Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
per request on discord, a basic entry level list of force powers padawans would be taught
Barrier -
Tutaminis -
FOrce Resistance
Adiabatic Shield -
Force Jump -
Telekinesis -
Mind Trick -
Force Body -
Breath Control -
Force Speed -
Force Sense -
Telepathy -
Receptive Telepathy -
Projective Telepathy -
Tapas -
Barrier -
Tutaminis -
FOrce Resistance
Adiabatic Shield -
Force Jump -
Telekinesis -
Mind Trick -
Force Body -
Breath Control -
Force Speed -
Force Sense -
Telepathy -
Receptive Telepathy -
Projective Telepathy -
Tapas -