, I trust everything is going to your liking?"
Hahaha she was looking at the woman with a raised eyebrow under the sash. She knew from others that the doctor wore a bodysuit and needed it because of birth defects.... She wore a sash because of her species... so neither really could see the other as clearly and she spoke. "Yes I am ready for anything. Lets get this party started." she clapped her hands together while making sure she was in the most basic and focused of some robes and gear. Nothing that would become dangerous or a burden she didn't need for training with this. "I think we have worked hard on some of the things with most of our attention. I know ten times is usually mosts limits at best... Lets push it towards fifty."
That was the spirit, pushing towards fifty times was well the best way to go about things as she set the timer so they could keep pressing and have the time needed. "Then we will be able to work with that." Cathbodua went back over towards her and stood as the gravity was increasing until she started feeling it in her arms and shoulders. Slowly placing her feet apart and digging in while she started moving. "Now focus on your force techniques and let the energies flow from your body to protect you from the gravity. Augment your body and the attention on some of the things." She could work and explain some of the things to another knight clenching her fists together.
She could feel it while waiting and there was just a sound coming to her head, internal white noise and music to focus and concentrate so she didn't feel the crushing weight on her body and chest. She could withstand this intense pain and focus, slowly letting more of the force energies settle there while she entered that state within her body that the muscles were relaxing and communing with the body to focus. She could feel it more and more dissipating from her body to allow her to focus keeping her senses outwards then back into herself.​
The force energies to meditate while she was standing there at the ready came and Cath felt invigorated by it. All of that energy feeding into her before she was letting the sense of accomplishment wash over. They were doing well while she lept back feeling the gravity smack at her back and shoulders like an abusive father and she was the red headed step child. The energies there while she touched the floor and adjusted herself to the weight of it. Maintaining control with her fists clenching and unclenching while the display showed the gravity going up to twenty five times.
She could feel the power and the pain while moving, slowly at first as every movement felt like it was more effort then trying to move a mountain. She breathed in and out moving with her hands through the air to let the energies guide her while sensing the jedi knight. She was explaining it and battlemind was upon her enhncing her muscles while the were tense showing the pale skin and veins like cords throughout. Just under twitching with the blood flow before she finished turning in place and raising her booted foot up feeling the weight.
She could see and feel the other, Sarianna was skilled in many things but it was well known her skills in the force were simple and minimal compared to many others. Instead she was one who focused on saber skills and exotic weapon stances. Able to use more variations of the lightsaber then many others in the order. So seeing here here with the physical force was no surprise before the dark woman. She was more then happy to have that moniker compared to others who wanted to be the center of attention. Let them have the spotlight while she and the ones who sought to be jedi trained in the shadows... of their 'greatness'
Staying focused as she listened to her body protesting deep down, her bones grinding into a fine meal over and over before the force was helping reconstruct it. She could face dying and coming back a million times compared to some of the things as her attentions with the force were there bringing her back to reality with a gasp. Teeth still grinding when she could finally move and the gravity was getting stronger and stronger pressing down, battlemind to keep her moving without much thought or care over the instinct to not be kept contained and still, to not be crushed.
There was a small chuckle to herself while she focused, deeper feelings bubbled to the surface when the gravity pressed and much like when near and working with Jericho in the heavy gravity room you didn't back down, you didn't want to play it safe. You needed to press your limits to find that place where you can become stronger and more focused. As a jedi knight she had a duty to explore the force and what it could do, her stamina for healing needed to be second to none to preform while working on many of the things when she pushed forward with the ideals and attention allowing herself to push Sarianna as well for the fighter.
[member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Cathbodua"]

Jacen still felt a bit out of place in this new temple. Growing up among the Jedi as a youngling was a bit sheltering. Getting use to being around true Jedi would take time. He did, however, notice an opening for training in a low gravity room, a offer he could not pass up. Mainly, he had nothing else to do with his time.

He slowly opened the door and entering, first noticing the weight in the room. Being a Valkyri, he had the body composition to withstand the gravity, but he wasn't prepared for it and so he stumbled in. He quickly gained his bearings as he closed the door and noticed the two girls training. He bowed respectfully, "I hope I am not interrupting, but I heard there was an open training here today....?"
[member="Jacen Clanstrider"]

Her attention swung around when another entered the room and a moment came to the jedi knight. The other jedi was doing well and this was her field of expertise but for a novice. Sarianna figured she was at least decent before looking at thew one who entered and she had no idea who he was... which given she didn't actually have eyes meant very little. She barely knew by voice half the jedi let alone the ones by their presence in the force. They were always coming and going and joining or falling to the darkside and coming back to the light like a yo-yo it was confusing. "Welcome padawan."
She could see some of them there while she stood up feeling the gravity and there was a new padawan joining them. From within the bodysuit she had a few ideas of what they coulld do but she wasn't certain about a new comer coming into the training session. As her teeth were grinding a little more trying to put all of the information aside from the holocron as well as the other jedi knight. She could work with it, she could and would have to while there was pain pulsing throughout her body where the heavy gravity was grinding her body down to dust.
The young Jacen was inexperienced in a great deal of things, but due to his build the gravity was bearable to him. That wasn't to say he did not feel the pressure on his chest with every breath brought to his lungs or the extra muscles needed to do the simple task of walking. All it meant was he was handling it, but before him was a different problem altogether.

The two Knights before him he did not know and even their rank was a mystery to him, but the prospect of learning something new would pursue him to dive into the mystery. Like a proper Jedi he gave the two women a respectful bow before he spoke. "You're welcoming is most appreciated. If it is not a bother I was hoping to learn alongside you two or even watch and learn as an observer." He paused and his eyes widened, "My manners, I have not introduced myself. I am Padawan learner Jacen Clanstrider. I recently came here from the Academy and soon It appears I will be reporting to the Silver Grandmaster for training. Until then, I hope to learn all I can from Jedi far more experienced than I." For anyone this was a lot of talking, for Jacen this was a month's worth. He felt like he was rambling, but his teacher had told him rambling is good and the more he did it the more comfortable with speaking he would feel and thus the better he would become.

[member="Sarianna Misarr"] [member="Cathbodua"]
[member="Jacen Clanstrider"]

Well that was a good amount of information as she stood there for a moment and finally spoke. "I am jedi knight and healer Cathbodua from the research divisions." She gave a small moment standing there while the gravity ticked alerting it was preparing to increase again. "I'd recommend your skill with force body and enhancement so you can move around better. The chamber is going to get oppressive to teach mental focus." She foten did it and using it to make it so you had to focus without the distraction or be crushed long enough until the safeties kicked in helped.

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