Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Beauty and the Beast



Majesty - Ghost
Location Nal Hutts
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Rieka Rieka


Mission: completed. That was the easy part, the hard part was getting off a planet inhabited by so many criminal and murderous egos, the latter Zanami herself could appreciate given the state of her role and alliance within the fabled Sith Order. She was successful in assassinating the targeted subject, whilst procuring an article of importance to the Tsis'kaar.

To the hard part, her success did not go as planned, as the Intel giving to her superiors from a contact nestled within the Hutt's minimal sized palace was sorely lacking in accuracy; the context of it missing several important key elements that could have proved fatal for the young Sith.

Now she found herself running through the putrid swamps, being chased by several employees of their dead despot, failing to understand how she got her, barely recollecting the events building up to her current situation. The only conclusion she could possibly piece together was another blackout; but who took over.

She was acutely aware of the other two voices that haunted her mind, mentally causing drastic affairs that left her befuddled and confused when the onset of reality struck from their abandonment. She had spoken to them, more so of late, but they only wanted to converse at their own leisure or a setting or time of their choosing. Mother and Father were to blame, she believed it.

Exhausted and the hunger slowly creeping in, she stopped briefly to catch a reprieve, hoping one of the voices came back. She was trained rather exceptionally, but she lack the morals to slaughter unconditionally as the others possessed. And now, when she needed one of them, they opted to remain silent. She could hear her pursuers, feeling them closing in our her. She was outnumbered, but if she died today; the voices would cease, and her fear of Mother and Father would no longer haunt her.



Equipment | In Bio

Location | Nal Hutta

Tag | Zanami Zanami

The sound was like that of a roaring thunder, the filth filled waters and loose mud vibrating as something crashed through the swamp.. Whatever it was it was heading closer and closer, soon a beastly roar would be heard and the shouts of Zanami's hunters followed suit.

Taking a peek one could see a great white beast fighting the men, the monster's flesh being riddled with blaster rounds as she jumped in to fight. One being sent flying by a hardy punch, another being enveloped by the great white maw in a single bite.

A hunter manages to get a focused fire right on her nose, the beast's hands covering the wound as she growled out in pain.


Who or whatever this beast was, their body was wrapped in many familiar symbols.. Enough to tell the assassin that there was a high chance of this beast being an ally.

The remaining two hunters fired more shots at Rieka, the bolts singing her white fur before she ripped a tree out of the ground and squished one into a messy paste. Leaving just one of the girl's pursuers left, one that seemed to be making a break for it.





Majesty - Ghost
Location Nal Hutts
Gear: In Sig
Tags: Rieka Rieka


Zanami stood awestruck by the sight of the massive fluffy creature, her mind running a marathon upon a hamster wheel as she tried to determine if this was reality, or another twisted fantasy. There were numerous sentient species, creatures, and other nasties she had yet to encounter in her young and unstable life, and this animal was unique, like herself. Roving over the big 'puppy', her eyes noticed the symbols dotting all along that white fluff; symbols she recognized, symbols she could scarcely place why they were familiar to her.

Those pursuers who once harbored vengeful intentions directed toward Zanami now found themselves in the crosshairs of her mighty savior, and a chuckle escaped the teenage girl when one disappeared into that giant mouth; consumed in mere seconds. It was the words that easily flowed from the lips that added more amazement to Zanami, something so primal, so powerful, so beautiful could speak.

Captured in the throes of curiosity, she began to walk up to the beast only to notice one was attempting to flee. She couldn't allow his escape; he needed to be punished for trying to harm her, and she couldn't allow him to come back with more allies to hurt the puppy. Zanami gave chase, first on two feet before switching to quadrupedal, which allowed her rate of speed to nearly triple due to the wickedly concoctions bestowed upon her from Mother and Father. In seconds, she caught her prey, knocking him to the ground, then hovered over him with glassed eyes. From her fingers emerged those razor, bony claws, tearing away the flesh from bone with every swipe of her hands.

Possessing a forearm bone ripped maliciously from the carcass; she began siphoning the bone marrow through those elongated fangs that dropped down from her upper jaw whilst she walked toward the towering beauty. "I hope your nose is okay," Zanami said, showing no fear whatsoever, "We thank you for helping us, my name is Zanami, the others do not have names, or if they do, they have yet to indulge me. I have nothing to give you for....," she looked at the bone in her hand, the one she was going to eat, and shrugged, "Except this bone."


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