Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Because Ripping Off the Ravens is a Good Idea

ooc: while I am making this thread open it is driving a certain plot as well please keep that in mind... if not sure of what to do... PM me.

The transport from Dathomir to... wherever here was, was very unforgiving. In other words, it was down right expensive. Bryn spent every last credit he had to get to what people were calling Raven territory. It sounded right, I mean on Dathomir everything was named after something in nature. Spending time with the witches made him enjoy the idea, and had he actually been able to learn the truth among them, he'd still be there. The truth was they could not, and so he left. Bryn had known his path was not to just remain in hiding as the rest of his family had. He was not like them.

Family history was one thing they kept passing down verbally when it came to force use. Bryn was the first since the family relocated to Dathomir from wherever they had been. The witches had trained him somewhat, but they could not give him everything he needed. Mostly, the nightsisters had been intent on enslaving him, and trying to make hima stud for breeding purposes. Not that being a toy for the nightsisters was all bad, Bryn just was his own person. It would have never worked.

None of this was getting him a place to sleep, or food in his stomach. There was a hotel, restaurant, casino type place not too far from the space port. Bryn had seen it while looking out the window on landing. Someone there would have to be careless enough with their credits to let enough fall into his hands for what he needed, at least until he could find work. A small duffle was thrown over his shoulders. His attire wasn't much to look at. All of it was black, and the most notable piece was the black leather pirate coat he wore. A gift, one of the nightsisters had given him as a good bye gift, was worn over his shirt and pants.

Walking into the main lobby of the Casino, Bryn started to case the place. A couple of men were so drunk, their heads were on the bar. A cup with three tokens for the slot machines were in it. That wasn't going to be enough. Well, it might be, if the machine wasn't rigged with anything to prevent him from using the force. All he had to do was get the machine to stop where he wanted it to. A challenge when everything was all digital, but there had to be an old fashioned machine somewhere, or even better, loose credits. Like the neglected pile just to the left of an orange Twi'lek. She wasn't going to miss a handful skimmed off the top.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Golden Nautolan, Nar Shaddaa

While some of the areas of the Golden Nautolan were all class, or all party, it also had a few more traditional areas. Wood counter-tops, marble floor, it was an up-scale sort of traditional, but it appealed to business men who want to say they'd been slumming it without ever having to put up with any actual slum. Not like the Dragon Palace Casino which like it's home planet of Antecedent was all neon lights all the time.

The tiger-striped Twi'lek, and recently self-promoted President of the Red Ravens split her time between the two properties and worlds. At the moment she was on her personal comm unit, trying to figure out what precisely one needed for an.. exotic animal enclosure. Where the cheapest places to source feed, most reliable fencing etc was, or if it was better to raise the food animals yourself. Well, not herself obviously. She did control a planetful of farmers. There were people for that sort of thing. Prior to that she'd been explaining to a small elderly Rodian that she was not the Bartender nor the Exchange and did not require protection money from a small dry cleaners. He hadn't seemed to have understood, and had left a small pile of credits while bowing his way back out of the room.

She supposed she was honourbound to protect his business or something now. That was small time. Chiasa did not play small time. She might demand a percentage of anyone running a protection racket on her turf, but a small legitmate laundromat? Really? Who bothered?

She was vaguely aware of everyone around her. She had to be, the Ravens had enemies everywhere these days, and in any case she personally had a rather sizeable bounty on her head. Still, she trusted to security to do their job for the most part..

[member="Bryn Vash"]
No one was looking. NO ONE, was paying attention. Bryn could not resist the pile of credits just sitting there. Yes this was pure, outright, unadulterated theft. This was out in open no less. Nothing was warning him he couldn't use the force, so he walked up to the pile, turned his back to it, and quickly, but efficitentky, reached out with the force to put as many credits in the cup he had in his hand as would fit. As long as he acted natural what could go wrong.

Pushing off the table, his next move was to head to the sabacc tables. He should have enough to buy into one of the games going on. The force would let him see what the others around him had. Unfortunately for Bryn, he had no idea the place was owned and operated by a criminal organization. He had no clue what Ravens territory meant.

Sitting at the table he tossed some credits in and pulled out a pipe. The young man had a habit he picked up from the other men in his family. Besides no one would suspect him of anything as long as he blended in. That was the key. He had to look like he belonged there. No one would know he didn't if he didn't advertise it.

"Alright, deal me in. Time to show y'all how the game is really played."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Did he just?

The Twi'lek blinked although she didn't turn around. Not yet. She let him walk off. She even let him settle himself at a table and buy in. With her credits. It was hardly an amount worth dealing with. As a general rule the least she bothered with was thousands. Juggling millions and billions was more usual. Still. The gall to try and rob her in her own Casino..

She vaguely considered just leaving him to be shot. Apparently he didn't know very much about the Ravens. Like all the high tech security they had that meant digital eyes were everywhere. Or that with the current animosity with the Sith they would be watching for Force foolishness and much more likely to react violently to it than your average scam. A slight jerk of her head at one of the cameras ensured this would not be the case however. She was curious enough about who would be so monumentally stupid to want to deal with it herself.

Switching off her comm unit, and putting the rest of the credits in her purse, the Twi'lek rose and meandered her way over, to approach him from behind.

"Don't you know the house always wins?"

She purred, almost in his ear. At the same time a spark of fire appeared in the bowl of the pipe. It might have been helpful, if it didn't immediately burn away so much of what was contained within.


The dealer asked uneasily. While the Twi'lek was for the most part a fair employer, she was sometimes found to be rather intimidating. Which always amused her. Once upon a time people had only found her attractive. Oh how things changed.

"Carry on. I'm interested if he knows what game he's playing..."

The dealer nodded, sweating slightly and went to deal the cards.

[member="Bryn Vash"]
"The house always wins? Was that some kind of veiled threat. It likely was. Then came the display of force use as a flame appeared in the bowl of the pipe. Most of the tabacco would be gone, but he had packed enough to ensure there was still some, enough to still have a decent smoke.

He clutched the cards which had been dealt, close. Bryn certainky did not want the Twi'lek seeing them. She would know what game he was playing at if she could see his hand. The house may always win, but force users won more. Bryn had never lost a game unless he meant to, and it was time to prove he had what it took to beat the house. First a semi-cocky response was needed.

"Always is quite a key word there. Don't you know the house wins because it systematically ensures the right amount of wins to keep people hooked. Just imagine how busy this table will be if I actually beat the dealer."

Bryn turned and smioed at the Twi'lek. She was rather pretty, but the way she was acting told more of a story. She ran the place or something. Still, he'd play the game.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"And thus by losing the house wins. Aren't you the sharp one."

She commented with a slight roll of the eyes, though it was good natured.

~Too sharp and you'll cut yourself. And people do not generally try to beat the House with the House's own money.. Still, I enjoy your confidence. Continue.~

She was laughing internally as he tried to hide his cards. She supposed if she wanted she could predict them, but why bother? The cards he'd been legitimately dealt didn't really interest her, and she hadn't been dealt in anyway, what she was watching for was any further force useage on his part. The snatch had been good, but it was also one of the first and easiest abilities to use. The way he'd settled down said he expected to win.

That could mean one of two things.

Either he was blessed with the luck that most force users had, the slight tendency of the universe to tip the scales in your favour or he was tipping the scales himself. If so she wanted to know how. Had he already learned enough to influence others? It could be. He didn't feel particularly well trained, but people managed all sorts of things in the struggle to stay alive.

[member="Bryn Vash"]

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