Shifting slightly in the silver spacesuit that he wore, Janus couldn't wait to get out and stretch. While he would never have been caught dead in a vessel with an encapsulated interior, he had wanted to stretch his lekku a bit and that wasn't possible inside of the small vehicle.
"This is Igua-jaw requesting permission to dock."
His basic was well spoken, though Janus had a notable accent that was a result of his unique upbringing.
"Igua-jaw, you are cleared for docking."
The characteristic noise from his twin ion engine vehicle screeched through the sound as he faltered down through the atmosphere and gazed on the crystalline world from being hid pressurized helmet. Eventually the craft came to rest on a concrete circle by way of delicate wing structures, and the hatch atop the vehicle popped open.
Once he had gone through the motions of getting checked into the planet Crystalsong, which he had not minded considered his need to stretch his head tentacles it was time for him to find his ultimate destination.
Janus adjusted the robes he had now worn in lieu of his previous spacesuit. Having received instructions on where to locate the temple he had been seeking out, Janus did his best to keep an otherwise frustrated mind quite still. He wanted to once more receive a visitation from the noble individual who had originally come to him in a dream, but alas perhaps he was not yet pure enough of heart to receive the ghost of the Imperial Knight a second time.
Doing his best to keep a positive attitude as he approached the steps of the temple complex, Janus gazed upwards with an act of reverence. There were those that looked at becoming a student of the Force as an opportunity to seize power, and there were others who looked at it as an opportunity to mete out justice.
In a way, though, the Twi'lek was neither of these. He genuinely had just wanted to serve others in whatever the best way was for him possible. He didn't seek fame, money or anything of that sort.
As Janus continued to reverently climb each of the steps, his mind was littered with emotions of fear and doubt, but he reminded himself that bravery was never the absence of fear. Rather, it was being able to act and keep going forward in spite of the worst of all feelings.
This really was it.
"This is Igua-jaw requesting permission to dock."
His basic was well spoken, though Janus had a notable accent that was a result of his unique upbringing.
"Igua-jaw, you are cleared for docking."
The characteristic noise from his twin ion engine vehicle screeched through the sound as he faltered down through the atmosphere and gazed on the crystalline world from being hid pressurized helmet. Eventually the craft came to rest on a concrete circle by way of delicate wing structures, and the hatch atop the vehicle popped open.
Once he had gone through the motions of getting checked into the planet Crystalsong, which he had not minded considered his need to stretch his head tentacles it was time for him to find his ultimate destination.
Janus adjusted the robes he had now worn in lieu of his previous spacesuit. Having received instructions on where to locate the temple he had been seeking out, Janus did his best to keep an otherwise frustrated mind quite still. He wanted to once more receive a visitation from the noble individual who had originally come to him in a dream, but alas perhaps he was not yet pure enough of heart to receive the ghost of the Imperial Knight a second time.
Doing his best to keep a positive attitude as he approached the steps of the temple complex, Janus gazed upwards with an act of reverence. There were those that looked at becoming a student of the Force as an opportunity to seize power, and there were others who looked at it as an opportunity to mete out justice.
In a way, though, the Twi'lek was neither of these. He genuinely had just wanted to serve others in whatever the best way was for him possible. He didn't seek fame, money or anything of that sort.
As Janus continued to reverently climb each of the steps, his mind was littered with emotions of fear and doubt, but he reminded himself that bravery was never the absence of fear. Rather, it was being able to act and keep going forward in spite of the worst of all feelings.
This really was it.