Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Been busy/chillin', lately

Like the titles states, I've been going easy on the role-playing for the last few weeks. Mostly because I've been busy helping my dad move out of his old office into a new one. I've also been catching up on some games I wanted to try out, and then there's the whole event thingy and the usual Admin duties, so it all stacks up.

That all said, I want those who are currently waiting on posts from me to know that I haven't abandoned our threads, but rather I've put them on hold in favour of the event. If you know me then you also know I usually can't stand huge role-plays with dozens of posts to catch up on each morning. I only allow this one since it's kinda hard to not be involved in such a galaxy-wide occurence. Also I'm an odd number, so being trapped in the Netherworld is also kinda hard to ignore.

With the current episodes being concluded on this Friday and the last episode being unveiled next weekend, I will make sure to return to my ongoing threads. :)

[member="Coci Sinopi"] | [member="Ellya"] | [member="Dianna LaCroix"]​
:cool: Chillin'


[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

I love a good distraction... :p

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