In Umbris Potestas Est
Image by adamkop
Intent: To develop a series of specifications for the Subach-refitted version of the Beelzebul Assault Ship.
Development Thread: N/A
Manufacturer: Seinar Fleet Systems(originally), Subach-Innes(refit)
Model: Heavy Cruiser
Affiliation: Independent
Modularity: Minor(fighter complement)
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel
Description: A single clerical error made the Beelzebub(known under Subach brands as the Beelzebul) noted in Imperial history as the "Beezlebub." The refit, while taking away most of the ground forces' room, augments the ship with far more firepower than before. As well, additional armor has been added to make the Beelzebul that much more durable of the ship, with a durability-per-meter ratio exceeding the Carrack, and almost matching that of the Corusca. However, is is slow when compared to other refitted ships, a side-effect of its originally being designed to be deployed after the space battle is over.
Classification: Capital Ship
Role: Assault Ship
Height: 200m
Width: 460m
Length: 750m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Solar ionization reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: Class 2
Minimum Crew: 750
Optimal Crew: 5000
10 twin turbolaser turrets
10 turbolaser batteries
15 point defense laser cannon batteries
2 heavy warhead launchers
24 fighters/bombers
4 gunships
4 shuttles
Non-Combative Attachments: Sensors, shields
Passenger Capacity: 5000
Cargo Capacity: 10,000 metric tons
Consumables: 4 years
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: Class 7