Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Being Careful

It hasn't been very long since the attack on Ilic City. At least it hasn't been nearly as long as Liin would like in order for her to be comfortable with inviting potential customers of NCBC to it. Reconstruction was still taking place. And therein lies the embarrassment of her naivity. Liin's guard was dropped and there were many Covie that paid the price.

{It will not happen again,} she vowed. {Not while I still draw breath.}

Liin had a new office built for herself; one that was housed in a nearby space station. There she ould conduct business safely and with little worry over putting the Covie in danger. The only people from New Cov that she had brought with her were the Mandalorian security team hired by her Father. Liin had no assistant or secritaries. Not after her first one was killed in a crash that was all a part of an abduction attempt. Having personal connections to anyone was a dangerous game, and for this moment in time Liin understood that it was one luxury that she could not afford. Good business and a continuing flow of credits was all that mattered for her in this life. It was a small sacrifice to make for the sake of the Covie. {This is what leaders do. They sacrifice a part of themselves for the good of those under their care.}

Of course it might not last forever. There was always a chance that she could lose her position from a vote by the Board. Whatever would she do after that?

Clearing her thoughts, Liin takes note of the time. Her guest would surely arrive very soon. And she had hoped that this visit will be a profitable one.

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign
Darth Reign had not anticipated this being a necessity of his plans, but recent developments within the ranks of the Diarchy had brought the need for business alliances forward.

Reign docked his shuttle in the docking bay it would not due to bring the dominion to this meeting, this was not a show of force. Accompanied by his two elite guards, there black armor shining, he walked down the ramp towards what he anticipated to be an office.

When he entered, he was surprised to not find any assistants here. Seeing the woman seated behind the desk, he motioned for his guards to step outside and bowed low.
“I am Lord Reign, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet with me” humility would be his ally today, Reign thought. They needed support of businesses.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Rising from her desk once her guest had entered, Liin dipped her chin in turn. "A pleasure, Lord Reign. I am Director Terallo. I hope that your journey here was relatively easy. Can I offer you some refreshments?" She gestured towards a side table which had a small assortment of baked goods, wine, spirits and caf.

Regardless of whether or not he chose to, Liin sat herself back down onto her chair, keeping her back straight and her posture perfect. A glass of dark wine was present upon her desk, as well as a holoprojector connected to her datapad.

"What can I do for you, Lord Reign? Or better yet, what needs do you have for New Cov's biomolecules?" They were one of the rarest resources in the Galaxy, found only on New Cov and could not be duplicated or synthasized at all. So in short they were rather expensive.

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign
The Dark Lord smiled amiably, and grabbed what appeared to be whiskey from the tray and poured himself a drink. "Thank you Director, I've always found that pleasant discussion should be accompanied by pleasant drink"

Sitting down, Reign gathered his thoughts as he took a few small sips of his drink. He needed to secure these biomolecules for the scientific research of his newest recruits, but the root of this science, he needed to keep well hidden.

Looking into the eyes of the woman across from him, he spoke in the most well honeyed voice the Sith Lord could muster.
"I have some associates that are well versed in scientific and biomedical pursuits, they have advised me that a more steady stream of supplies would be beneficial to their research. And feeling the purpose of their work to be of the utmost import, I have sought out only the best for their needs"

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
A sip from her own glass was taken. Silence was never uncomfortable for her. On the contrary, Liin valued it at times. More often than not she was by herself and she was hardly the sort to talk to herself. Doing so would make her seem crazy and she had to maintain a positive and professional reputation.

"I understand. And would these recruits of yours require samples for experimentation first? That could be more beneficial until your scientists are certain that their experiments are successful."

Another sip of her wine is given as she studies the Lord in front of her. He was too far away for her to be able to test to see if he was a Force wizard. Liin's ring was specially designed to detect the Force powers of individuals close by her person. It did not glow with her, however, for Liin was not a Force wizard in any respect.

"Might I inquire as to what the name of your lab is? Do you hail from any specific governmental power?"

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign studied the woman. Cool and collected under his gaze. He could sense she was probing for something about him, but he was unsure what it was yet. Until then, he would keep his distance.

“Samples would be very beneficial. Samples
would allow them to assess the viability of their experiment, utilizing your biomolecules. A splendid idea”
Reign said smiling.

The Dark Lord took a few more sips of his drink, letting the liquid warm him slightly. He had never thought of a name for the lab, just that it was his scientific wing on his ship the dominion. Taking a risk he said to the woman “with the bleeding edge that we are on with this, the security of our work necessitates that the lab remain nameless and mobile. A woman of your status can surely understand such a need.”

Reign thought about what his next step should be. He was concerned this woman would not allow him access without answers she deemed acceptable.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
{A woman of my status indeed,} she thought. {Secrecy is of the utmost importance. I can surely agree with him on that.}

"I concur. Only one of my labs is public. The rest are in various locations. One cannot have all of their bread in one basket, afterall."

It didn't go unnoticed that he had failed to answer her other question. There is no doubt in her mind that he would have to reveal more for the contract to proceed.

"And how would you be paying for the biomolecules, Lord Reign? Surely if you long for more of a staple supply once your people's experiments are successful, you would need a lucrative backing to financially support a steadier supply. As one can imagine, biomolecules are not a cheap commodity."

Tag Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign’s usual calm demeanor slipped for just a moment as he pondered the question. He would need to secure sources of funding as well. It was the very top of his needs. The Diarchy would need more ships soon, and men to man them. These moves required funds. Not to mention the continued advancements of their more scientific and esoteric goals. Reign needed an ally in the corporate sector.

The Sith Lord smiled, as he adopted a humble tone.
“I am afraid that leads me to my second purpose for coming here. The… movement that I head, is small, but rapidly expanding. I have needs outside of just your biomolecules. Financial backing and allies within the corporate sphere being chief among them. I approached you because you seem a woman that wants to be at the forefront of change and not swept away by it, and I want you to be on the ground floor of what we are doing.“

Reign hoped he hadn’t overplayed his hand here. The Director seemed to know more of the going-ons in business than he had dreamed of. But he needed a partner, and of the people he had vetted, she was the top.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
{So he is not a part of any government than his own, which seems to be a very young one, indeed. Therein lies many pros and cons,} Liin ponders. {It will be quite a gamble.}

A very slight tilt of her head is given before she responds to him. "Lord Reign, you are correct in the notion that I prefer to be on the forefront of change. However, other than the symbolic; I will require something more substantial. You require some financing and biomolecules. What are you willing to trade for it?"

Surely he had brought sonething to the table to bargain with. There were plenty of things that New Cov requires. And bit by bit Liin was doing her utmost to acquire that which will keep the Covie safe, successful and free.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign had to think about it. He realized that the woman would most likely not be a fan of either the reanimated dead from the necromancer or the Sith abominations from the Dark Scientist.

The dossier he had gotten from his people had told him that the planet had been attacked by the Sith in the recent past. Reign offered the only thing he could think of outside legions of the dead or Sith monsters.

“My lady, I have heard tale of your planets recent troubles with the Sith. While I do not have much to trade, I can offer myself, my forces, and my ship. I will give you unfettered access to both my forces and our fleet as it expands. Positioning men here with your permission. Otherwise, I do have avenues of more disreputable trade that I am in need of a buyer. If you can facilitate that, with no questions asked, I will provide you a finders fee of 30%” Reign hoped possibility of increased security for her home would be a motivator as well.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
{How far has that tale spread?} Liin wondered. That in and of itself can be good and bad. It can be good in the way that it would invite others to New Cov to offer their assistance. And it would be bad in the way that it showcases their vulnerabilities and weakness.

"Unfettered access to your forces and fleets is a promising start. I travel often, and should it be through dangerous routes, any added security would be recommended." Fortunately New Cov had no public enemies. The attempted coup by a Sith Lord held no backing of their government. It was just one man trying to make a name for himself. And in his utmost failure against the Covie, he has all but disappeared.

Liin dipped her chin downward, almost leaning forward like one might do if they were to relay a secret. "As for your disreputable trade; I do know of certain clientele that could be interested in your products. I may be able to grant you an audience with them when your products are ready."

Liin was ever so thankful that New Cov remained neutral. That in and of itself kept the doors open for a variety of customers. There were no limits other than which she set upon herself.

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign couldn’t help but feel a little exhilaration. He had gotten through. While there was still more work to do, and more details to iron out, they were in the end game.

Dipping his head slightly, he spoke to the woman.
“We can provide the extra security, we will make your safe keeping our utmost priority. I personally will accompany you, along with my personal guard on your next voyage if that is agreeable to you.”

The dark lord had to feign surprise when the almost conspiratorial whisper came forth. There was no successful business person in the galaxy that did not have some underworld connection.
“We can be ready as soon as the meeting can be held. Thank you my lady, let this be the beginning of a fruitful partnership”

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo
Liin bowed her head in thanks at his offer of accompaning her on her journeys. Although she was unsure of how well he could be trusted; an escort to her own little diplomatic ship would not be so terrible. On the contrary, it could keep any future usurpers at bay.

She opened up a drawer in her desk and pulled out a datacard which she then held out to him. "Please take this. It holds the details on how to reach me, my own personal channels, if you will. I need to present your offeeings to the rest of the Board. I can have a contract drawn up that they can ratify. And your own administration can go through it before it is signed."

Liin lifted her glass of wine and took a sip. "I am well aware that not everyone's business is above-board. Even those that boast of being the good guys develop weapons of war and mass destruction. Despite war never reaching our borders, we still profit from it. And it would not be good business to cater only to one side. So as you can see, Lord Reign, we hold no judgement. We hold no ill will towards others unless they betray us. Only then will our ties be cut."

Liin rose to her feet with her glass in hand. She lifted it in a bit of a toast. "May this business partnership prove successful. Is there anything else that you need before I make my presentation to the board?"

Tag: Darth Reign Darth Reign
The Sith Lord accepted the data card with a smile. “Thank you my lady. Please do not hesitate to reach out to me in the meantime as well.” he said, sliding his own data card across the desk.

This meeting had gone much better than he had anticipated. Now it just needed to go through the board, and they would be moving forward.

“my people will want to review the contract before signing of course, but I believe in both this and our other endeavors, this will grow to be beneficial for the both of us.” Darth Reign said with a smile, raising his glass as well to the toast.

As he stood to leave, he turned once more to the director,
“I believe that our business, for today, is concluded. I thank you again Director, and I will anxiously await word from your board in regard to our proposal, and from you personally in regard to our other matters.” He smiled once more at the woman, feeling that this had been an unmitigated success.

Liin Terallo Liin Terallo

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