Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beaten down

Hello all... Not sure what to say with this. For a while I have been struggling with some emotional issues and well while I have been trying to use Chaos as an escape. Lately it hasn't been helping. So Im stepping back for a little while. Could be gone for a few days few weeks heck a month. Or I might prove myself wrong and come back tomorrow seeing how much I adore this place. But I feel like I am losing the fight so I might be around here and there but I will probably not post to threads for a little while while I am on this LOA my sincerest apologies to those that have threads with me. But I feel like I am at my wit's end and will shatter into pieces if I don't do something. So I guess there is that. I promise ill be back some day could be tomorrow could be a few days or a few weeks. I have no idea but I will still be on discord if anyone wants to talk and such. But I am stepping back from Chaos for the time being.
[member="Kyrel Ren"] Best of luck to you man! We'll still be here once you decide to come back. Sometimes the pressure of posting is a good thing to get away from, sometimes you realize it's an important distraction - only way to find out is to step away first!

Keep your friends close, keep moving and doing and thinking. Trust me, I understand that it doesn't feel like that's helping but one day you'll be breathing easier.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Kyrel Ren"]
The struggle is real and Chaos is an escape. An addicting one, which in itself might not always be a good thing. Taking a break to get outside and reconnect with life can help.

You've got friends here that care here :) Remember that. Always here to lend an ear.

Allana Badeaux

Ta’a Chume – Queen Mother
I really understand the need to take LOAs. I’ve been there. I’ve just got back from one myself. I was really enjoying our tread with the twists and turns. I understand though and if you need to step back that is fine. Take care and come back soon.
Thank you all I appreciate it. I don't really have any friends so its nice to hear that. I might be coming back in a few days I just need to get my head together. I haven't felt right.
[member="Allana Badeaux"]

I have been enjoying the thread as well. I will happily continue when I return. Kyrel is far from done with Hapes.
After a couple of days to unwind and relax, and to get away from posting for a little while I am coming back to the addiction that is Chaos. :D Thanks for the kind words guy's but this Master of Ren should be coming back tonight :)

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