Silver Star

After her recent debacle of trying to work with a sparring droid on her own, leading to one of the biggest frights of her life, Everest Vale had resolved instead to hone her Echani skills on her own with no such 'assistance'. It had been a while since she had the chance to practice the arts of her homeland, amidst trying to memorise lightsaber forms, Jedi ethics and philosophy, the basics of the Force itself, and so on, and Eve was starting to worry she would lose her touch.
Thus she strove to push herself today. She had spent the last hour drilling patterns without rest. Her robe and silver hair whipped about in a frenzy as she demonstrated a steady control of nimble acrobatics. Exactly as she taught me, she would tell herself on occasion between forms, as she drilled again and again. Her dreams of Eshan were visible in the forefront of her mind and she connected through body, mind and spirit to her home once more. For as long as the classroom was free, she would remain here, reconnecting with all that she was and all that she had come from.
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