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Approved Location Beast Hunter's Guild Beast Training Complex

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Name: Beast Training Complex

Intent: To help expand the Beast Hunter's Guild

Location: In a widened clearing on Alaris Prime, surrounded by forests.

Affiliation: The Beast Hunter's Guild

Population: Six sentients; Fossbon and his crew, an engineer, and a droid specialist. Many droids; six within the Main Building, and eight around the Beast Enclosures donning tranqulizer rifles; Several droid engineers, and a droid secretary.

Points of Interest:

Name: The Office

Location: The front of the complex

Description: A small building made up of four rooms and a bathroom, the front room where a secretary droid mans a desk, completed with several couches. An office for Fossbon. A break room, and a storage room.

Name: The Main Building

Location: The center of the complex

Description: A large warehouse-like building, held up by interior supports and durasteel plating to allow the entire interior to be open, without walls and other restrictive areas. A huge duracrete floor ionside is adorned with white paint, marking off areas used for various forms of training, while the main enterance leads into a small area surrounded by transparisteel viewports, where guests can watch the animals be trained. A huge set of double doors at the back of the building allows beasts to be escorted in from the Enclosures.

Name: The Shed

Location: Behind the Main Building, in front of the Beast Enclosures

Description: The Shed serves three purposes; to store the food, supplies, and equipment needed for the complex. To supplly energy with it's power generators, and much weaker backup power generator. And to serve as a safehouse for the staff if a dangerous beast were to ever escape. The bilding is low to the ground, and build of reinforced duracrete and durasteel, with no windows, and a blastdoor for enterance. Basically, it's a small bunker.
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Name: The Beast Enclosures

Location: Behind The Shed

Description: Four large areas of grass sit at the back of the complex, fenced off by electrified durasteel link fences, powered by the generators within the Shed, and strong enough to stun a full-grown bull rancor. (Though this may cause a power issue... <_<) Each enclosure sports a large durastele gate which can be opened via controls inside of The Shed.

Description: The Beast Hunter's Guild had been looking to expand into trained animals since it first opened, and measures were being taken to make teh expansion possible a month ago. Unexpected circumstances delayed construction, so that the facility wasn't prepared until now... But it was worth the wait.

Visitors to the complex can land on a large duracrete platform at the west side of the clearing, near the office, large enough to hold several small freighters. A small sidewalk leads to the office, where apointments can be organized by the sectretary there, or meeting with Fossbon can be held. Aounr dthe office is the Main Building, measuring 4500 by 4000 square meters, with a high enough roof to accomadate a small Gorax. The main enterence, facing the west of the building, allows visitors or guests into a small viewing area surrounded by transparisteel, where they can watch the beasts be trained by the expert Beast Tamers employed by the Guild. Facing the east, a pair of massive doors sits on the other side of the warehouse, allowing beasts to be escorted in from the enclosures...

Four huge areas are fenced off at the east-most point of the clearing, where electrified chain-link fences, and mechanically controlled gates keep any beasts that are undergoing training safe from being harmed, or harming others.

The entire complex is managed by Fossbon, who- with the help of his crew- tame the beasts ordered by the Beast Hunter's Guild.

History: Since the beginning of the Guild, mrrew has wanted to expand into training animals for the use of war beasts, mounts, and pets. After obtaining a large amount of land on Alaris prime, he's made that possibility a reality by having the Beast Training Complex built, using a team of droids purchased from Cestus Cybernetics.

Links: - Mrrew hires Fosbson and his crew to run the facility, and begins construction on the facility (last post) - Nearly a (real life) month later, Mrrew tours the completed facility - Fossbon and his crew
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
This looks very good, good work put in there isn't anything to complicated.

Only thing it is missing is cowbell, you need more cowbell


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