Dunames Lopez
Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
After the multiple failures of the Beaches of the Dark Side line on Glee Anselm, Cademimu, Dubrillion and Kothlis with that line of travel packages being restricted to Lanteeb, it was time for Star Tours to refocus on the complimentary Beaches of the Light Side line of vacation packages; to their eyes, there were those who would rather be on a beach to rest and repair the psychological damage they suffered to the hands of the One Sith or on Coruscant when the Alliance took the fight to them. In her ship office, parked on Jiroch-Reslia on the maiden flight of the Moonlight Monument service, she writes a letter to the Alliance, whom she helped in rebuilding Coruscant while using the heavy lifters in the current Star Tours fleet: the Exodus, the Terminus and the Rasta Sub.
ATTN: Zonia Kalranoos
Greetings. We have had difficulties implementing the Beaches of the Dark Side line of travel vacations, so we seek to go the other way and launch a Beaches of the Light Side line instead. It has come to our attention that the Planetary Development Project of the Galactic Alliance is seeking projects to help develop Alliance planets, much like General Poof did on Malastare with his company, IGR Brokerage. Several pilots described Dulvoyinn as being too hot for their own comfort wearing flight suits so it would be suitable for tropical vacations provided a proper location is found on the planet.
Potential clients include refugees displaced from several systems, like Empress Teta, Teyan, Kalist, Zamael and Ghiltomiel, that the Alliance all captured in the Run to Coruscant, who would happily vacation on Dulvoyinn while their homes are being rebuilt.
P.S.: I'm unable to use the Force so that should inform you as to the security precautions required.
Dunames Lopez
CEO, Star Tours
[member="Zonia Kalranoos"]
ATTN: Zonia Kalranoos
Greetings. We have had difficulties implementing the Beaches of the Dark Side line of travel vacations, so we seek to go the other way and launch a Beaches of the Light Side line instead. It has come to our attention that the Planetary Development Project of the Galactic Alliance is seeking projects to help develop Alliance planets, much like General Poof did on Malastare with his company, IGR Brokerage. Several pilots described Dulvoyinn as being too hot for their own comfort wearing flight suits so it would be suitable for tropical vacations provided a proper location is found on the planet.
Potential clients include refugees displaced from several systems, like Empress Teta, Teyan, Kalist, Zamael and Ghiltomiel, that the Alliance all captured in the Run to Coruscant, who would happily vacation on Dulvoyinn while their homes are being rebuilt.
P.S.: I'm unable to use the Force so that should inform you as to the security precautions required.
Dunames Lopez
CEO, Star Tours
[member="Zonia Kalranoos"]