Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Before I get started...

HI! Well, umm, to start off, I am only here for now to learn the ways of Role Playing as Jedi/Sith. Mainly, I am looking to see how you all use the force through out a fight, among other things. This is the main thing I can't figure out, or I would being starting already. That brings me to this part, would there be anyone willing to train me? That would be awesome, ya know? If that is possible.
[member="Thy Kreator"]

Everyone has their own style in pvp/or other threads. Some rely heavily on the Force.....some don't use it much at all only in extreme cases to preserve their life.....and some balance it out with lightsaber combat. My advice is trial and error.

But you should know, "the Force is infinite.....your use of it is not." In other words, constant use of it during a fight will drain it's batteries leaving you to appear as a broken down Ford on the side of the road. And trust me, people will peacefully pointe out to you when you are overusing/abusing the Force energy.
Don't get me wrong, I am no novice to role playing, it just seems that this would take me to the next level. As a more mature role player, if that makes any sense, I wanted to learn how to use the force, and such so I could do this, without moding, autoing, etc.
[member="Thy Kreator"]

My advice, and it seems to me you are leaning toward a Jedi, Sith, or Dark Jedi Character, is to find a Master to train your character. Through them, if they are Teaching worthy, they can help you to learn how to use (through roleplay) Force Abilities and to pointe out if you are godmoding or metgaming. Sadly, everyone teachings differently but like I said, a good teacher can help you along nicely. :)

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