The Sequel
With: Quinn Varanin
After a time, the waiting had started to drive her insane. She tried sitting down with the heavy ur-Kittat textbook she'd asked to be sent down from the Academy library, but she couldn't focus. She just kept reading the same sentence over and again. After that, she took to pacing around the cramped back garden, counting out her laps around the vegetable patches. Kirie was up to 150 before one of the other Ladies poked her head out and gave Kirie a confused look.
"Kirie. She's here."
Kirie's eyes widened. Quinn was here now, and she had missed her arriving. Without a word, Kirie pushed past the other Lady, pausing only to kick her boots off when she got inside. She skipped over the raised spot on the floor where it had been broken and bounded up the stairs, her excitement apparent for anyone who cared to look. Quinn was back. She was home. Kirie grinned, residual worry and anxiety lifting off her shoulders even before she'd made it to the bedroom. Quinn was home. The topsy-turvy strangeness of the past week would soon fade into memory. Everything would go back to normal.
She bounded through the open door, skidding dramatically with her socks across the wood floor and waving frantically.
"Quinnnnnn!" Kirie sang. "I hope you're ready for a thousand kisses because I've been saving them u-"
Kirie stopped in her tracks. Her eyes widened in horror. Her gaze had fallen upon the Princess of Eshan, very small in the centre of the enormous bed. There was a trolley with medical equipment parked beside the bed, and a small med droid ready to deploy if needed. It reminded Kirie of the drinks cart she had repurposed a few evenings prior when she had called on Kaila Irons . Her bandaged arm was hidden beneath her sleeve. That was a conversation best saved for another time.
Perhaps the worst thing, aside from the shock of seeing Quinn in such a state, was the smell. The bedroom usually carried the faint lingering scent of floral perfume and potpourri, even when Quinn was travelling. Now, it just smelled like disinfectant and bacta patches. It made the room feel unfamiliar.
"Holy chit." she said, voice suddenly serious. "Quinn... They didn't tell me it was this bad."
Kirie sat gently at the side of the bed, tentatively placing a hand on the bedspread beside Quinn, resting face-up, to see if she would take it.