@Vivan Octavia, Red Ravens
He had always liked Pazaak.
Maybe it was because the game had a certain predictability to it, or maybe it was because luck had always been on his side, but Pazaak had always come easy to him. He smiled across the table at man across from him, his gaze shifting slightly as he flipped over another one of his cards to reveal a perfect 20. He shrugged slightly, and then pulled the pot of chips over towards him.
“Better luck next time mate.” The man hunched slightly, but he didn't really care. The House took its cut from his winnings, and he nodded slightly to the dealer droid that was employed by the casino. He always like droids more than human dealers, no need to tip, and easier to slice. Of course today there was no need for that, he and Viv had hit it big back on C-1339, making off the trade station with quite a lump sum of credits.
That was why they were here in the Dragon palace Casino, having a laugh and enjoying themselves.
He rolled his eyes at the thought of Vivian, she had ditched him the first second they had stepped foot inside the casino.
With another nod to his opponent Logan stood from the table and pocketed his earnings. Perhaps he would try his hand Sabacc, more skill required in that game, and his brain wouldn't start counting the damn cards.
He had always liked Pazaak.
Maybe it was because the game had a certain predictability to it, or maybe it was because luck had always been on his side, but Pazaak had always come easy to him. He smiled across the table at man across from him, his gaze shifting slightly as he flipped over another one of his cards to reveal a perfect 20. He shrugged slightly, and then pulled the pot of chips over towards him.
“Better luck next time mate.” The man hunched slightly, but he didn't really care. The House took its cut from his winnings, and he nodded slightly to the dealer droid that was employed by the casino. He always like droids more than human dealers, no need to tip, and easier to slice. Of course today there was no need for that, he and Viv had hit it big back on C-1339, making off the trade station with quite a lump sum of credits.
That was why they were here in the Dragon palace Casino, having a laugh and enjoying themselves.
He rolled his eyes at the thought of Vivian, she had ditched him the first second they had stepped foot inside the casino.
With another nod to his opponent Logan stood from the table and pocketed his earnings. Perhaps he would try his hand Sabacc, more skill required in that game, and his brain wouldn't start counting the damn cards.