Conqueror of Heaven and Hell
The Zweihander Union
One can not attempt to lift a Zweihander with only the Left or only the right hand, they need both hands to properly wield it, both hands to ensure its efficiency and its stability.
"Only when the left hand and the right hand work in unison, there can be progress"
The Zweihander Union was formed at 860 ABY, a formation which had its origins deep within the core of another faction; the Imperial Directorate. Former members of this Imperial Directorate had had enough of the pointless debates and arguments which formed the daily political life within their faction. They had enough of the stigma that tainted their names and their ideals, they had enough of the stagnation and self harm the ideology of the former faction brought with it. As such, they denounced their membership, their participation and their loyalty, deciding that it could've all been done better, with solid principles and a strong foundation of unity.
Through a great deal of corporate backing and a newfound purpose and ideal, the Zweihander Union has been created, with two Chancellors, each responsible for a vital part of the faction's well being and security. So that one can't rule without the other, one can't act without the other and when there is no harmony, no progress will be made. All are welcome to join our cause, to bring unity, security, strength and progress to all those who join our union.
Who are we?
A burgeoning and thriving Faction aiming to occupy the void left behind by the Chiss Ascendancy, basing its governmental principles on a meritocratic autocracy. This means that we are looking for individuals with the drive to get stronger, who are ambitious and who don't necessarily want to be placed in the age old Jedi vs Sith box.
What Can we offer?
We can offer you the creative freedom unlike any other, allowing newer players or characters to rise up through the ranks with their own stories and narrative. We reward activity with many advantages and benefits within our factions such as a dedicated activity rank up system, premium offers for active mercenaries and so on. For those who wish to go into the creative side of making submissions for the factory or codex, we have a few very good and large companies run by experienced people who are always welcome to lend you a hand in either setting up your own company or would be most willing to take you on board.
Our political status
New Imperial Order: Neutral stance, with high tension.
Galactic Alliance: Neutral stance, with moderate tension.
Eternal Empire: Positive stance, with slight tension.
Outer Planets Alliance: Neutral stance, with no tension.
Silver Jedi Order: Neutral Stance, with slight tension.
Confederacy of Independant Systems: Neutral stance, with no tension.
Bryn'adûl Crusade: Oblivious stance, with no tension.
The Sith Empire: Neutral stance, with no tension.
Our Staff
Credius Nargath | Ben Craig | Tranquility | Chris Walker | Haon Hafey
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