Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim

[SIZE=12pt]NAME: Belek
Alias: Linsanis Teayl
FACTION: Yuuzhan Vong
RANK: Slave
AGE: 23
EYES: Black
HAIR: Silver/white
SKIN: White


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
>Vong Training: Belek has been trained in the art of espionage and combat by members of the Intendant and Warrior Caste, with dueling Jedi being one of his primary focuses.
[SIZE=12pt]>Lack of Free Will: Thought still able to think on his own and feel emotions, Belek in essence, is somehow bound to obey his master. In essence, he is an organic droid.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]>Tolerance for pain/masochism: Being raised and tortured by the Yuuzhan Vong, Belek has learned to ignore, and even enjoy pain. Such tolerance sometimes causes Belek to overexert himself when he should heal.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]>Dual Amphistaffs: Belek has a pair of amphistaffs, one trained to spray poison in a precise shot and the other to spray in a wide radius. They are concealed as a belt and spiral around Belek’s right arm when not in use.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]>Brain Implanted Villip and Yamosk tissue.: Belek has a Villip implanted into his brain which is used to relay information to his master across vast distances.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]>Assortment of Thud and Razorbugs: Belek typically carries a pouch of thud and razorbugs, and also grows a colony of sparkbees, which he can shape into thud or razorbugs.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]>Ooglith Masquer: Basic Masquer.

[SIZE=12pt]Belek does not have a ship of his own, but has been given Coral Skippers for missions in the past, and has been known to commandeer more technological vessels from time to time.


[SIZE=12pt]Belek remembers little before the capture. His earliest memories were him being on a ship with his mother and twin brother. They were moving to go with his father, who had left early for some reason he couldn’t remember. His mother thought she knew a quicker route than traditional hyperspace lanes. Perhaps she did, and perhaps she didn’t, but they were intercepted by the Yuuzhan Vong. Her mother was dissected and killed, with parts of her body being divided and sacrificed to various gods of the Yuuzhan Vong. He and his twin brother were taken in and imprisoned by the crew, until the scouts reached Zenoma Sekot. When they arrived Belek and his brother were told that because they were twins, they had a great destiny. Or rather, one of them did. By Yuuzhan Vong tradition they were to fight each other to death. Seeing as they were both slaves, they were sent to a small arena and many potential owners attended to watch their potential. As both of them had been taught in martial arts as Echani, several buyers were impressed. They were both strong, quick, and fierce, but Belek’s brother held back, unable to want to kill him. Belek had no such restrictions, and thus killed his brother to survive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt] An auction was held for his ownership, and the victor was an aspiring Shaper by the name of Thid Qaal. Qaal took him in and began experimenting with him, fusing his brain cells with the brain cells of a Yamosk, Villip, and various other creatures. After the experiment, Belek could still think and feel just like any other sentient, but somehow lost all sense of willpower. Thid Qaal could communicate to him with the Villip linked to his brain implanted and Belek would listen with complete obedience. Thid Qaal then gave him the name “Belek” or “Command” in the Yuuzhan Vong tongue, to remind him of his place, and afterwards hired various members of the Intendant and Warrior castes to teach him how to become a spy for the Vong, and how to effectively combat, and kill, Jedi. As Belek grew older, he stopped fighting, and began to accept Yuuzhan Vong culture and religion, as well as his position as a slave to Thid Qaal and the Yuuzhan Vong. He began worshipping the Goddess of the Shamed Ones, Yun-Shuno, as well as meditating in the Embrace of Pain when Qaal would allow it. When Belek turned 18, Qaal arranged for him to be put in a tournament of aspiring Warrior Caste initiates. Belek stunned everyone after winning his first match, and continued to defeat warrior after warrior until he reached the final round. Through clever use of his crab armor, amphistaff, and thudbugs Belek managed to win the tournament after a grueling physical battle. His master Thid Qaal impressed political leaders, and received higher funding and stature, while Belek won a pair of twin amphistaff for his victory. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]All was not well however, as many of the Warriors felt shamed for losing to a slave, and then tried to assassinate him and his master Qaal. Belek, in his rage, killed three of his former opponents from the tournament. Since then he has discovered caste means less than strength in battle, and he reasoned prayers should be no different, and began worshipping Yun-Yammka. Qaal, impressed with his combat prowess, began lobbying for Belek to be sent into Republic as a spy to relay information and serve as a vanguard. Progress in Belek’s deployment was slow at first, but as Belek continued to train, and four years later was sent to survey the Galactic Political Scene. Belek now wanders Republic Space, hoping to examine and analyze Republic Defenses. [/SIZE]




The Lorta Accession (In Progress)

I believe that's the episode, but I might be wrong. Free cookie(s) to whomever can get the logo's out of that picture and my Avi.

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