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Beka 'Bex' Barineker

In Umbris Potestas Est
Beka 'Bex' Barineker

Just pretend she's blue, okay?

NAME: Beka Barineker, aka Bex
FACTION: Unaffiliated
RANK: Not applicable
AGE: Twenty standard years
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 1.71 meters
WEIGHT: 128 lbs
EYES: Blue
HAIR: As an Omwati, Beka does not have hair. Instead, she has a very fine, feathery down substance that closely resembles human hair but, upon closer inspection, is revealed to feathery. It is long and typically tied back and, although naturally a pearly, nearly iridescent white, she dyes it a darker brown color in order to appear more humanoid, as the dark color makes it harder to make out the feathery features.
SKIN: Pale blue


+ Highly Intelligent - Omwatis posses a potential for intellect to which some species can only aspire. But the brain is only part of the equation. Bex benefited from the typical Omwati upbringing that placed emphasis on education, gaining skills in computers and technology. She is a veritable tech wiz and is extremely adept with computers.
+ Eidetic Memory - Gifted with an eidetic memory was crucial to Beka's development and education, given the Omwati emphasis on memory retention.

- Physically Weak - Like others of her species, Beka is physically slight. Her traditionally Omwati frame is slender due to evolutionary pressures, and her bones are particularly susceptible to injury due to their brittle nature.
- Tactless - Though typically polite in regular conversation, Beka uses a direct approach to reasoning threough problems that doesn't often take into account the feelings of others and can lead to trod-upon toes and hurt feelings.
- Naive - Not a particularly worldly individual, Bex is new to traveling the galaxy. The Omwati feelings on trust and friendship have left her without the defenses someone of another culture might have towards shysters, hacks, and crooks.

A decommissioned Marketta-class shuttle which was given to Beka as non-functioning chassis for her fifteenth birthday. It has no weapons and only a substandard after-market hyperdrive, but relatively good shields and sublight speed. She and her friends repaired the shuttle over the years and, when she came of age and graduated university, Bex took to the stars. She hasn't christened the vessel yet.

Born to the perceptive and cultured Omwati people, Beka benefited from a structured upbringing focused on education and culture. She excelled, like many in her community, in technology, mathematics, and linguistics, fluent in Omwatese and Basic in equal measure, although her Basic is accented. She grew up in a relatively happy home environment, although a great pressure was placed upon her to succeed. Bex made her parents proud by continuing to a higher education after her stint in Omwati primary and secondary school. At sixteen, she was admitted to university on nearby Eriadu. She recently graduated with a degree in computer sciences.





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