Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beacon of Darkness

Location: Vjun, Castle Bast

Upon learning of the potential demise of Grace, Ra had taken over the stronghold she had made. While the outward appearance hadn't changed, the interior Ra had made more to her liking.

Ra did not believe in or condone slavery, but hired servants and paid them. However, she would often frequent slave markets, purchase them and give them their freedom. Most actually stayed loyal to the woman that gave them that freedom becoming servants to her.

They had cleaned the place up after being abandoned and kept it clean. Rugs were on most of the floors and tapestries on the walls. Her private rooms were kept warm, but a dark red hue appeared to fill the room.

She had a library in which she incorporated knowledge from as much as she could get together and combined it with what was already there. She kept her nexu at her side most of the time, but Ankhaara did have her own room nearby that of Ra's. There was even what some might call a ball room if she wanted to have one.

Not so far into owning the castle that everything was the way she wanted, but it would do for now and it was a work in progress.

A few weeks ago, she had met an upcoming possible apprentice at a wild party. She had told him when and where to show up if he was interested in learning from her. Now she waited for him.

She was at home and didn't wear her normal attire, instead she went for something colorful. Wearing her favorite copper skirt and a white peasant top. However, she was not weaponless. Besides being armed with the Force, she still insisted on having boot knives, two short sabers up her sleeves and a double bladed one on her hip. On her arms was the only armor she actually wore. Her blaster was not present.

With the cat at her side, Ra sat in her study and if the man showed up, one of her servants would bring him to her.

[member="Enzo Carpathia"]
The black perpetual clouds of Vjun clung to the skies causing a shadow to lay across the canyonous land. Acidic rain fell from the dark toxic atmosphere and a lone figure sat shrouded from it all beneath a stone outcropping. As he exited the safety of the small cave the rain seemed to part before the hooded figure, a gentle breeze whipping his cloak about him. Thick metal boots stomped through muddy puddles and the wet dirt clung to his legs. He sat in the rain for a moment as he studied the massive castle before him. The statue of Vader had been removed announcing the arrival of a new Sith lord taking control of the castle. Great walls of stone surrounded the inner keep. The stone was marred black by the acidic rain and large metallic doors sat in the center marking the entrance.

The hooded figure approached the great metal doors and with a wave of his hand they parted before him. He entered the confines of the castle and removed his hood exposing a tan angular face, with almost shoulder length hair, and red eyes. A servant stood in the hall adjacent to the doorway tending to a fire in the hall. He was a skinny frail looking man who bore the scars of a life long slave. His eyes seemed to carry only a hint of hope, but such was expected when dealing with slaves freed or not. His head was balding and his face gaunt. The man jumped as Enzo cleared his throat lightly.

“Sorry sir I did not hear you enter!” The servant said, fear plain on his face.

Enzo merely sighed “Relax, I’m not here for your head. I am here to see Ra’a’mah,” Enzo said, a playful smirk splayed across his face. The servant regained his composure and nodded swiftly.

“Of course, if you’ll just follow me,”

The old man who's name was Vincent lead Enzo to the study where Ra was waiting for her guest. He had been told to expect one and had thought he was paying attention. To make up for his error he would pay extra attention and do a few more chores afraid of being punished in some way. Such were thoughts of his mind even though he was no longer a slave.

He wrung his hands nervously as they walked through the still halls. Ra was a fair master and treated all her servants well considering what she was. Things could have been much worse for them. She never even expected any of them to care for the monster she had as a pet, Vincent was thankful for that since it had so many teeth.

"Master Ra, the guest you were expecting is here."

Opening the door and announcing Enzo, Vincent would get and serve them drinks before departing again.

Ra stood up when Enzo entered, looking at him with her gold eyes. They were almost an amber color and appeared to be calculating him.

"Have a seat, Enzo. Welcome to Castle Bast. It is at least for now, my home and where we will start training."

Motioning to a chair near to hers and the fire, she waited for him to join her in sitting. The drinks were served and Ra nodded to Vincent. He would be nearby if anything was needed from him.

[member="Enzo Carpathia"]
[SIZE=11pt]Enzo followed the servant through the halls of castle Bast. Fine tapestries detailing heroics from all over the galaxy hung from the walls. Bawdy crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling granting dim light to hallways. The occasional fireplace provided warmth for the castle’s occupants. Beautiful rugs of a hundred different colours adorned the floors and Enzo’s mud clad boots scattered filth all over them. The serving man constantly looked back at Enzo with disdain plain on his face and Enzo found himself wondering why. It was not till they almost reached Ra’a’mah’s chambers that he realised why. Blush tinged Enzo’s face as he bent low to remove his boots. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“Sorry,” He apologized lightly and the servant lifted his nose at the man. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Enzo set the boots next to a nearby fireplace and made note to himself not to forget them. The servant opened the gilded door that led to Ra’s current quarters and Enzo entered. He was surprised to see a Nexu by her side. The creature hissed at him and he was half tempted to hiss back, but instead settled on a mean glare. Enzo hated cats. Regardless he knew their was a great many things this woman could teach him. So, he would stay despite the feline. Enzo took a seat and the serving man offered him a drink. Enzo accepted the crystall glass and sniffed its contents. Bourbon and good bourbon too. Enzo’s people did not get drunk, but he had come to respect the finer things in life. So, he idly sipped the drink and enjoyed the fire. Ra spoke of their training and Enzo nodded. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“What kind of training do you have in mind?” Enzo asked curiously as he shrugged out of his black hood, exposing his cut tan arms, and a black T-shirt which clung tightly to his chest.[/SIZE]

Taking a seat after speaking, Ra watched Enzo's reaction to the nexu who hissed at him slightly. She made a motion to the cat and she settled back down in front of the fire. Enzo glared at the nexu for a moment and then took the drink offered by Vincent. The other drink was then offered to Ra.

Giving him the time needed to get comfortable, she listened to his question. When they had met at the party, they had not really had a great opportunity to speak to one another. Only a quick sharing of names and her location, a date and time to show up if he wanted to learn more. That he was dark was known when they met, he must have felt it within her as well somehow.

He asked her what kind of training she considered, but without knowing what he already knew, Ra really had no place to started. Crossing her legs, her elbows resting on the arms of the chair, she took a sip of her drink. Her other hand was in her lap. She looked at him whether he decided to sit when she offered or not before answering him.

"What do you already know? Then I'll have an idea of what type of training to start with."

[member="Enzo Carpathia"]
[SIZE=11pt]Enzo idly sipped his drink and savoured the burning alcohol in his mouth for a moment before swallowing it with an audible gulp. He let his arms fall onto the arm rest and stared deeply into the fire. The woman asked him what he knew and he wondered just how much he should tell her. She was Sith after all and Enzo was no fool. In his five millennia of life he had learned at least one thing. Sith were not to be trusted. So, he settled on showing her the biggest trick he had learned, but deigned not tell her the other. Enzo’s attention turned from the fire as a small mouse peaked it’s head from a crack in the wall. He bent low and beckoned it over with his free hand making soft cooing noises as he did so. Illuminated by the fire light the mouse cast a large shadow and Enzo thought the cat might pounce. But, the creature made it to the man unmolested. He scooped it up with his hand and held the creature tightly. He looked to the fire again and felt a pang of sympathy for the poor mouse. He gave it one good squeeze and felt the mouse squirm against his grasp. His hold on the creature tightened more and finally it shuttered its last as it’s clasp on life finally dissipated. He looked to his hand and opened it revealing the dead creature and smirked a bit.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“For a time my people worked with a group of rogue energy vampires… They were held in high regard in our court and treated as wizards capable of great feats of magic. One of the things they showed me was the ability to escape death,” Enzo said quietly.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]He released his hold on his drink and placed both hands around the mouse’s corpse. He brought them to his lips and breathed deeply into them. Green fog like tendrils seeped from his mouth and encompassed his hands. The mouse’s body twitched and writhed till finally it began to squeak. The smoke seemed to enter every orifice of it’s body, which twisted and turned at sickening angles. Finally the mouse gave one last chirp then righted itself. It sat up on all fours and seemed to act as though it had never even died. Enzo playfully tossed the rodent to the cat and the feline snatched it out of the air gobbling it up greedily. Enzo crossed his muscular arms and returned his attention to the fire. He was a monster capable of ungodly things and he knew it. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I am only capable of bringing back small animals, but with enough power. Power like yours I can bring back larger things. Even people. I have seen it done before…” Enzo said, almost to himself then finally he regarded Ra’a’mah. “You must teach me to become more powerful. Please.”[/SIZE]

Ra waited for his answer and had expected something more verbal. Instead he leaned over in his chair and called one of the many vermin that still lived in the castle over to him. She watched as he killed the creature and revealed its corpse. He broke the silence explaining where he learned his skill and then breathed on the mouse. A green mist surrounded the rodent and his hands. Within moments, the mouse started twitching and then was normal or appeared that way. With a casual toss, Enzo threw it in the direction of the nexu who caught and then swallowed it almost whole.

"I hope that's not going to kill her. What after effects does that do to whatever is brought back?"

He said he was only able to bring back small animals such as the mouse and that with training, he could learn to bring back larger animals and even people. He then turned his eyes to look at her and said she must teach him to become more powerful, but added in please.

She set her own glass down on the table next to her chair, reaching over to pet her nexu and looking at Enzo before speaking.

"What of physical combat?"

[member="Enzo Carpathia"]
[SIZE=11pt]Enzo smiled at the woman’s comment about the cat. He hoped the greedy creature choked on it. She wanted to know of the after effects of the spell. He had never really contemplated that as his lessons never really got that far. He placed a fist to his chin and tried to remember what those brought back from the dead had been like. He distinctly remembered writhing corpses pulling themselves from the ground, fist clawing their way out of the mud, as green smoke gave them new life. He remembered asking them a great many things, but most of all he remembered them begging for eternal release. But, only after doing the bidding of their master could they be given pardon. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I believe their are little to no set backs, but usually the undead can be melodramatic and if a being is unwilling enough they may resist the call,”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Then she asked about his skills with a blade and Enzo saw no reason to tell her anything other than the truth, besides he still had that ace up his sleeve. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“As for my skill with a saber, they are matched by very few,” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Enzo was not lying. He had once been a knight of Carpathia. Honored warriors of the kingsguard. They went about settling land disputes mostly, but during the civil war they had honed their craft as trained killers, but that was a long time ago... Enzo blushed a little as he spoke again, dipping his head low so that his hair might cover the red tinge in his cheeks. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]“I… I must admit. I lost my sword a long time ago,” Enzo said softly[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]In his land being stripped of your sword was to be stripped of all honor. He had never truly told anyone about his past so no one truly knew he had honor to begin with. But, he imagined this woman could see through his feeble disguise and was able to look at the weak little monster he truly was.[/SIZE]

Ra nodded, his knowledge on the subject wasn't complete so she would have to keep an eye on the cat and make sure she didn't get sick or die. If the nexu did, she would take it out on his hide. Turning his attention to the physical fighting, Ra nodded.

Each person had their own skill sets and hers was rather unconventional. She knew of two fighting styles and was proficient in both. Provided he turned out to bed a good student, she would teach him both.

As he spoke though, he seemed embarrassed about something. His last comment interested her.

"What happened?"

Raising an eye brow, she took a sip of her drink and waited.

[member="Enzo Carpathia"]

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