Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Bellpeppers and Beef


I see bellpeppers ...

"Pride gets all of us killed."

The static-filled voice of the Jedi Warrior proclaimed with austere stoicism.

"But love will be the death of me."

Dante kicked off the wall. The frivolous junk the holoview-display in that shop projected had finally gotten on his nerves. He started walking down an unfamiliar, dimly lit street again.

Jedi, Sith, Force this, Force that. Banthachit for the self-righteous and delusional. The only people Dante had met out here in the Rim who really cared about that stuff were the shut-ins with big dreams of visiting Atrisia for its "unique culture". They'd talk about how amazing their fictional Jedi heroes were in the same breath they explained what a bifurcating plasma induction coil was, as though anyone cared.

He'd shaken those kids down for their lunch-credits back in the day. Now all they did was get on his nerves.

He sighed. It had been a while since he'd grabbed something to eat. Maybe that's why that holoview show had gotten under his skin so much. He couldn't think well on an empty stomach. That had brought him out into these streets in the first place. He'd departed the safety of a motel on a search for some food. But at midnight hour few places still served customers.

Dante walked on. The bright neon lights of a convenience store cast his shadow to the other side of the street. He could hear the droning buzz of old-styled fluorescent lights. Cheap places still used them in lieu of more modern lamps. Lowered the electricity bills.

The entrance had a sign flipped to its "open" side hanging from a small hook on the other side. Dante tried his luck and pushed against the glass. With a creak and a ding, the door actually moved.

"Huh, must be my lucky break," he said, and sighed again. "You're talking to yourself. Really need to hit the hay, man."

But first, food. Dante pushed the door open and stepped inside the store. It was modestly sized, with a good number of aisles full of various products aimed at exactly the clientel Dante represented. People too disorganized to shop during the day and too desperate to go for the better quality stuff.

But as long as there was food ...

Dante started down one of the aisles.

Place was awfully quiet, though.

Damien Dooku Damien Dooku
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