Javar Ikon
Seriously, not a Bartender
NAME: Lekae
FACTION: Mandalorian
AGE: 26
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 6'0''
WEIGHT: 185 lbs
HAIR: Black, but likes to dye it red or green (or both)
SKIN: Dark Blue
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
- Amazing shot: Highly trained marksman
- Great Pilot: Highly trained in both starfighter piloting, and modified her freighter to be solo-piloted.
- Great with technology of all kinds: Loves Droids, computers, slicing, and ships
- Bad at building things: She can maximize the efficiency of any weapon or ship you give her, but she can't build a damn thing. She can modify her blasters on her own, though.
- No night vision. Her helmet has filters, though.
She's very pretty, and she knows it. She wears rather tight-fitting clothes when not in the armor, and her armor actually has a fur-lined jacket over the chestplate. She enjoys wearing odd colors, and simply laughs at anybody who points out the oddity of what she's wearing.
When Lekae was a baby, she crawled away from home. As much as her parents tried to find her, she tried to hide. She enjoyed the game, and eventually found the ultimate hiding place: an Action VI freighter.
Well, the freighter captain, a Human by the name of Fen Karrde, who was coincidentally the descendant of a great hero of the Republic, found this little blue girl, he picked her up.... And put her in the captain's chair. She's lived on that freighter, the Karrde Shark, ever since.
When she was about fifteen, Fen bought a WA-7 named Raven (for the color of her decorations) and a friendly old L8-L9 nicknamed Ice (for the color of his camo armor plating) to help Lekae in combat. Raven, Ice, and Lekae became close friends, and Raven revealed some combat programming when they were attacked on Hoth.
By the time the three met back up with the Shark, they had found out that Karrde had been killed by a rogue HK unit, who now claimed ownership of the freighter. After being heavily damaged, he conceded that Lekae's trio was far superior to anybody he had ever met.
The four went to Mandalore together, where Lekae and the HK (Later nicknamed Hairtrigger, for his reaction time) were initiated as Mandalorians, partially because of Hairtrigger's ability to speak Mandalorian and translate it for Lekae.
Karrde Shark (has a docking space for her modified B-Wing, Kandosii)