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Ba'vodu Atin Tal'Verda

NAME: Ba'vodu Atin Tal'verda
FACTION: Mandolorian
RANK: Ba'vodu
SPECIES: Gen'dai
AGE: 832
SEX: male
HEIGHT: 2.6 meters (when in armor)
WEIGHT: 147 kg
EYES: orange with hint of yellow
HAIR: none
SKIN: dark shade of purple


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Racial strengths:'Dai]Gen'dai have some rather interesting pluses, from incredible healing rates to just being a bundle of nerves. As such Ba'vodu Atin is 'near' immortal. Extreme injuries just lead to extremely long hibernation states, this includes once being half eaten by direwolves and waking up at his own funeral. Fun year!
+ Dedicated: Ba'vodu Atin doesn't remember anything before being adopted into the Tal'verda Clan, it is his life. (Admittedly this is more a characteristic then a strength I mean come on he's a Gen'dai I thought that should count for two tbh.)
+ Wild man: Ba'vodu Atin is a 'man's man' type... he spends large periods of time on the hunt living in the wilds. In fact he once spent such a long time on hunt he missed an entire generation in the Tal'verda, and had been declared dead. For the second time.

- Unknown heritage: Atin does'n know he's a Gen'dai, in fact he doesn't know what Gen'dai are really as a whole. As far as he is considered his life begins and ends as a Mandolorian, little does he know he is going against the ways of his own people.
- Disdain for technology: While he's more then having with the industrial leaps and bounds made capable with technology he doesn't really have a lot of love for what he sees as all too soft living.
- Not much of a commander: In small groups he's fine at directing a squad or hunting party, but as an at large battleground commander it simply isn't in him.
Ba'vodu Atin has chosen a rather odd anarchic looking armor with modern touches that hold his body together to stand properly. As a knitted pile of nerves and muscles lacking bones his form could almost be seen as a massive piles of ugly purple snakes with a face without armor. With armor you cannot see much of his natural form, his ears tucked beneath his face, and only his sharpened teeth and light orange eyes can be seen once his face plate is removed. For the most part though he sits always in full armor, only coming out of it when alone or with close family.

Atin's early life is nearly completely unknown to the Gen'dai, his adoption at an incredibly young age into the Tal'verda family is all he's ever known or cared to know. As the years came along that he was considered an adult Atin took to foraging in the wilds, and hunting with only the most basic of tools. His first 'death' happened early, as the wolf he hunted turned into a pack. The pain of being eaten was nearly enough to drive Atin mad, and to this day he has great respect for the strength of the wild. Going into hibernation he awoke at his own funeral, quite thrown off by why he wasn't dead.

After the third generation of Tal'verda died around him he gained the honorary title of Ba'vodu from the clan, and took for a time to serious training of things beyond the hunt. For dozens of years he studied everything from metal working to mining. He always kept a hint of the wild about him though making his education feel almost a lie. Returning to the wilds for some time he went on his greatest hunt, it lasted so long he missed an entire generation of Tal'verda being born, turn into men, and die of old age. He found what he hunted though in the end, not some simple animal but a secret underground, something he'd always believed was there. Upon return though it turned out he had been declared dead, and though getting that revoked had been annoying, but simple, regaining a position of trust was not so simply done.

So he watched more generations grow and die, acting as an adviser to the clan's leadership as he nearly forgot his great hunt all those years ago. Instead he fell into the habits of telling stories about how things were, and bemoaned the loss of the wilds to growing population. Still he admitted pride at seeing the growth of his Clan, and in the end he enjoyed his time there, until recently. The including of force users into the Clan had aggravated him far beyond the usual. They had no place in Tal'verda, but that wasn't his call to make. That didn't mean he didn't complain unceasingly about it.




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