The ability to choose.
Of all the miraculous powers and strengths in the Galaxy, it was this simple "skill" that Veriks once vehemently pursued. As the creation of a Sith Lord, freedom was not exactly something that he could easily access. Sure, at times, he had the luxury of roaming the stars as he chose...yet when push came to shove, orders would come out of the woodwork. Veriks would be commanded to the far corners of the Galaxy; and made to do that which he did not especially want to. For years, he stood quietly alongside the sons and daughters of Mandalore: assisting them as required by his Master. Then, in recent history, Veriks was commanded to seek out the budding Empire situated in the Unknown Regions.
And it was here that the Clone rebelled.
Under the guise of obedience did he open his heart to the Imperial mindset. He shrugged off the Dark Side which had commanded his life and saw redemption at the hands of the Knighthood. They were not a midst to observe on behalf of his creator; but rather an Order to stand alongside. The Imperial Knights were his brethren...and like any family, they were only as strong as their weakest link. Veriks did not see himself as incapable. In fact, having survived the wrath of a Sith Emperor, he saw himself as a capable individual. He had access to untold sums of knowledge thanks to his creator, and wielded years of experience due to his various missions.
Yet, he felt as though he still had very much to learn.
To this end, he reached out through the Imperial channels. In an era in the recent past, the Fel Imperium once housed an incarnation of the modern Knighthood. Their Order was united and led by a single man: the Archmaster known simply as Denko. This man was, apparently, a former comrade of his creator...and wielded immense power in the Force. The Light Side was indeed his ally; and as such Veriks sought to learn at the feet of this warrior. Fortune would have it that his reaching out culminated with a meeting...with the location being a rather uncanny spot on Manaan. Veriks made no delay in making the journey across the Galaxy to meet the former Archmaster.
And upon following the provided coordinates, the young Knight found himself diving into the depths of the sea. An underwater cavern was set to be the setting for this momentous meeting, and nothing would forestall Veriks from meeting the elusive Feeorin. A few moments of swift swimming would see his entrance into the cavern, his surfacing, and his making a quiet approach to the man who sat before a modest campfire.
"Greetings Master Denko. Thank you for agreeing to see me."
Of all the miraculous powers and strengths in the Galaxy, it was this simple "skill" that Veriks once vehemently pursued. As the creation of a Sith Lord, freedom was not exactly something that he could easily access. Sure, at times, he had the luxury of roaming the stars as he chose...yet when push came to shove, orders would come out of the woodwork. Veriks would be commanded to the far corners of the Galaxy; and made to do that which he did not especially want to. For years, he stood quietly alongside the sons and daughters of Mandalore: assisting them as required by his Master. Then, in recent history, Veriks was commanded to seek out the budding Empire situated in the Unknown Regions.
And it was here that the Clone rebelled.
Under the guise of obedience did he open his heart to the Imperial mindset. He shrugged off the Dark Side which had commanded his life and saw redemption at the hands of the Knighthood. They were not a midst to observe on behalf of his creator; but rather an Order to stand alongside. The Imperial Knights were his brethren...and like any family, they were only as strong as their weakest link. Veriks did not see himself as incapable. In fact, having survived the wrath of a Sith Emperor, he saw himself as a capable individual. He had access to untold sums of knowledge thanks to his creator, and wielded years of experience due to his various missions.
Yet, he felt as though he still had very much to learn.
To this end, he reached out through the Imperial channels. In an era in the recent past, the Fel Imperium once housed an incarnation of the modern Knighthood. Their Order was united and led by a single man: the Archmaster known simply as Denko. This man was, apparently, a former comrade of his creator...and wielded immense power in the Force. The Light Side was indeed his ally; and as such Veriks sought to learn at the feet of this warrior. Fortune would have it that his reaching out culminated with a meeting...with the location being a rather uncanny spot on Manaan. Veriks made no delay in making the journey across the Galaxy to meet the former Archmaster.
And upon following the provided coordinates, the young Knight found himself diving into the depths of the sea. An underwater cavern was set to be the setting for this momentous meeting, and nothing would forestall Veriks from meeting the elusive Feeorin. A few moments of swift swimming would see his entrance into the cavern, his surfacing, and his making a quiet approach to the man who sat before a modest campfire.
"Greetings Master Denko. Thank you for agreeing to see me."