Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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...begins with a single step

Shifting slightly in the silver spacesuit that he wore, Janus couldn't wait to get out and stretch. While he would never have been caught dead in a vessel with an encapsulated interior, he had wanted to stretch his lekku a bit and that wasn't possible inside of the small vehicle.

"This is Igua-jaw requesting permission to dock."

His basic was well spoken, though Janus had a notable accent that was a result of his unique upbringing.

"Igua-jaw, you are cleared for docking."

The characteristic noise from his twin ion engine vehicle screeched through the sound as he faltered down through the atmosphere and gazed on the crystalline world from being hid pressurized helmet. Eventually the craft came to rest on a concrete circle by way of delicate wing structures, and the hatch atop the vehicle popped open.

Once he had gone through the motions of getting checked into the planet Crystalsong, which he had not minded considered his need to stretch his head tentacles it was time for him to find his ultimate destination.

Janus adjusted the robes he had now worn in lieu of his previous spacesuit. Having received instructions on where to locate the temple he had been seeking out, Janus did his best to keep an otherwise frustrated mind quite still. He wanted to once more receive a visitation from the noble individual who had originally come to him in a dream, but alas perhaps he was not yet pure enough of heart to receive the ghost of the Imperial Knight a second time.

Doing his best to keep a positive attitude as he approached the steps of the temple complex, Janus gazed upwards with an act of reverence. There were those that looked at becoming a student of the Force as an opportunity to seize power, and there were others who looked at it as an opportunity to mete out justice.

In a way, though, the Twi'lek was neither of these. He genuinely had just wanted to serve others in whatever the best way was for him possible. He didn't seek fame, money or anything of that sort.

As Janus continued to reverently climb each of the steps, his mind was littered with emotions of fear and doubt, but he reminded himself that bravery was never the absence of fear. Rather, it was being able to act and keep going forward in spite of the worst of all feelings.

This really was it.
Vulpesen's tail flicked behind him as he walked along the Grey temple of Crystalsong. Alexandra had been here... She'd lived here and she'd tought here. Even now, he could feel the faint whispers of her presence as well as all of the students. Now, the place lay empty, the Order of the Grey having mostly disbanded. Sure there were some that remained and Vulpesen liked to check on them, but fr the most part, they were now alone. The loss of their leader having crippled them.

A presence appeared behind him one he wasn't familiar with. Knowing danger when he felt it, Vulpesen was confident that this new being held no ill will and turned to greet them, finding a blue Twi'lek making their way to the Crystalsong temple. "Salutations." His tail started to wave slowly behind him as he looked at [member="Janus Viminal"]. Taking a moment to focus the force on the visitor, he searched for any indication of his motives, which if found would be much to the master's liking. 'What brings you here?"
Admittedly Janus had never seen a member of the species that [member="Vulpesen"] represented, and that actually made him rather pleased since he appreciated meeting individuals who represented all of the numerous civilizations that the galaxy had to offer in almost infinite combinations. Facing the other, he offered a bow that forced his arms out from his cloak in a sign of utmost respect to both this master as well as the temple here.

It was the sort of gesture that was not often seen any more, and one that while often parodied meant a great deal when actually used appropriately and in the right context. Turning up toward Vulpesen to face him once more, the Twi'lek answered quite directly.

"I come here to learn. I believe that someone from the past told me to come and make something of myself. I have served criminals; I wish now to serve justice."

If the other were indeed trying to feel Janus' motives, then perhaps he would have soon discovered that what it was he was saying was indeed quite true. He had come with pure intentions, and apparently really did wish to learn under someone who was willing to teach him.

"In some ways I am already an ally of the Force." Indeed, the Twi'lek had already learned to some degree how to heal, though he was careful to actually state he was an ally of the Force rather than suggesting that the Force was his ally.
Vulpesen grinned as he sensed Janus' intentions. Of course, had there been resistance, he was confident that he could break through it. Still, as it stood, Janus and proven that there would be no need for such actions. Still, there was the matter of his coming after the decline of the order. "I wish I weren't the bearer of bad news, but the Temple and the Order of the Grey have both fallen into a state of stagnation. However, there is a place you can go to learn similar teachings if you would hear me out."

The Grey were indeed, a dying group. Still, there was a chance for their teachings to live on. Teachings brought to the Tenevi Order and given Vulpesen's intimate connections with the group, he was as qualified as any outsider to speak for them or teach their students. His tail flicked behind him and he moved to sit on a gem encrusted stone. "And might I ask who that someone was?"

[member="Janus Viminal"]
Swallowing deeply, Janus considered the implications of what it was that [member="Vulpesen"] had told him. That was...heavy to say the least, but he never figured that this was going to be easy anyway. "I would be glad to hear your advice, though I trust you will accept my deep condolences on the stagnation of such a mighty order."

He then paused considering the other's question. "I certainly doubt you will believe me. You may recognize that I am a salvager from the ship that I flew here. When I began to reconstruct that particular craft, I believe I had been visited in a dream by someone who piloted her centuries ago. The individual in question told me to train and make something of myself instead of being a servant to criminals. Whether you believe me, whether it is even true...these things are irrelevant. The incident of seeing what I believe to be the Force ghost of an old Imperial Knight who was good and pure...this is what has brought me here."

Then, for the first time since he had spoken Vulpesen, Janus genuinely smiled.
Vulpesen leaned back a bit as he listened to the man's story. An ancient knight telling you to go on a some sort of righteous quest? [member="Janus Viminal"] was right, he did sound crazy. And any other sane person in the galaxy would have likely dropped him off after hearing such a tale. But... this was the man who suddenly grew a tail, saw an ancient being after time travelling. Visited the dimension of hell, and rescued his bipolar fiance from said hellish dimension... yeah, this was for Vulpesen was a very benign sense of crazy. So much so it was actually normal.

"Believe me when I say, stranger things have happened. And I assure you that the Vitae are quite the place for making a name of yourself for the sake of good." He flicked his tail and wrapped it around himself, feeling Ace shuffle a bit in the pocket of his coat. "So, was there anything in particular you wished to learn, or anything this vision told you to get a teacher for?
[member="Janus Viminal"]

[member="Janus Viminal"]
As he looked toward [member="Vulpesen"] Janus paused for a moment or two and seemed silently thankful that the other individual didn't take him as crazy. For what it was worth he wasn't quite sure what Vulpesen had been through, but Janus could at least see the tail visibly so he figured that Vulpesen had a pretty interesting story in his own right.

"Currently I know some things that I have come to be sort of...self-taught with. I can sense and view things, though I have little control over this. What I do have control over is some healing abilities, which I wish to cultivate. That being said, I figured that it best to trust my teacher - have no blind faith and always question and learn mind you, but at least have some trust as to the fact that you would know where best to start my training."

The Twi'lek then paused for a moment, "I was only told to do something for the greater good with my talents; nothing more."
Vulpesen nodded and thought for a moment as he sat down, watching [member="Janus Viminal"] as the blue twi'lek told him his preferences. Surprisingly, it seemed as if he was a clean slate. Granted, this would mean it would take Vulpesen time to teach him what fit, but for now, the Tenevi master had a few ideas, starting with one of his own less used, but all time favorites. "If there's nothing you have in your immediate goals, then perhaps we can try one that most on your level pick up easily. Beast taming."

Raised by Amarans, Vulpesen had actually learned this before his signature telekinesis and any other common force ability. Having spoken to animals since he was a small child, there was few things he knew better than how to speak to and tame animals Was it the most useful? He found not, but it had certainly come in handy on multiple occasions.
While Janus certainly was a clean slate that also meant that he could perhaps learn more quickly than those with preconceived notions about what they were doing. That was something that he had honestly felt was an advantage that he brought to the table. Looking back slowly, he seemed to allow his head-tentacles to take on a life of their own, when he was told about beast taming.

"I would be honored to learn this technique from you. I already have a profound respect for wildlife; the planet that I was born on was indeed quite barren so you can imagine ho important what little grew there was to us." He smiled a bit and stepped forward, ready to head off wherever his Master [member="Vulpesen"] had ended up telling him to.
With a grin, Vulpesen stood and started towards his ship, only a little ways away. "Then follow me. I tend to keep the resources to do this just in case." A kreehawk or two should to. Or a couple chitliks. Either way, it would save the two the trouble of hiking through the dense forest of Crystal Song. "So, you were just a savager when all this began?"

[member="Janus Viminal"]

Sorry, muse took an unexpected dive and plunged me into an LOA
Following [member="Vulpesen"] as he walked, the Twi'lek nodded politely. "I appreciate it." His lekku swayed a bit as he followed the other, waiting for him to take him to where the aforementioned animals were.

"Yes, I was a salvager who lived on the Fornax world. As I am sure you know, there are those that consider my species to be one especially geared toward slavery, so I did whatever it took to keep myself out of such bondage."

No worries; I hope that everything is alright.
Hopping up the boarding ramp after it descended, Vulpesen welcomed the apprentice into his ship before holding his hand towards the cargo hold. A second later and a lump could be seen moving through his coat. Two seconds and the lump fell out, showing itself as a six inch tall, blue glowing fox. Without a word between them, Vulpesen's companion raced off to bring a chitlik from the cages. "I assure you, among the Vitae, Slavery will not be an issue Save when we go to stop it."

[member="Janus Viminal"]
Following [member="Vulpesen"] onto the ship that he was being lead onto, the Twi'lek got down for a moment, making himself quite unthreatening to the fox before he realized that the companion was leaving anyway. Apparently he was going to scratch behind the other's ears once he had returned here anyway.

"I am grateful that you hold such views, as I am glad that I am far from the Hutt cartels that I was once in the service of." He was careful to use service, however, because Janus had never once allowed himself to be purchased or sold as property.
Vulpesen nodded and took a seat on a bench before Ace returned with a pair of cages. One kreehawk and one chitlik. After a motion from the larger of the bond mates, the two force users would watch as Ace opened the cages, freeing each of the creatures. "We'll start small, then you can build our way up." He lifted an arm and the kreehawk soon jumped onto him for a perch. "Whenever your ready, I want you to try and bloc out everything but me and the chitlik."

[member="Janus Viminal"]
"I suppose I could never say that I am truly ready, but I trust your instructions at least." The Twi'lek then exhaled carefully and shut his eyes for a time to prepare himself. With that he did all that he could to silence the variety of thoughts that would have plagued a mind at any given time and instead focus merely on the two living creatures that he was supposed to be focusing on.

At first this was a most difficult task for obvious reasons, though over time there were only two thoughts left: [member="Vulpesen"] and the chitlik.
Vulpesen smiled and leaned back in his seat, speaking calmly as to not disrupt [member="Janus Viminal"]'s focus. "Now focus on the mind of the chitlik. Feel its ebb and flow. Find where its mind is disturbed and calm it down. Suppress the anxiety caused by your presence. Once you have done this, we can move on tot he next step."
Perhaps as [member="Vulpesen"] had initially intended, Janus' thoughts were not disturbed, though he had not replied at all either. Looking toward the chitlik, he had started to finally sense out where the other was disturbed and indeed he had allowed himself to suppress any feelings of anxiety, though he made no effort to announce any of this considering that he feared such actions were inspire further apprehension in the mind of the chitlik.
Vulpesen smiled a bit wider as he felt Janus' influence on the chitlik which started to become noticeably calm. Given the size and low powered mind of the animal, such training was meant to be easy, at least for now. Well, now that the creature was calmed, it was time for the next step. Placing a small red ball on the ground, he motioned towards it. "Now, with your thoughts, press the idea of retrieving the ball into the chitlick's mind."

[member="Janus Viminal"]
At first for ethical reasons, Janus could not do what [member="Vulpesen"] was asking him to. He felt as though he were wrongfully telling a sovereign creature what to do. "...forgive my questioning. Are you sure that this is morally appropriate?" For all he knew at this point, he was actually being tested to see if there was any sort of hatred or hunger for power within Janus' psyche.

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