The Foundry, Balmorra...
[member="Ra Vizsla"] [member="Nymeria Vizsla"]
There were a few things in the galaxy that always held Set's loyalty. The first and foremost was his family leagues above all else, the pack stood over everything. Second was his people the gurlanin were an isolated, often quiet and invisible people, the perfect predators especially when they needed to be. After the loss of Coruscant the once invincible war machine that was the One Sith Empire began to show cracks in its armor, and Warlords once loyal departed in the midst of all that chaos to survive and thrive on their own. One such individual decided to take up residence in the factories of Balmorra. The self righteous warlord formed his own cabal of heretical Sith troopers and mercenaries under his command, kidnapping and harvesting gurlanin for some sort of wicked project.
Not anymore.
Even though Set was a member of Clan Vizsla he didn't have nearly the network of intelligence his brother, or his clan leaders had access to. As a matter of fact it was the warlords own soldiers that unwittingly drew attention to themselves by deliberately trying to kidnap the man who they had no idea was the Dread Wolf himself. In a show of strength Set slaughtered them all spreading their gore all over the scene, saving the most cowardly one for last to find out where they came from before swiftly ending his life.
So here he was Set Vizsla, the Dread Wolf, Alor'ad of the Iron Wolves, standing in the alleyway of an adjacent factory. They were all clustered together in the industrial section and especially at night the monolithic pipes, pillars, and structures cast massive shadows darkening the area even more. If it weren't for the occasional street light to provide some semblance of light, it would be pitch black down here. The main entrance of the factory was far off of the main road that ran through the factory, with high ten foot falls surrounding a small perimeter complete with a large iron gate that opened from the guard station nearby. Inside was once a parking lot now converted into a small military garrison with transport trucks, tents holding equipment, supplies, crates.
Since the Sith Warlord took over the factory for his own purposes the once decrepit factory was flushed with his spoils from war. New sweeping spot lights were installed on the catwalk above where a sniper always stood, and lights filled the area around the camp at night. A makeshift parapit was constructed on the outer wall it wasn't expertly crafted so by the looks of it they came in relatively recently in the past several months Set would guess. The large iron gate was controlled by a guard station that sat on the opposite side always manned by someone. Instead of having soldiers stand out in the open outside of the gate, they stood on the parapit that ended on either side of where the gate began.
Instead of wearing a suit of full armor Set instead stood in his true form as the massive wolf with fur as black as the darkest pits of the abyss, and bright crimson eyes set into his skull. He carried with him all the equipment he needed, and wore only a combat harness to hold his weapons and supplies. After watching patrol patterns of the guards walking the walls coupled with the periodic sweeps of the spot lights, Set hatched a plan of attack. The beast burst out with speed even as massive as he was, in this dark shadowy environment he was virtually invisible. Set neared the wall around the corner from the heavily watched gate and stood at its base. For any other person scaling a ten foot, flat stone wall was a fools errand.
Set stood at the bottom and shut his eyes huffing deeply, as a gurlanin they were gifted with the art of echolocation that allowed them to see things through sound, that eyesight couldn't hope to see. He could see the soldier up on the parapit slowly nearing the area where the large beast was at. It was in this small space that the man was completely bathed in darkness for a brief minute. He launched himself into the air grabbing the top of the wall with his claws, and getting a good enough grip with his foothold to let go with one hand and get some reach over the wall. Just as the man walked close and the spotlight shifted off of them Set grinned as he saw the fear in the mans eyes as the massive beast hunched over the top of the wall. He grabbed the mans throat with his claws gripping down so hard it cut off anything he hoped to say, and promptly snapped his neck.
The gurlanin pulled the mans body over the wall and dropped him down to the ground on the outside, releasing his grip on the wall to drop with the corpse. Set grabbed the man by the face and gazed into his eyes, just then his body began to shift and change so he looked exactly identical to the soldier. After a quick change of clothes slinging the combat harness that carried everything he needed on over the soldiers clothing, Set used a grappling hook to climb up the wall in the brief blind spot of darkness, then promptly descending down to the ground.
He was in.