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Approved NPC BD-9

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I'm a likable guy. Ask your mom.


  • Intent: Because contrary to popular belief, Judd gets lonely. To serve as a companion and fulfill roles he is weak in
  • Image Credit: Here
  • Role: Mechanical and Computer help
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: BD Unit

  • Age: 100 years
  • Model: BD Unit
  • Appearance: BD-9 is a small bipedal droid that stands at around 25 cm tall, with white and red paneling

  • Name: BD-9 (Niner)
  • Loyalties: Judd Hunter Judd Hunter
  • Notable Equipment: Holographic Projector, Fusion Cutter, Scomp Link
  • Skills: Basic Slicer and Mechanical programming. Exploration and Mapping programs, Able to store data files and maps collected
  • Personality: Male, Inquisitive

  • Weapon of Choice: Fusion Cutter
  • Combat Function: Has no combat function
  • Built and maintained to provide a support role for Judd on his missions
  • Small and unnoticeble, easily can slip into and out of places
  • Extremely mobile
  • Not built to take a beating
  • Due to the discontinued nature of his line, replacement parts are extremely hard to find
  • Can get easily distracted from his task by something more interesting

Created around 760 ABY, BD-9 was part of a retro line recreated for the purpose of exploration. Unfortunately, like its predecessor, this new line didn't have the demand hoped for, causing it to be ended shortly after production. Judd found BD-9 in a junk pile shortly after leaving the Hapan Consortium. Figuring him to be an interesting side project he rebuilt the droid. While some of his exploration programming was left in tack, Judd also gave him basic mechanical and slicing programming to help in those areas.
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