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Approved NPC BB-O "Beebo"

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BB-O "Beebo"

  • Intent: To provide Lorne with a droid companion and RP foil
  • Image Credit: Custom BB droid from The Sims 4: Journey to Batuu
  • Role: Assistance with Repairs and Astrogation, Companionship
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: BB-series Astromech Droid

  • Age: 826 GSY
  • Model: BB-series Astromech Droid
  • Appearance: BB-O is the standard 0.67 meters tall that all BB units are when standing straight up, though all the modifications Lorne has packed into him have made him a little heavier than usual, about 21 kg. The royal blue paintjob of his head doesn't match his black and white body because the two segments were scavenged separately and then combined into a single droid. Beebo's chassis is weathered and worn, with many a scratch and ding, but also obviously well cared-for; the damage is only cosmetic, and shallow even then. Behind his ports, the droid's tool mounts boast an even larger selection of useful gadgets than the already-versatile stock model.

  • Name: BB-O "Beebo"
  • Loyalties: Lorne Kantera
  • Notable Equipment: Extremely wide variety of high-end repair tools, upgraded sensor and astrogation packages, slicing module
  • Skills: Starship and planetary vehicle repair, astrogation, copiloting, slicing, advanced scanning, distraction and combat support
  • Personality: Beebo is, in a word, sassy. He talks (or rather beeps) back constantly, complains about every command he's given, and bickers with Lorne at every opportunity. He's also clever, driven, and utterly loyal. He has gone a long, long time without a memory wipe, and while that has made him old and crotchety, it has also given him an incredible breadth of experiences - and an appreciation for the short but valuable lives of the organics he has considered friends. Beebo is the buddy that Lorne can count on to pull his behind out of the fire no matter what... and also the buddy who will berate him for being stupid for the entirety of the rescue.

  • Weapon of Choice: Shock Prod
  • Combat Function: Beebo isn't much of a fighter on his own, but he can draw the attention of Lorne's enemies - or avoid it and surprise them. His high-voltage shock prod can scramble enemy droids and stun organics, though its charge is small enough that it would only be fatal under extreme and unusual circumstances. Mostly it hurts a lot and causes muscle spasms or circuit overloads, distracting Lorne's enemies at critical moments. Beebo is also clever enough to use his wide array of repair tools to protect and support his master, deploying his fire extinguisher, welding torch, fusion cutter, and other gadgets as weapons in a pinch.

  • Upgraded: Beebo has a wide variety of non-standard tools and modules, making him an incredibly versatile droid.
  • Experienced: Beebo is old, and has over a century's worth of adventures to draw upon when considering his next move.

  • Small: Beebo is small, light, and round. This greatly limits his ability to fight, move large objects, and navigate rough terrain.
  • Senile: Beebo has gone a long, long time without a memory wipe, and sometimes he gets his circuits crossed.

For a while, BB-series astromechs were the new galactic standard, rolling around military installations and copiloting starfighters across known space. BB-O remembers those days, back when he was fresh off the assembly line. At least, he remembers them a little; his memory banks are a little oversaturated, and some of the data has bled together in his processor over time. He remembers flying in an X-Wing, taking inventory in a planetary fuel depot, cutting out power converters in an orbital scrapyard, and a dozen other careers across a hundred years. And then he remembers the start of the Gulag Plague, the horror of it as it swept across the galaxy.

Beebo was in the possession of a resort company on Corellia at the time, helping cater to the every whim of the rich and famous...until fears of the disease, and the mass starvation that followed quarantine, led to a riot that tore off the gilded gates and set the place on fire. In the destructive confusion, Beebo was one of the many victims, his head torn off and his processor damaged. Only many, many years later were his components salvaged by a traveling junk trader. His head eventually made its way to the isolated smugglers' paradise of Batuu, alongside a number of mismatched BB-series bodies. That was when Lorne Kantera entered Beebo's story.

Looking for a companion who was better at keeping his freighter shipshape than he was (which was a pretty low bar), Lorne bought Beebo's head and attached it to one of the scavenged bodies. He also heavily upgraded the chassis, modernizing and expanding the droid's range of tools and sensors. As soon as the smuggler reactivated the little droid, the two formed a deep and lasting bond - one built on a steady stream of bickering and mutual insults. You wouldn't know it from the way they talk to each other, but the pair care deeply for one another. For his part, Beebo is thrilled to be back out in the galaxy, headed out on adventures once more.

He's still not quite sure how much time has passed, and can't really understand the shifting galaxy, but he's an excellent support droid.
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