Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Bella - Baroness of the Empire


(Credit: helloimtea)
Name: Bella
Service Branch:
  • Present
    • Imperial Navy
  • Previous
    • GADF Starfighter Corps
    • Eternal Navy
    • The Armada
  • Present
    • Commander - Imperial Navy
  • Previous
    • Flight Officer - GADF Starfighter Corps
    • Commander - Eternal Navy
    • Master Scrapper - The Armada
Species: Togruta
Age: Young Adult
Sex: Female

Primary Allegiance: Empire of the Lost
Current Status: Active
Birthworld: Eve, Scintilla
Residential Address: Apartment Complex Rose 2, Urban Residences – Eve, Scintilla, Unknown Regions
Languages Known:

Languages Spoken:
  • Galactic Basic - Native
  • Togruti - Fluent
  • High Nelvaanian - Fluent
  • Imperial Basic - Semi-Fluent
Force Sensitivity: None
Midi-Chlorian Count: 2,000 Midi-Chlorian:Cell
Marital Status: Single

Height: 4’6”
Weight: 145 Lbs.
Measurements: 26A-23-46
Eye Color: Cyan
Skin Color: Light Magenta
Scars: None
Build: Voluptuous Pear, Thick and Matronly Figure, yet highlighted with subtle muscle definition. Modest bosom, delicate shoulders, and slender arms which lend her a very slight upper body. However, she possesses extremely expansive hips and luxuriously plump thighs, which are elegantly corded with muscle and generous amounts of fat. By far the most conspicuous part of her figure, Bella is gifted with an immensely abundant, corpulent, and protrusive backside, which serves doubly as a source of persistent embarrassment and pride.
Facial Features: Bella has a diamond-shaped facial shape, featuring a pointy chin, wide cheekbones, and a narrow forehead. Due to her small button nose and plump lips, her features are quite doll-like, even by the standards of Near-Human women. In addition, Bella has eyebrow markings permanently tattooed across her brow ridges in order to humanize her appearance. Her head tails and montrals are both somewhat short for an adult Togruta female, though not to the point of being neotenic. Her head tails have a pattern of chevron shapes, each of which has a deep cyan color that nearly matches the bright cyan hue of her eyes. She is most commonly seen wearing a synthetic akul-tooth headdress.

Synthesized in the city of Eve in the Scintilla via Engineered Variance Cloning, Bella was created to serve in the fledgling navy of the Agents of Chaos, in order to quickly fill the newly-created warships with competent spacers, crew, technicians, officers, gunners, and pilots. Bella chose to become a starfighter pilot, and soon, she was prepared under an accelerated starfighter pilot training program at the Fleet Academy of Scintilla. Although the program was extremely rigorous and suffered from a high rate of attrition, Bella nevertheless excelled and graduated at the top of her class. Upon being granted the rank of Scrapper, she was assigned to the PSC Unicorn as an interceptor pilot under the command of Dimitri Lindzinksy.

Bella flew her first sortie as Miracle Seven in a raid on a medical caravan, getting her first true taste of combat in facing off against the Razor-Tail, piloted by Ura Iolar. She scored her first kill during the engagement, proving that her performance in training was not a fluke. Next, Bella saw action during the Battle of Ryloth, flying directly under Dimitri Lindzinsky during the assault. In spite of the tragedy which transpired on the Scintilla during the battle, the Agents of Chaos nevertheless managed a pyrrhic victory, thereby temporarily liberating Ryloth from the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Not long after, Bella took part in both assaults over Talay, first with the now-defunct Vegemite Jedi Order and later, the Agents of Chaos. Once again, the Armada and by extension, the Agents of Chaos, emerged victorious in the battle, with Bella continuing to prove herself as an ace pilot.

Now considered to be a skilled starfighter ace, Bella began flight instruction, tutoring both Sasmay Cull and Valkur in her craft.

Towards the latter end of her career with the Armada, Bella took part in a scouting operation to probe the space North of the Deep. It was in this mission that Bella got her first taste of leadership, taking responsibility for Sapphire Squadron even as poor discipline manifested throughout the ranks. After the Battle over Byss, Bella was promoted to the rank of Master Scrapper, thereby assuming command over her own squadron.

Later on, Bella transferred from the Agents of Chaos Armada to the Eternal Navy, receiving an officer commission owing to her resume of experience. She first saw action over Vagar Praxut, flying under
Admiral Elisabeth Zita. She flew missions over Lwhekk, D'rinba IV, Lorta, and lastly, Panatha. Unfortunately, with the subsequent collapse of the Eternal Empire after Panatha, Bella once more found herself left without a nation or a cause to fly for. While she spent a very brief stint flying under the Golden Starbird of the Galactic Alliance, she was discharged during a wave of cuts when parts of the GADF were downsized after the Second Great Hyperspace War.

Left bereft of employment, Bella found a home with the Empire of the Lost. After registering her status as an ex-Eternal Imperial, she was given the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the Imperial Navy. Now with experience flying starfighters for the Agents of Chaos and the Eternal Empire, it did not take long for Bella to establish herself as an elite pilot. Thus, Bella was given the title of Baroness—joining the likes of Soontir Fel, Elrik Vonreg, and Valen Rudor as legendary Imperial starfighter pilots.

Civil / Military Training:
  • Flash Instruction
    • Combat Course
      • Blaster Marksmanship Training
      • Slugthrower Marksmanship Training
      • Exotic Weapon Marksmanship Training
      • Bladed Weapon Combat Training
      • Hand-to-Hand / Martial Arts Combat Training
      • Zero Gravity Combat Training
      • Vehicle Operation
      • Military Communication Training
    • Survival Course
      • Survival, Resistance, Evasion, and Escape
    • Socialization Course
      • EVC Socialization Training
    • Education Course - Equivalent to a Secondary School Education
      • Galactic History
      • Mathematics
      • Computer Operation
      • Medical
      • Etc.
    • Basic Martial Arts
  • Basic Armada Service Training
  • Accelerated Starfighter Pilot Training Program
    • Interceptor Specialization
  • Ace Interceptor Baroness - Starting her career as a raw, fresh-from-the-vat prodigy in the Agents of Chaos Armada, Bella now has over 100 confirmed small craft and vehicle kills to her record, giving her the pedigree of an unquestionably elite pilot. She is at her deadliest when flying fast interceptors and superiority fighters in space, but she shines when flying nearly all types of small craft. Moreover, In spite of her relatively unimposing stature and matronly shape, she has the uncanny ability to remain lucid under extreme amounts of g-force. This makes her particularly suited to high-intensity turning battles, especially when flying craft with less efficient inertial compensation systems. Finally, she is an experienced test pilot, having flown the FAE/eAV-04 "Stiletto" Atmospheric Attack Interceptor and the FAE/eI-01 "Ballerina" Star Interceptor Mk. II during their trials.
  • Ground Combat - Although she possesses a basic proficiency with pistols and small carbines, Bella is largely incapable in combat outside of a fighter or starship. Lacking much in the way of upper body strength, she is especially vulnerable in melee combat.
  • Leadership - In spite of a decorated career as a high-profile ace, Bella has never been completely comfortable in leadership roles. It remains to be seen whether or not she will overcome this fear.
"Well," Maldor said, impressed at her perseverence, "isn't she a Miracle?"

Then, over the intercom, "Keep signaling, Mr. Kan. I see Duporcelen is reconfiguring her forces.

This fight isn't over. With two scouts on our wing, and now Bella, we make a decent squadron. When she makes it clear of that cloud, signal her to take the lead. She's a better pilot than anyone I know, with more kills to her name than the plague.
" - Maldor Mecetti
As their glasses went down she looked at Bella, "Tell me Baroness, are all of the Imperial fighter pilots as skilled or as beautiful as yourself? I plan on expanding the Umbral Fleet and perhaps folding it more formally into the empire, and I only like to count the best amongst my number." - Jester
Regardless, it did not solve the presence of the insistent pursuer on their tail. Whoever the pilot was, they were well-skilled. He did not sense the Force from them, so their skills were not magnified by any sort of connection; but rather pure, unadulterated skill. He could admire such tenacity and ability in a pilot, but unfortunately this one happened to be on the wrong side of the endless war. - Darth Carnifex
There was no doubt- Tryk was facing off against the very best pilot in the field, today.

What kind of luck was that? There must be a hundred starfighters flying around.

The enemy brought their high-performance interceptor around hard, laying down fire on the Nackhawn's path and piercing her Ion turret with four penetrating slugs. The left side of the turret erupted with Ionic discharges. The shots that were being generated by the Ion weapon spilled out and cooked all of the turret's electronics.

That turret had been Tryk's best chance for victory.

Now he was being pursued by a high-performance fighter, operated by a pilot who might exceed his own skill. -
Tryk Zhot
Orders came through to Kharuna from Miracle One. If the Grand Master had not instilled in Kharuna the discipline of a Crusader she would have flipped out at hearing the voice of the most heralded fighter pilot in the Empire giving her orders. As it was, the Nautolan pilot gave a slight smirk and started to follow directions. - Kharuna Tan
Sitting across from him is a female Togruta. She's short, a good four-fifths Valerson's height, but what she lacks in verticality she makes up for in muscle. She's a soldier. Even though a young woman it's clear that she's been in a lot of war. The fact she possesses no scars is no stain on her record. Quite the opposite. In fact, one could easily be reminded of the ancient Jedi Master Ahsoka Tano if not for the different skin colors and atrocities committed. - V Val Valerson
Confirmed Kills and Combat Record: 113
Units / Characters
Ugly (8)
SAM Battery (6)
(Credit: BB-610 BB-610 )
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