Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Beating the Odds (complete)

She had left here in a hurry, she came back reluctantly. Something left unfinished, something she felt she had to do. She looked out across the desert the endless miles of sand. The desert had a way of doing two things, making her forget who you are, and wiping away any trace that you ever came out there.

[member="Verz Horak"] and [member="Ordo"] were all she had anymore, she never saw [member="Arrbi Betna"] even though he had been the one to take her away from here. What would he say to see her come back her willingly. And what would he think of what she had planned to do. She still didn't earn enough credits for anything and she believed it was because she had left all of her luck tied up in one little bag.

Her clan sisters were busy too, [member="Anija Ordo"], and [member="Evi Sohl"] they had established themselves, while she still seem to hide in shadows. Where was her courage? Arla looked down thinking hard.

She traveled with Verz, and sometimes with Ordo.

Her green eyes scanned the horizon before her, she already knew it would take a while to get to where she wanted to be, and to cross alone under the hot twin suns was a fool's mission. But maybe she needed to do this, to prove to herself that she could beat the odds.

She debated with herself to go in the armor, or leave it locked up behind and go just with whatever skills she had. Jawa, Raiders, mercs, and who knew what else was out there watching for someone to be so gullible. She turned and headed into the cantina, the one where Arrbi had come in that day. Let's see just how much things had changed.
The darkness was what she noticed first as her eyes adjusted, she did not pull her buyce off it would be a giveaway to who she was, the long red hair a trademark on this planet of sand and heat.

She walked over to the bar, what would she order, she couldn't order water that would be inviting everyone to stare. She needed something stronger something that reeked of mandalorian courage. "You got net'ra gal?" She asked her voice synthezier disguising her voice, but clearly everyone would know she was a woman. But it would take time for them to know she was the one that use to sleep in the back room, clean the floors, wash the glasses, break up their fights, and suffer their insults.

The bartender nodded holding up the glass, waiting for the credits. Yeah don't give it over unless you get paid first, rule of priority. She held out the credit chit, he took what he needed off of it, and then handed her the glass. She picked it up and headed into a dark corner.

There were always dark corners to hide in, dark corners that offered the solace of rememberance in peace. She slid in, and then pulled her helmet off putting it on the table and looking around her hair fell around her shoulders, laying softly onto the shoulders of her armor. Her armor that none would know, it was a different color from when Arrbi found her with it.

She sipped her drink, and watched. There were new faces, new players had all the old ones been killed off, or moved on. She wanted to ask but not yet. She had to feel comfortable had to feel when the time was right then she'd ask.
She had sat back during this hour taking account of the comings and goings of each of the mercenaries. She watched for a tell tale clue of who they were, or who they were pretending to be. That was the luxury of living or coming to Tattooine, no one asked a lot of questions they watched, took their credits, and lived to see another day. Arla took a deep breath there was nothing to see today. She had come in here thinking everything would have changed but in truth nothing had.

What had changed was her, she was growing becoming stronger. She was not the same girl who slept on the pallet, no she had taken control of her destiny. She wondered if [member="Azrael"] would understand this need to go back, to make sure she was right about this place. Or any place. She needed some sleep, and then tomorrow she would head out to find the one thing she had left here and had to come back for. She wondered if it was still there or if someone had found the hiding place.

No she smiled, they wouldn't dare.
Mornings on Tattooine were like mornings in most places the cool of the night was chased by the heat of the suns. Everyone began stirring except for those who were getting ready to go to bed. Arla sat in the window of the room she rented, her long legs hanging over the edge her green eyes scanning the streets below watching. It was a weird sensation to be up here looking down it made her feel a bit giddy.

She knew though that the longer she waited the hotter the desert sand would become and her journey would take her into the canyons but the exposure along the way that would be the dangerous part. She slid out of the window back into her room grabbing her gear she went down to grab a speeder. It was the fastest way to go, rental was a bit pricey. She imaged the vendor had not had a good customer in sometime.

Within the hour she was speeding across the desert her memory remember the way. The trail behind her left the swept mark on the sand easy enough to be blown away by the winds that were already kicking up.
She had become so engrossed in the landscape and feeling the wind push against her threatening to push her and the speeder into the unknown lands. That she failed to see the raiders along the ridge of the canyon.

The heat of the bike, the wind all drown out the sound, the snap and crack of the shot that took out the engine, throwing her from the speeder she rolled on the ground. The sand stuck to her she laid there staring up at the suns. "ow" she moaned. She pushed herself to move, they would be coming down the path, moving quickly. She had seen how quick they moved.

Her leg hurt but there was no blood, she stood up the bike was useless. dammit she thought grabbing her gear from the desert floor. She headed into the canyon walls there had to be a place to hide. Now how was she going to get out of this little mess she put herself into. Already she admonished herself for such, lack of attention lord she hoped none of her vod ever found out about this. She struggled and could hear the shuffling of feet. They were closer than she thought. She moved along trying to keep her shadow from coming into view. The sharp edges of rock poked hard her harshly she winced each time, but never whispered a word of pain.
Arla groaned slightly as she movd along the edge of the canyon under the ledges turning to keep her eyes on any movement around her. Her leg was becoming a problem it felt as if it were swelling as her skin became tighter she could almost feel a pulse in her knee. She cursed to herself leaning back against the rock she reached in and pulled out her water, she'd have to be careful with the water if it was all she was to have it could be the only thing standing between her and being a pile of bones.

She hadn't heard the swishing noise either they had stopped, and were looking for her or they gave up.
Arla tried to breath easy closing her eyes to direct her hearing holding her breath to take away any sound other than that around her. Her knee was pulsing she began to mentall admonish herself for coming back her for the four marbles that she treasured so much. When you spend most of your life walking across hot desert sand the little things you find for rememberance certain become important. These were important.

Still she couldn't hear anything, sweat had now coated her from head to foot. Her plans were not going as she had envisioned but then again when did they. She shook her head pushing off the wall poking forward to look around. She didn't see anything. She remembered that they walked single file, they were frightened easily but always come back in strong numbers. She needed a point to rest and get her pants off to look at her knee.

She bit her lip hard the pain reminded her again of the fool heartedness of such things. She edged along stopping. listening. She took a breath listened, and moved. She finally made it to where she could sit down, she was still blind from above. But there still wasn't a sound not even the echo of a stone dropping. That was un nerving.

She pulled her boots off, and then shimmied out of her pants sitting down she looked at her knee. Swollen, deep bruise followed by a curse. What was she going to do, Well she'd have to borrow a ride. That meant going into tusken raider camp, or jawa's would come by. She much rather have the jawas.

Jawa's fiesty, hard bargaining. She remembered when she found the very first stone among the bones of the dragon. She had never seen a dragon let alone understand why there was a pretty green marble with them. The jawa's told her that white and blue were more common, but even though didn't mean anything. She was 9 at the time, and the jawas were her friends. She would get one day off each week from work and on that day she snuck around watching everyone else.

The memory was still there, she smiled remembering just when the jawa's caught her. She had lowered her head and pinched her eyes closed when they found her. She waited for them to stop all talking to her at once, the sounds assaulted her ears it was hurting her. Then there was silence. She slowly opened her eyes they took her by the hand and led her away with them. They didn't realize that she would get in trouble, they had thought they were doing a good thing. Arla was just happy to get away. They drove out after some hours they stopped. They all fell out onto the the desert sand picking up wreckage that lay about. Arla had moved toward the bones fascinated having never seen one, and when the shiny green color glistened under the suns she ran over and picked it up about the size of a quarter it rested in her tiny palm. Her new found friends gathered around and began chattering, poking, shaking their heads and trying to get her to give it up. But it was the first thing she had ever found. She wouldn't give it up for anything, and she knew she had to hide it.
The dust and sand had begun to blow what had been a beautiful sea of tiny diamonds on the glowing sun had become sharp tiny needles caught in a whirlwind. Storms like this were not uncommon surviving them only needed a cool head and a bit know how. Raised on the world of dust and memories Arla crouched underneath the overhang pulling up her shirt she covered her mouth and nose. Without this tiny bit of coverage she would suffocate from the sand filling her lungs.

The tiny needles were ravaging her skin pricking her over and over. Arla tried to make herself smaller to wait out this new punishment. What had she been thinking? She needed to distract her mind to forget about the harsh wind threatening to peel her skin from her bones and leave her nothing more than another parched white shell lying upon the desert sands.

Her memory drifted back remembering another time, another day to survive. She had survived to age 12 every day he reminded her of what little value she had even as she clung to the armor left with her. He threatened to take it from her daily, her only connection to a world that seemed to have cast her out she would hold onto it in hopes that he was a liar. The Jawas were in town she had seen them walking the streets looking to make a barter with or two with the scraps they found. Her Jawa had gotten better though still childish when she spoke they tolerated her more now than before accepting of her presence. The older ones had seen her treatment and even they knew not to treat their young in such a manner. In ways they tried to protect her during the time she was with them.

Arla had seen the Hutt too large to fit into the cantina his long slithering motion could wipe out chairs and stalls as he moved. Her keeper went out to meet with him. Arla leaned out the door tilting downwards to watch and listen. She did not get to see Hutts too often they lazed in their palaces and had servants to keep them. So why was this one there? Biting her lip as the young often did she slowly tip toed out the door not wanting to be seen she dropped down to all fours and crawled to the end of the alley to get the closer look. The Hutts voice was loud it echoed off the walls sending vibrations everywhere even if he wanted to whisper she doubted he would be able. His large yellow eyes blinked in owlish style, his maw opened and closed with each word Arla marveled that his mouth was so big. Tiny little arms and hands though it was no wonder he had servants he probably couldn't feed himself. The thought made her giggle. Eyes turned her way she froze and dropped completely laying on her stomach. She waited breathing hard her heart began to thunder, don't see me don't see me she thought over and over.

The keeper spoke "Yeah she can do whatever you want if lending her to you for a month to pay the debt is agreed" he was looking her way he knew she was there they both did. A debt, he owed a debt to the hutt and she was going to pay it for him! She stood up stared at them both and then ran. The Keeper gave chase knocking over carts and pushing people to the side. Arla ran under tables, and through legs of tall strangers, and dodged the short ones trying to grab her. She ran between stalls and dove into her hiding spot, pulling her legs up. She held her breath so that no one would hear no one to find her. She waited any moment he would grab the box and find her in it she just knew it. She waited. There was no sound, had he given up? She slowly unfolded letting her legs stretch out she began to relax thinking he had given up, until hard hands grabbed her ankles and yanked her from her hiding spot.

She stood before the palace looking dejected, abandoned, and much too much like a slave. This palace spiraled upwards towards the sky great towers casting long shadows, stone so dark and cold it told a story that did not have a happy ending. She could get lost in there hidden in some deep crevasse forgotten, unwanted. Arla shook her head this was a sad place. The Hutt was talking and she had no idea what he said but when the droid shoved her knocking her to the ground it shocked her skinning her knees. "I don't know what you're saying" She sputtered at him. She frowned and narrowed her gaze to keep the tears from welling up. She got to her feet dusting herself off giving the droid the stare of death. "Your new home" the Hutt bellowed as he laughed. Why did Hutts laugh so much did they think themselves that funny? He didn't sound funny he looked funny. She did not want to go inside it she was afraid she'd never come out
A month with a Hutt kitchen duty today. The kitchen was warm the smells of good food made her stomach ache. She was tired her days started and ended when she passed out. There were eyes everywhere they watched her, scolded her, and threatened her with a bantha hide strap. She put her head down and did their bidding for they had said the same thing he had said, that she was worthless and unwanted. Her keeper had given her over without a single thought but his own needs, and that was why she served in the palace of the hutt. They said they would teach her value, she snickered. Their idea of value was just to serve another master. If she ever got to have a family they'd always know they were wanted.

She had stood near the door of his throne room he ruled his palace with a tiny iron fist with a long reach. They fed her enough to keep her alive and worked her like they were trying to kill her. Whatever debt she was paying off she wondered if she would ever see the outside again. It was always low lit in the palace perhaps the Hutts eyes were bad too. She carried a large bowl that filled her arms, the meal within swam from side to side unaware of what lay ahead. Arla walked slowly towards the throne there was no hiding from this. She kept her eyes on the floor making sure she took careful well placed steps. Not a drop should fall from the bowl until she stood near the throne she offered the bowl upwards without a word.

"Ahhhh" the Hutt's voice carried, "the escape artist" her red hair a giveaway to who she was. Her Hutt was also now getting better. Arla peered from behind the bowl yes she had tried a number of times. She had been successful most times but they always caught her and dragged her back. There were more of them to hunt her, each night she tried to figure a way out. Her clothes covered her but her feet were bare she could feel the cool of the stone everywhere she walked she never got any sun. She missed the suns. "What nothing to say?" his voice dragging her back to reality. He always sounded mean to her and he was so big she feared if he fell on her she'd be squashed like a bug.

She continued to hold the bowl she was not allowed to set it down she was determined to stand fast and hold it. Green eyes peered over the edge of the bowl, "I will get out one day you will see" He laughed it boomed and then everyone else laughed he shooed her away he didn't want what was in the bowl. She headed back downstairs to the kitchen, once safely in she slid the bowl onto the counter. She wouldn't be defeated she would get out it was written on her face. The night seem to go on forever Arla walked those steps with that same bowl every twenty minutes just in case the Hutt wanted what was in the bow each time she looked over the edge her eyes would harden and fill with determination. Up stairs, down stairs it was how they tired her out every night, every night without food, and very little water. When she stood at the counter on the verge of failing she would finally collapse to the floor from exhaustion they stepped over her until someone pushed her under the table out of the way.

The slow approach of the Tattooine dawn she could feel it. Her eyes fluttered as she woke up, her face was cold, she realized she was on the floor again. She sat up wiping sleep from her eyes, it was still dark out. This was her chance she got up dizzy at first lack of food she rubbed her face hard she had to wake up she grabbed a piece of bread stuffing it into her mouth. She looked around half asleep nodding to the voice in her head that said get going she headed for the one place she was unsure of. The garbage chute. It always made these loud noises when garbage was sent down it stepping up on her tip toes she looked down into the darkness the smell knocked her back as her face contorted into disgust, her nose wrinkled up, "wwhhheeeww" Her eyes began to water it was so thick she could almost taste it. The drive to escape was stronger than the smell. She reached into the shoot trying to grab the sides to pull herself up. She couldn't see real well the darkness hid everything she squinted to see if there was something to grab. Then the unexpected happened something or someone pushed her down the chute. She wanted to scream as she slid but that would alert them. She fought that natural instinct and she flailed trying to stop herself.
The landing was soft, squishy, and disgusting. She landed face down in it. What garbage turns into when its left to rot she picked her head up she tried to get up her feet slipping as she fell again. She was now coated in the thick dark fluids of rot. The smell so bad she found herself choking on it as she walked through it following the slow flow. She moved to the edge, crawling out she laid there catching her breath looking up at where she had fallen from. She did not know whether to be grateful someone had pushed her or annoyed that someone would push her. She hurt. She was growing use to the smell now her stomach stopped trying to force out the little that was in it. Arla wanted to sleep but she was still too close to the palace. Trudging down the tiny path that ran next to the river of sludge she prayed that this time they wouldn't catch her.

The path ended and the river emptied into a tiered drop how many did it go she could not tell. She looked out across the desert sand the morning was dawning Arla sat down and watched the suns chase each other to rise. Swirls of color filled the horizon and for the first time since coming to the Hutt's palace Arla had hope.

She looked at the tiers it would be better to have something to protect her. She looked around at the small ledges that held nothing but rocks, and the tiniest places for standing if one were to stand. She looked down again determined she got up and walked back a bit and then taking a deep breath she stepped back into the flow she watched as she moved forward the closer she got the edge her fear built up. She sat down and let the flow carry her over.

Sitting up had not worked the flow had other intentions she found herself floundering rolling over each tier screaming her voice echoed off the walls she struggled for air, for her life clawing to get back to the edge. Kicking her feet stretching her arms she found a rock curling her fingers around it she pulled half of her body now lay on the side her legs still trapped. Arla coughed her chest hurt, she pulled herself further out laying there crying from pain and frustration for not being bigger. For being left behind. For being a nobody that deserved nothing. For being unwanted. Look at what being unwanted does it can get you killed. She rolled over. Without looking near delirious she struggled to her knees scraping them on the red rocks. She whimpered and pushed up to stand. She wanted out, she wanted away. She took a few steps the sides were steep Arla lost her footing again and rolled down the hill to lay at the bottom. She cried harder why was this happening to her. She crawled to get out of the sun the raiders would get her, god what she wouldn't do for a Jawa right now. She pulled herself towards the edge out of the sun out of sight. She could see a small opening if she could just get in there just for a while. Breathless, stunned, sore, and beyond fright she pulled herself toward the opening and then into the darkness. Inside she collapsed she could handle no more she passed out.
The next time she woke up she had no idea how many days it had been or if it had only been hours she did not know. But the little opening that she had crawled into had opened into a larger cavern. She was covered in bruises, covered in garbage, and near starving. She just knew that this would be where she died. She worked to get herself up when she finally cleared the hoodoos what lay before her took her breath away.

There before her were the bones of dragons. That's not possible she thought dragons die in the sun they don't. What she had been taught was not true here this looked like a graveyard of dragons.

Slowly she walked limping if the dragons could get in, she could get out. Where had they come in? She could not help but stare at the bones. Then she heard it the low growl the clawing sounds on the stones she wasn't alone. She looked around there lying on its side was a large dragon. They were killers they could poison you with one bite. Their tails could swipe at you and toss you for a 100 meters. Was there anything else that could be thrown at her?

When it looked at her with its great eyes Arla felt drawn in by them. The great beast labored for every breath it was dying she realized. She moved closer she could now see the gaping wound it dripped blood the cut so deep its bones showed. Every breath she could see them expand and retract, it had been fighting. Oh. She felt a sadness take her it was dying and if she had not been here it would be alone. She moved closer, it tried to move away from her the smell was repugnant to the Dragon too. It snapped at her its tail picked up and waved back and forth then fell with a thud. It was too weak to hurt her. She stepped away maybe it didn't want any company. Maybe she should just find the way out.

It was strange to be in here this place that had suddenly turned from being her place of rescue and escape to loneliness, sadness and grief. It echoed like a tomb each time she moved. It was so silent all she could hear was the Dragon breathing and her footsteps on the cavern floor. It had been carved out of the sandy dunes and canyon walls for a purpose a sad mournful purpose. Strange it was also peaceful a comfort to know that this was the place where they would all be together and never parted. Did Dragons think that?

Arla's gaze was drawn to the ground how many dragons had actually come here and died. She walked over to a set of bones so sad the skull had no eyes it was a small remnant of something so grand. Its great white teeth a sharp reminder of what it had been capable of. Arla looked down something below its mouth caught her eye a glint in the sand. Kneeling she prodded at the glint until it came free. There was a beautiful azure marble much like the green she had found two years earlier. Then it struck her oh it's their souls. Their souls turn into these marbles, these stones oh she marveled at such a thought.

She looked back at the other, "I understand now" Arla held it in her hand then clutched it to her chest she would protect its soul, she would take care of it. She got up and each place she looked for the skull to see if its soul was there waiting to be found after hours of searching she had only found two others so sad of all the bones only three souls. The other souls were white was there a difference because of the color was one bad the other good she didn't know, and she didn't care she finally had something that she could look after.

She held the stones gently concerned that she could hurt the souls within. She went back to the great beast who lay there its breathing had changed again it was slow. With timid steps she walked around she wanted to see its eyes. She wanted to see if its soul would come out now. When she finally got to where she could see its face she got really quiet and sad. Inching closer she could see the eyes had clouded over it was near death, she inched to where she could lean, slowly leaning forward she went to touch the great creature it tries to pull away. It tried to snap at her but its strength and will were waning death was approaching. Arla reached between its eyes slowly she began to rub like one would their favorite pet. "Don't you worry I'll protect your friend's soul and if yours falls out I'll protect it too" Its great head rested on the cavern floor Arla stayed there rubbing between its eyes a low growl of contentment filled the cavern and until it breathed its last breath Arla stayed hoping she was helping it in some way.

Frowning she looked at it. It was gone just like that in a moment. Sadness filled her and great tears fell as she wept at its passing. When her eyes finally cleared she looked to see if its soul had dropped but nothing was there. Maybe it takes time she didn't know. She looked down at the three she had how would she protect them. She would place the ones she had all together for them to keep each other company the four dragon souls.
Lifting the hem of her dress she put her finger into the hem she felt around until she could feel the green one. She started to make a little opening as she pushed her finger into it she pushed each of the stones into it. "You'll be safe there until I can buy you a soft box" Content that they were now safe she Arla headed toward the way the Dragon had come in. She walked what felt like miles her body was giving out perhaps she was going to join the dragons she finally crawled out of the opening back into the sun. Her heart sank she could see the Hutt's palace. She didn't want to go back. She rolled over she had to get away from it unsure what direction it would take her but no food or water in two days in the heat of Tatooine was ready to claim another victim as Arla couldn't move, she clawed at the ground so strong was the desire to be free. If one were to look at her they would see a dirty smelly badly bruised creature. It was hard to tell if she were a boy, a girl or a dying Jawa. She slipped into a dream.

"What have we here came the synthesized voice" He leaned down and rolled her over, "Hmm." He lifted her hair to check her vitals and there he saw the mythosaur. "Ad'ika" She did not respond she couldn't she tried to turn her head but all she saw was darkness. Her lips curved to try and form words but none came out. He picked her up. "what are you doing out here and where are your buir" He walked till he came to his transport he had stopped after leaving the Hutts to make sure they weren't tracking him. It was sheer luck that he had spotted her at all. Cradling her in his arms he was already making plans to find out who had done this, and who was she he took her back to Mos Eisley. He was on his way to war it was no place for a child even a mandalorian child. No, he needed to place her in someone's care at the bar he asked the bartender if he knew someone.

Fate is cruel at times she escaped one form of hell to return to another. The bartender could not believe his luck there she was filthy, stinking, but alive. The Mandalorian handed him some credits, "take care of her I'll be back for her and if she's not here you best hope I don't find you"

The Keeper fearing the words of the mandalorian did take care of her. She was cleaned up, fed and began to gain weight. She looked healthy until the day the Keeper realized the mandalorian wasn't coming back. He was probably killed in the war that he was headed to. The Keeper once again had his slave and once again he begain his daily reminder of how unwanted she was, what a burden she was, and that no one would ever see her as anything more than a slave. But each time a mandalorian came into the Cantina The Keeper held his breath and kept a weapon within reach. Arla remained his slave till the day [member="Arrbi Betna"] walked into the Cantina.

Arla blinked and left the memory. The memory of that day had stayed with her she still protected the Dragon's souls. The storm had finally passed inching out of her hiding place she looked around all trace of the presence of anything living had been wiped away. She stepped out the dry heat, the smell after a sand storm she smiled at how familiar it was to her. She turned her face to the suns lifting her face she could feel the heat on her face but then there was a sound. The sound of muskets clicking Arla shielded her eyes and looked up. Raiders.

She raised her arms over her head. There was no I come in peace she knew nothing of the language. She swallowed hard. She was outnumbered. Unarmed. And at their mercy if they knew of such a thing as mercy.
She had been brought in searched for any weapons all the while they howled and clicked at her the noise was deafening. What did they want she tried to focus on them they shoved poked prodded as they circled her. Looking at the sun she figured she walked about an hour under the hot scalding sun. Sweat would evaporate as quickly as it formed on her skin there wouldn't be much left if she couldn't cool her body down. As they passed her to get home first they struck her on the back of the legs bringing her to her knees.

She walked on her knees for a moment before able to find her footing again to stand. Bad to worse she tried not to laugh but all too often when faced with such odds she could not help it she laughed. They looked at her such a strange sound they had never heard from a human. Fear drove their actions as one of them jumped off and walked to her Arla looked into the vacant glasses worn by them what did they see? She stared back he took the butt of the rifle and knocked her out.

They drug her through the sands to the camp her pants wore away under the scratching rough sand heat made holes and soon her skin burned. She moaned as they drug her she wanted to go home now.

When she finally came to she was hung like a side of bantha hands over her head dangling from the main beam of the tent. She could barely stand her muscles burned through her shoulders, the rope at her wrists had begun to rub her skin raw. Blood had run down the left side of her face her eye barely opened she could make out objects that were close. Fine mess Arla.

Her lips were parched and broken the sun had done it's damage its why they warned visitors of the dangers of the desert and just how quickly circumstances could change. Her captors it seemed wanted to extract a pound of flesh from her for something what remained a mystery. If one believed the stories told it was their nature to torture anyone who wasn't a raider.

The tent flap opened a blast of hot air swept through the tent this raider was shorter than the others movements were more controlled as if they were expecting her to do something. Were they watching her from beneath the masks? What did they look like without the mask? Were they going to kill her?

There was no Jedi son to come tearing through the tent to save her, no. If she was going to get free she'd have to figure it out on her own. Watching the figure careful when it turned and started coming toward her Arla immediately tried to move back it reached up grabbed her hair and forced something to her lips. It was wet it was water.

Arla drank as much as it would allow until it pulled the water away shoving her head back and leaving the tent. So what did that mean, they had plans and needed her alive. Damn. But what plans.

The first few days they beat her about the legs making sure she was unable to walk they had not broken them but any movement left her in great pain.
Sweat each day whatever water they gave her she sweated out the tent was like an over maybe it was supposed to be. Arla tried looking around she could see tables, and knives. It looked like a place they butchered animals. Oh dear god they weren't she hadn't heard she would not think about it but it was becoming more urgent that she get out of here. She learned that the one that came in each night was a female her movements were different then the men. She grunted at Arla often. "I'm Arla" she would say to her every day her green eyes studying her body language to see if it made any difference.

Needing a name Arla began calling her visitor Eyeless. Eyeless no longer shoved the water into her mouth Arla drank willingly. The days were melting one into another Arla was losing track of time. The hours in a day seemed fleeting, shorter then she noticed it the hours weren't drifting she was. She watched the shadows on the tent, how they traveled trying to figure out the location of the sun gage the time.

She watched. The next time she looked at the light hours seemed to have passed but she felt as though she had just looked at the shadows. Arla tried this for a couple of days there was no doubt she was passing out and waking later. She must have a concussion or something.

During these times of unconsciousness one or more of her captors would come in and strike an arm, or a leg on her. Even in her state of unconsciousness Arla would cry out much to the delight of her captors.

After three weeks they seemed to grow tired of the game of torture the human. Arla was asking herself nightly was this what you came here for to remember the reasons why you wanted to leave.

It was part of it the other part of it had been to find out if it was true what the Keeper had said all those years was she abandoned to a harsh world where survival was slim because she was some unwelcome intruder into the lives of her parents. Mandalorians didn't do that to the children, family was everything. It was leaving a gaping hole in her if she could answer this question maybe she could finally stop feeling as if the words were true.

The words that haunted her in her dreams. She had not moved hardly at all in three weeks she tried flexing her muscles atrophy if it set in would kill her she wouldn't be able to run and if she didn't do something soon she would die here.

Her nightly visitor would be coming soon time for water, and whatever that dry substance that resembled bread was. When she entered she stated firmly, "Arla" that much had paid off Eyeless called her by name. But each night Eyeless would then launch into a bunch of sounds that made Arla shake her head, "I don't understand" Eyeless mask looked at her. She seemed to be studying her contemplating an action.

Eyeless moved over to the pulley and dropped Arla to the floor, she cried out her body was still recovering from the nightly beatings. Eyeless kicked her knee the one that she had injured in the fall from the bike. "Ow!"

Eyeless then began stuffing things into Arla's waist band, "What are you doing?" Eyeless grunted which meant what? Eyeless then cut Arla's hands free. Standing back looking at her, she kicked her again "OW!" Arla yelled.

What face was eyeless making beneath if only Arla could see the face to try and figure this out. Eyeless kneeled and shoving a final item in her hand, a make shift knife. Arla then realized Eyeless was setting her free.

Arla struggled to her feet looking at Eyeless. "I won't forget this, ever" Even if it was a trap at least she would die on her feet and not on her knees at the mercy of her attackers. Arla moved slowly to the back of the tent. Eyeless stood at the front watching. Arla nodded, and then slipped through the slit into the darkness. Running was a chore as her legs struggled from not moving, and from trying to run in the sand.

If they looked for her she did not know she ran and hid taking the long way back living on the bit of water and dusty bread the Eyeless had given her. After a few days in the desert fortune finally favored her a troop of Jawas. Never had there been such a welcome sight. Arla fell to her knees before them while speaking and explaining she needed help. For only a few moments they hesitated as if communing with one another to see what to do.

Two days later she was in Mos Eisley seeing a healer who insisted she stay in bed. Three days later she was back on Mandalore still of questions she went to her adopted mother Rianna to get help. For days she lingered on soft white sheets as her wounds were healed.

Rianna noted in her logs :

Patient: Arla Balor

Condition: It is amazing that Arla is still alive based on what I can tell she has been tortured and subject to heat exhaustion.

Rianna could not help but think there must be a purpose for Arla to have endured so much.

Patient however cries out in her sleep often rocking in her sleep as if seeking some consolment. She calls names in her sleep of people here on Mandalore but I do not know that right now would be good for visiting. Her skin is still healing, her body still recovering. Make a note to inform [member="Arrbi Betna"], [member="Anija Ordo"] [member="Evi Sohl"] [member="Ordo"] [member="Azrael"] of these events.

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