Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Auction Bazaar of Wondrous Obscurities


"Welcome one, welcome all. Foes or friends though you may be, we ask that you leave bias at the door to observe the purity of commerce unrestrained. Bid whatever you wish, for we do not bow to the credit alone, as do many of your kind - but do not offer in poor faith that which is not yours to give; such treachery would be sanctioned."

The room, if it was even a room, was cavernous beyond belief, its roof and walls hidden by swirling mists. Fanciful displays stretched outwards from a circular podium, their significance falling with distance - trickling off into useless trinkets before stopping entirely. Interspersed were tables of refreshments and seating suitable to diverse biologies.

The crowd was equally eclectic, the robed figures of Sith standing next to thrill-seeking socialites, scarred veterans, and even the odd penniless monk. Perhaps most unusual of all were the plethora of spirits present, some shaped vaguely like humanoids while others drifted above the gathering as clouds of intangible light and sporadic emotion.

Some would have attended similar events in the past, some would have found themself in possession of a gilded invitation in the recent past, and a few would have stumbled onto the event without any advance warning.


No permission is required to join in on this auction-cum-social, but PvP should be avoided except for smaller altercations. If you've got any interest in the items on sale, add a clearly marked bid to your post; I will be continuously editing them into this post to keep things simple. This thread takes place in the Netherworld, so no Ysalamiri+, for obvious reasons.

Bid whatever you like - Submissions, credits, memories, fun thread ideas, favours, bad poetry, and more are all a-OK.

The auction will run until December 12th or until people get bored. Whichever comes first.

Everyone who wants an invitation OOCly gets an invitation, it's IC fluff and nothing more.


Arranged around a central podium were a series of items (or representations of them, for the starships) with a collection of text and images representing current bids and functionaries aplenty standing ready to receive new ones.

Remote bids were quite possible if you had an invitation - even spirits use the HoloNet these days.

ITEM I - The Terron Obelisk.
  • Auctioneer's Note: An obelisk crafted by an ancient sect of Jedi. Worthwhile due to historical significance alone, to be sure, but it hides greater value still for it doubles as a Holocron! Per the request of its Gatekeeper, it is not available for purchase by Sith; it is not the policy of this establishment to sell entities without their consent.
  • Current Bids:
    • Jacen Nimdok Jacen Nimdok - Son of Solo (Autographed), Nightstone Crystal, and a moderate number of Chernamila eggs.
    • Spek Zhio Spek Zhio - Nabooian Emerald Grapes (100 Tons) / Which of you pranksters installed a landing pad?- The Auctioneer
      • + Transportation (200 Tons, Common & Uncommon Realspace Destinations)
    • Jairdain Jairdain - A Property on Voss / Someone check the ambient energy in its area, please? - The Auctioneer
    • Jax Thio Jax Thio - Ten Thousand Credits / Say what, Kal? There are different kinds of credits? Huh. - The Auctioneer
    • Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé - A Large Collection of Potions / Have the Watchers take a closer look at this one, we're obligated to exert due diligence when honouring the entity's wishes, are we not? - Kal of Masque
    • Damsy Callat Damsy Callat - The Siren's Skin, an Electrotrident, and permission to pet Keziah (Once)
    • Spek Zhio Spek Zhio , Jairdain Jairdain , and Jax Thio Jax Thio - Nabooian Emerald Grapes (100 Tons), Transportation (200 Tons, Common & Uncommon Realspace Destinations), A Property on Voss, and Ten Thousand Credits.
ITEM II - The Visage of Kozzic.
  • Auctioneer's Note: An exotic mask able to bestow some measure of control over the Force's mystical currents upon the wearer. Only the firmest of wills are able to control it - like you, perhaps? Possession is not grounds for a refund.
  • Current Bids:
ITEM III - Ol' Sadow.
  • Auctioneer's Note: A living relic, this proud vessel once fought in the Great Hyperspace War and yet remains the match of any launched from today's shipyards. Nethermancers and historians alike may be interested in the ghosts that walk its unhallowed hallways! Don't tell it it's not Naga Sadow, though, it tends to take that personally.
  • Current Bids:
ITEM IV - The Voidsaber.
  • Auctioneer's Note: Who among you would wish to wield death incarnate, a relic of ancient greatness? Look no further, for the mighty Voidsaber bypasses armour but not force fields entirely to rend flesh and sinew!
  • Current Bids:
    • Erion Justeene Erion Justeene - 200,000 credits, 45 ingots of beskar, a Zillo-Beast tooth, "my expertise on Force-Lightning Redirection" (as well as various other techniques), access to a large deposit of Kyber Crystals, and three textbooks from Uba IV (Farming & Folk Tales).
    • Dalos Cameron - Three Sets of Force-Imbued Armour, Two Bars of Aurodium, Two-Point-Five Million Talons, a Kohlen Crystal Cluster, and comparable technique/information to the above.
ITEM V - The Fool's Gambit.
  • Auctioneer's Note: As revolutionising as it is potent, this vessel is as much an work of art as it is engineering - it has its quirks, to be sure, but they give it a character all of its own. Truly a one of its kind for good reason!
  • Current Bids:
ITEM VI - Ten Years of Essence of Vitae.
  • Auctioneer's Note: Life is tragically fleeting, would you not agree? A grey hair one day, a stiff back another, day after day you march closer to your grave. No more! Delay the reaper by a whole decade with this purchase!
  • Current Bids:
ITEM VII - A romantic (romance optional) picnic with Felix Astermo Felix Astermo / NEW.
  • Auctioneer's Note: A late addition and... I honestly don't even... I hear he's a connoisseur of cheeses!
  • Current Bids:
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A tall grey-skinned functionary in a bland suit slid up to the Sithspawn, unblinking black eyes staring down at her as it got uncomfortably close, either out of a disregard for personal space or a poorly-formulated desire to appear amicable.

"The honourable madame will be pleased to know that the item did not specify a preference."

Its polite words contrasted sharply with its grating, obviously cybernetic voice. Without further ado, it spun on its feet and left to attend the needs of a rather peeved looking socialite in a truly tasteless Ewok-fur coat.

What is this place?

It was dreary. Mists swirled about a room with no ceiling in sight, but a crowd had gathered here for a reason. The crowd itself gave little indication of their purpose, she saw dark figures in suits and robes, at best she could guess it was a costume party. The young shadowrunner had come dressed for another affair, how she managed to get here was another question entirely, at least for the moment her black armor and facemask seemed to blend in with the enigmatic figures of the crowd.

Daiya eventually discovered it to be an auction, and the question of what or how flew from her head. She danced between displays, looking at each one in turn with the delight of a youngling. The teen would have ordinarily passed these objects by if she were in the markets of her homeworld, but somehow here they held some special magic. The mystery of the place made it all seem enchanting.

She giggled at the thought of the mask replacing the one Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin used. The starship prototype drew her eye, wondering if her friend Brie Jaxx Brie Jaxx needed a new one. It would have certainly fit Jerec Asyr Jerec Asyr as well! But there was one object that drew her wonder enough to hold real interest.

"Umm, I don't have very much to bid with," the teen realized. She had come with the equipment on her, nothing like the credits or collateral that other beings would have to bid with. Daiya decided to try anyway.

Daiya pointed at the display labeled ITEM VI - Ten Years of Essence of Vitae. "I'll bid some selections from my sketchbook. And I can do a job for free, just nothing suicidal."

Who wouldn't want to live forever?

Kal Kal
Professor Nimdok stood before the auction tables, one hand tapping his chin while the other idly flicked an obol between his knuckles. After several minutes' deliberation, he cast his bid.

"For Item I, an autographed copy of Son of Solo, and..." Pausing, his eyes scanned the crowds for his daughter, his brow furrowing when he found her. "What are you doing?"

"Improving the quality of life of this establishment's employees," Miri replied. The young woman was stooped over a Grey One, applying fake eyelashes to its lids. She'd already made up the rest of its face with sparkly purple eyeshadow and matching lipstick - along with three more of its kin, one of whom had been given a goth makeover.

"Uh... right," Nimdok murmured, averting his eyes from the rather stunning Grey Ones. "I'll throw in a nightstone crystal and some chernamila eggs. That's assuming you don't just want credits - I find paying with money is a little too bland for these types of auctions."

Kal Kal
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Gluk, Stock, and Two Smoking Lasers
It occurred to Jerec — seeing Daiya Daiya bid for a life/youth extender drug — that the shadowrunner would probably prefer to stay a teenager forever. More power to her, frankly. Most folks expected less from you and underestimated you to boot. Food insecurity and juvie aside, Jerec remembered his teen years fondly.

The boats caught his attention and held it. That freighter had powerful niche appeal, but Ol' Sadow looked easier to spruce up and flip.

Speaking of—

"I'll put in a bid for item three, the haunted spaceship." He hefted his Wookiee skullthumper, a large staff set with emeralds. "The Heart of Kashyyyk. Sacred talisman, helps plants grow right, nature control, that kinda crap."

Kal Kal
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It had been a while, since the Azure Alcyone and her crew had had the opportunity to take some time off. Their trade took them all over the galaxy, bouncing from system to system. With any and every voyage, having to at least pay for the fuel, lest they would end up dead in space.

One of the many risks of being a freelancer, and willing to do all sorts of odd-jobs in order to make ends meet - even those of the less reputable kind, yet always ethical, according to the captain, Spek Zhio - was that they usually got paid upon delivery or completion of the task.

Why the galaxy and its denizens have thought acceptable to constantly interfere with Spek's line of work, was beyond him.

Nevertheless, and uncharacteristically, a couple of jobs before the last one, proved bountiful. The last one, still, was not yet entirely a lost cause.

After dropping off the rest of his crew along the way, for some well-deserved R&R, his instinctive astrogation led him to this place. The Force had a way of putting him where he should be at certain critical moments, and he had learned to trust it. Even though there were the occasional hardships along the way, in the end, everything always worked out - until the day it would not. The Zeltron male thought of it as a wager as good as any other. Which, was not exactly comforting, now that he thought about it. Particularly, with the outcome of his last sabacc match yet fresh in his mind.

This time around, he was lead to this eldritch location. One that felt to him as an open wound on the Force, but oddly enough, not a festering one. Quite, the contrary. It felt... nurturing?

To Zhio, that was even weirder than the kaleidoscope of entities surrounding him. Could that be the thing that was giving him goosebumps, ever since he landed? Something, somewhere, deep inside, told him, 'No'.

Either way, a cosmopolitan bazaar such as this, could prove to be the perfect place to unload one hundred tons of fermented emerald grapes, and break even on that last job.

He could only imagine the extent to which he reeked, after being cooped up for so long inside the Alcyone with all those barrels. He stopped being able to detect the smell, days ago. But he could very well, still detect the look on some faces, as he went by.

The cherry on top? The stink was probably masking his natural potent pheromones. Which could hinder whatever deal he hoped to make.

Spek snapped out of it, as something caught his eye.

"One hundred tons of the best Nabooian emerald grapes, for item number one!", he bid.

Kal Kal
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This was not the first time Jairdain had been into the Netherworld and it likely was not going to be the last. The last time she had visited, it was to reunite for a short time with her dead husband. Now she brought her current love here and she had essentially rescued him from its depths and back to life. From what he had told her, he had reunited with his Jedi Master.

Using one of the Portals, she guided Jax along until they reached their destination. An auction. While there might or not be anything they wanted, she figured it would be an interesting date. Little did she know there was also going to be a reunion between her and a former Padawan...

Holding onto his hand, he might still be adjusting to having only one eye. She had started teaching him how to use the Force to see but she understood it would take him a bit of time to master the ability. Hers had come much more naturally and for this she was thankful.

Following the path Jairdain knew to be there, she allowed the Force to guide them. It had yet to steer her wrong.

"We're almost there, dear."

A misty door opened in front of them but only Jax would be able to actually see what the place looked like. Sensing both light and dark, she just hoped this adventure would remain civil. Ground rules had been established, luckily but those were sometimes meant to be broken.

Feeling where the items up for auction were, she motioned in their direction with her free hand.

"See anything you would like to bid on? I personally have an interest in the Obelisk. I wonder what the current bid is on for it."

After learning what it was, she lifted a hand to her chin she considered what she had to offer that might be worth more than the wine.

"I have a property on Voss to offer."

If Jax wanted anything, she would do her best to pay for it. Reaching out with the Force, she sensed a couple of familiar signatures. Neither of which she had felt for a long time.

Jax Thio Jax Thio Spek Zhio Spek Zhio


Location: Netherworld Bazzar
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain, Eyepatch
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain

Jax had never entered the Netherworld of the Force consciously before.

The times Jax was here was when he died, when Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé pulled him in during the Sacking of Coruscant and when Jax unconsciously entered the Netherworld in the aftermath of the sacking. There were reports of portals leading to the Netherworld but Jax chose not to go as he made peace with his old Master. Jair entered though and she communed with her dead husband: Yuroic, every time Jair mentioned her late husband Jax's stomach churned. There was still some guilt left over from dating Jair when it wasn't even a year when Yuroic died. There was actually an auction going on in the Netherworld according to Jair. It was something that Jax found unusual, the dead have ears and he didn't think they would like it if they saw a bunch of people auctioning items.

Then again, it could've been first sign of action they had in probably in eternity so who knows what they'll think. Jax never participated in an auction before, he remembered breaking up illegal auctions in the past but not actively participated in one. The Jedi Master was still recovering from his injuries at New Jedha. The NJO and the GADF were granted some time off while the Alliance planned their next move after their victory. Still for Jax, while relived that the Alliance held off the Brotherhood, he lost his eye. It was rather frustrating not being able to see on one side, he lost his sense of balance and where to go even bumping into things while he walked. Jairdain was saddened at his injury but did her best to help train Jax in using the Force to see. Being blind, she had a lifetime of experience in honing her senses through the Force. With one eye gone, Jax already felt helpless.

The two arrived at a portal as Jax gulped this was beyond his comfort zone venturing into the unknown while exciting felt nerve wracking. Jax's hand gripped Jair's while his lone eye fixated on Jairdain's Outfit. Damn, did she look beautiful it was one dress that Jax never knew she had in her wardrobe she definitely should be wearing it often. "Nothing ventured, nothing gained." Jax said as they entered the portal and immediately saw the many trinkets that were for sale. The Force was strong here, "feels good to be back actually." Jax said. "At least I know I didn't die to come here."

Jax looked around at the items still holding Jair's hand. "I must say Jair," Jax said smirking. "You look beautiful today even more than usual."

The Jedi Master stared at the Obelisk his eyebrow raised out of curiosity. "I like it," Jax said. "I can feel the Force's energy radiating from the stone. Nuggets of wisdom from Jedi long gone are just begging to be heard."

Going through the crowd, Jax held up his prosthetic arm. "HEY YOU!" Jax shouted. "I PUT DOWN 10,000 CREDITS FOR THE THE TERRON OBELISK!"

He turned to Jair flashing her a nervous glance. "That's how auctions are done right?" he said. "Did I say my bid right? I don't know how the frack these things work."

Druk and kark! The Zeltron thought, as he smiled and shook his head.

You were not supposed to go all-in on your first bid. But, then again, this was probably for the best. He could not eat an obelisk or use it as starship fuel.

At any rate, It was not as if the bidding was a premeditated action. He saw the chiseled object standing there, and immediately felt drawn to it. Zhio was not intent on buying it, merely... touch the thing? Its runes seemed to glimmer, as if inviting him to do so.

He searched his feelings. It was not curiosity he felt. Could it be, remembrance? It had a melancholic tinge to it.

The goosebumps returned with heightened intensity, sending shivers down his spine. He heard a familiar voice also bidding on the obelisk. Then a male one quickly followed.

"J... J-Jairdain?"

He had found the culprit behind the portent, and wondered if turning back and fleeing the place, would be an acceptable course of action.

Spek, soon shrugged the possibility away. His former master - albeit for a short time - had probably sensed his presence, by then. On that place, everything seemed darker yet felt more vivid.

She was with company, though. So it was probably best to let her be the one to approach him, if she ever felt like it.

Stealing another glance at the rune-covered monolith, Spek wondered if whoever wins that auction, would let him approach and study the thing.

He had no need for it anyway.
"I'll add to my bid. My ship and I will freight any cargo to anywhere on the galaxy, up to two hundred tons." So, why was he still bidding on it?

Kal Kal Jairdain Jairdain Jax Thio Jax Thio


the M I S T R E S S


In the disguise of a simple shepherd girl, blonde pigtails and checkered pinafore and probably a little Undead to her flair, did the Nightsister arrive. Her Jinn informed her of this event, and how she could benefit from acquiring a Holocron fashioned by the Jedi, that she might learn how to DESTROY Spasa Spasa and Jax Thio Jax Thio .

Then she felt his presence, and shirked away from further touching upon his senses, that she might not disturb him, causing him to become aware of her. Jairdain Jairdain as well, the witch refrained from casting even a second glance, an old friend sure to be coddling Spasa in her place. It's Pom's own fault for losing her friends, she simply stopped writing, or answering the commlink.

She heard her archenemy's voice ring out and she countered the offer in physical silence. The Nightsister in disguise nodded her head and wriggled a ringer in the direction of her auction host Kal Kal , and Telepathically she whispered into his mind alone, 'I vow to pay the price of one bottle of every single Potion in my possession,' which is literally every Potion she ever learned to brew in her lifetime, including her signature -an almost perfected- Necrotic Salt (just ask Jax Thio how potent it is,) and a very, very enticing successful Love Potion Number 13, 'in exchange for The Terron Obelisk.' The little blonde shepherd girl smiled coyly as she signaled the auctioneer's attention to herself as the grantor of such a bid she would say is most generous.
With a faintly sweet scent clinging to her like a protective aura, Ishani had entered the Netherworld and made her way to the auction. She had come less for gain and more to discreetly get rid of a few... leftovers from her time as a student of alchemy. There were no words to describe how much she loathed this place, but it would at least provide a convenient and secretive way to offload the goods.

"I have a bid for Item VII," she said. "This golem." She gestured to the medusan creature of clay that had followed her inside. The golem was pulling along a cart laden with various items. "These jars of mummia and a cage full of necrobats."

Kal Kal
will you sink down to me?
Damsy coughed as The Grey One who had addressed her slinked away. She had managed to stand her ground through the unexpected encounter, though she had evidently slouched down a bit. After straightening up, she pulled her white capelet together by the collar.

"The honourable madame will be pleased to know that the item did not specify a preference."

Honorable... she repeated.

: || Just take the compliment, || : came the voice of the half-Shi'ido's AI from her wristpad.

Damsy scoffed behind the lip of her water flask. Salted, of course. She didn't trust their random Netherworld hosts to do as much for her or, if they did, for the salt here to be the NaCl she was used to. Though she knew Kal Kal , whose quite literal shadow she caught a glimpse of every few minutes through the excitable crowd—or thought she did—she still didn't know what to think of him either. "Fine," she muttered before clearing her throat and raising her hand to enter a bid. As she spoke up, she squeezed the cloth strap of her rucksack slung over one shoulder. "An exclusive peek into Confed engineerin' for the Obelisk. 'Siren's Skin and an Electrotrident."

Damsy hesitated just a moment to lower her hand to forfeit the floor. "An' you get to pet Keziah," she added, then slid into a seat nearby.

Once. And no funny stuff. No cuddling, no kisses, and absolutely no experimentation.

Even so, the little dragon would hate her, hopefully just for a few weeks. And hopefully Netherworlders liked petting cute animals as much as Realworlders did.
It wasn't beauty that had caused Jairdain to pick the dress she had for today. More it was just something that felt right for the occasion. Besides, she also knew Jax would appreciate it. He liked seeing in things that showed off her body...which she did not. The Master preferred wearing clothes that were comfortable and useful, not frivolous. Due to her position in life though, she did have some frivolous items. This dress was one of them.

Elbowing him a little when he placed his bid against hers, she shook her head.

"I do feel a whole property is worth well more than ten thousand credits. Hey, we're also together here! There shouldn't be some sort of bidding war between us..."

Back to their surroundings, following where the Force guided her, she did indeed try to approach Spek. Unless he decided to leave as she got closer, she would give him a friendly smile.

"It's been a great many years. What happened to you?"

Knowing she had been the catalyst that made him leave the Jedi weighed heavy on her...They had been Master and Padawan for only a short time but they had been forced together and it couldn't have happened at a worse time in her life.

Maybe it was a blessing Jairdain was blind because when Pom walked in, she turned around quickly and focused on the presence of the woman. Almost a lifetime ago...less than what it was with Spek though...they had been friends. Two lives then went separate ways but she had not been the cause of her leaving the Jedi. That one glance was enough to send Jairdain's hairs to stand up on end.

Hopefully, the Witch knew about the rules here and would not plan a confrontation. If there was even a hint of that, they would take the situation outside. If Spek would be three against one. Another idea crossed her mind. Turning back to both Jax and her former Padawan, she leaned in to offer a suggestion.

"Why don't we combine our bids? We're all going after the same item."

Another person joined in on bidding for the Obelisk and she would leave it up for a final decision on her suggestion about combining their bids.

Jax Thio Jax Thio Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé Spek Zhio Spek Zhio Damsy Callat Damsy Callat Kal Kal
"Yeah, it feels like it has been a decade since..." he considered what to say next, "We last saw each other."

It had been precisely ten years. Spek was glad to see she did not held some sort of grudge against him for abandoning her. And, also glad to see her.

The manner in which they have parted ways, had stuck with him till this day.

Abruptly, his former master turned around. Zhio probed the crowd in search of the cause for her sudden shift in attention. Could... that little girl be the source of it?

As disguises go, that was a very conspicuous one, for that place. Spek even took a couple of glances at her surroundings, scratching his head, and saw no sheep near her. Her aura carried the acrid aroma of Dathomir, that left a bitter aftertaste on his mouth... No sheep there as well, as far as he knew. Maybe, she was not really attempting to hide herself, but playing a whole different borgleball game.

The Zeltron nodded at Jairdain, on both accounts. He would not mind combining their bids; and, he was paying close attention to the outlandish little newcomer, and would follow whatever cue the blind master would give.

He hoped that, with the Force as her sight, she was able to read beyond his body language.

"I agree. I just want to be left alone with the artifact for a while." He faced Jax, "As long as your partner, whom I haven't met, is also in on this."
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Location: Netherworld Auction
Equipment: Formal Clothing, Jax's Prosthetic Arm, Jax's Second Lightsaber, Promise Ring to Jairdain
Tag: Jairdain Jairdain , Spek Zhio Spek Zhio , Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé

Well this auction chit was rather new to Jax thankfully Jair was there to give him some guidance. "Why the hell would you give up one of your houses?" Jax asked. "I thought auctions were about selling to the one who has the highest amount of credits? Stuff like a book or land is well.... subjective." Maybe Jax didn't know much about auctions as he would like, but there was a reason why things like credits were often used for auctions. They provided a more objective assessment of an item's value.

"I'll follow your lead then," Jax said when Jair suggested that they should be working together. "Looks like there's more to an auction than meets the eye."

It was then Jairdain sensed a person whom she has met before. "Hey there," Jax smiled. "You seem to know Jair? Name's Jax Thio: Jedi Master of the Galactic Alliance."

Was this Spek one of Jair's apprentices? "So you've been training under Jair huh?" He said. "What are you doing here in the auction?"

Jax hadn't sensed Pom given that the Nightsister concealed her identity from Jax, it was hard for him to detect her.


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